It was on my wishlist for years, just noticed it became free recently!

12 hours ago

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Awesome find, thanks!

11 hours ago

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You serious?

5 hours ago

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seriously? record 2 players, no wishlist....seems like another crap-ware

5 hours ago

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I don´t trink this game is good (I haven´t tried it), but measuring the quality by his popularity is what does developers to spend more money in marketing and less in the game ifself.

2 hours ago

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It's free. I'll at least try it out. I've had fun with a few free games. If it ends up being crap all I've lost is time.

2 hours ago

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Time is the most valuable thing you have. A lot of great games in your library that you could be playing instead.

38 minutes ago

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That's true, but this seems like a quick little game. I don't have to play it immediately but it might be good for some quick play sessions. Who knows, it may turn out to be a hidden gem.

12 minutes ago

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11 hours ago

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5 hours ago

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for years? nice try, game is 3 years old

also its another crappyware, plese, stop telling me u had this game on your WL xD

5 hours ago

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Some of us have our guilty pleasures. Don't kinkshame.

4 hours ago

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last i checked, years = more than one year.

55 minutes ago

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@OwieczkaDollyv21: Being older 3+ years, of course some people could've had this game in their wishlists for years - not everyone buys everything on the spot just because it's cheap. Besides, wishlisting something on Steam works like a bookmark. But given how this game looks like someone's fun project, no big team or marketing, is there any surprise that it didn't get much attention from people? With so many games on Steam, many fade into obscurity even when they're not asset flips - and this game doesn't look like one.

The trailer looks decent, despite being modest by comparison to many other games. But as someone who did some programming, bringing a project to life from an idea to a plan, then executing and completing the plan, then publishing it on Steam... that's a milestone many developers never achieve. It even got an update for its one year anniversary, something that even games from known studios sometimes fail to get on occasion.

With the game being free, there's obviously no money involved. And if you look at fradigit's Steam account, you'll see a lot of games there, and 67 with full achievements. So it makes sense that there's someone who enjoys games and, as most of us do, buying games means prioritizing them based on personal criteria.

I added the game to my library and I'll probably try it some time. I wonder what kind of work went into this. Maybe you've seen a too much spam and you dismiss stuff a bit too easily. I can't fault anyone for being sensitive to spam, since most of us have been abused by spam for many years (decades in my case). The good thing is it's not all spam, and it doesn't look like that here either.

Happy holidays! :)

45 minutes ago

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I don't remember how I found it but it reminded me of something.... maybe Rusty's Real Deal Baseball or some Newgrounds game? Obviously wasn't excited enough to ever buy it for money but I have like 500+ games on my WL. I played the tutorial and it seemed functional and like they had some art direction. Maybe it was a school project or something but it seemed like some care was put into it.

29 minutes ago

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SG full of bots - hard to compete, bright example above.

5 hours ago

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Why would a bot reply a thread like this though? Personally, if I am gonna automatically add free games to my account, I would just set a tracker for SteamDB and probably do everything with ASF. But not this. It's... inefficient.

2 hours ago

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apparently you're a bot if you're interested in a game with less than 10 reviews. but if it's all a conspiracy for popularity, how exactly does the developer/bot benefit from this when it's free to play?
seems like the actual bots are the naysayers

2 hours ago

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Thanks for the info, completely passed under my radar and the game genuinely looks quite fun, not sure why there's so many complainers :D

56 minutes ago

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