If a game has been bundled, it gets reduced value, that won't go up, if a game gets added to the bundled list, it never gets removed again.
As quoted from the FAQ:
What are "No Value", "Reduced Value", and "Full Value" giveaways? How do they affect my overall contributor value?
When creating a giveaway and selecting a game, you'll notice "No Value" games are marked with a double asterisk (*), and "Reduced Value" games with a single asterisk (). If you hover over those icons, you'll see the effective date for the value adjustments. For example, if a game is marked with a single asterisk (*), and hovering the icon shows "Reduced value since January 4, 2018", this would mean giveaways created for that game on January 4, 2018 or later will receive reduced contributor value. Games typically receive no value or reduced value when they're featured in bundles, heavily discounted, or available for free in online promotions. Their values are adjusted this way to better represent their true value. Keep in mind, the asterisk icons are just for reference, and the value of a game can be backdated if we need to make retroactive changes.
Games fall into one of the below three categories.
No Value:
No contributor value when given away after the effective date.
Reduced Value
15% contributor value when given away after the effective date.
Full Value
100% contributor value when given away.
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Okay, what about games on sale though? I was thinking maybe game was on sale somewhere I don't know.
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https://isthereanydeal.com will tell you if a game has ever been bundled.
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I ask if a game goes on sale (not bundle), after the sale, can contribution points go up back again?
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Stop asking the same question. NO.
IF a game is marked with an * it means it will never offer you full CV.
READ THE FAQ https://www.steamgifts.com/about/faq
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ok bye you did not answer my question so I am sorry if you upset.
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Mayanaise is arguably the site's most infamous troll, and is known for intentionally spreading misinformation and for harassing and abusing others. Don't let it get to you.
As far as your question, the site doesn't distinguish between bundles and sales.
Anything that gets close to a specific discount (which most bundles surpass) gets added to the bundle list, regardless of what kind of promotion they were in. The site doesn't distinguish between promotions in any way. The discount in question is "near 95%" (in USD currency, which SteamDB will auto-convert other currencies to, if you have need of that). This means anything close to 95% discount will be added to the list, but note that it can be a possibility from anywhere 85% onwards.
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okay so I can give away games as soon as I want, yes? it's not stupid for me not to wait? that is what I am really asking.
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A bundled game ( worth 15% CV) can become a free game ( worth 0% CV) so you can lose some by waiting, but never really gain.
For example:
+new 10$ game released on Monday, worth 10$ CV.
It will give 100% of 10$ CV -> 10$
+It will get bundled on Wednesday ( Sale with discount of 95% of the full USA price also works the same)
Giveaways created after this day will make it worth 15% only -> 1.5$
Full price game can get bundled any day, and any full price or bundled game can get free. As rules are now, there is not going "backwards"
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The CV for a game represents its current, normal market price. It is unaffected by whether or not you buy the game on sale. If you are able to purchase the game for a lesser price, that simply means you are a wise shopper.
The CV for a game is only affected when permanent changes are made in the normal pricing of the game. If you want "full CV" for a game, you should give it away before it becomes bundled or free. Once the game has been bundled, it will be considered a bundled game. Once it has gone free, it will never be assigned value (except in very rare cases). Even with "full price" games, your CV will still go down, eventually, as the game has its regular price reduced over time. For example, the original Quake used to be a $60 game. These days, it is worth $5.
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can contribution points go up back again?
We weren't discussing if it was bundled, the point was to clarify if a game on sale that already has an * next to it would suddenly become a FULL CV game once the sale is over. The answer is no.
I'm sorry if you have to be an ass by calling me a troll, and implying I am spreading misinformation. Just cos I have a low tolerance when I'm trying to help someone who appears to not understand after the third attempt, doesn't mean I wasn't trying to help them. I wasn't trying to be a troll. Stop being a self-righteous prick.
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Actually. early on they indicated they were intentionally spreading disinformation, and they did so across countless threads and giveaways, which gave them significant visibility and comparisons to Konrads, at that time. They continued to spread false information even after being corrected by countless people.
The hostility came later and, really, is objectively bad. If you're phrasing it as "a lot of people have trouble with", then you've either not seen his more exaggerated displays- wherein an entire page of comments is just him back and forthing with other people to crudely insult and harass them- or, by what I understand to be the typical interpretation of the label, you yourself are trolling (by deliberately belittling the reasonable perspectives of a group that is behaving within normal social expectations, to support someone who is attempting to undermine the stability, peace, and dignity of a community for no other reason than their own self-satisfaction in doing so).
Well, this clarification is here just because I invited the necessity for it myself. This'll be my last comment on the matter.
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I've seen it.
As someone who has anger issues due to my autism I can pick similarities.
And nah dude, I'm not trolling.
Here's urban dictionary's opinion.
"Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument "
According to this defination and looking at this case seperately from anything else Mayanaise has done in the past, Mayanaise is not tolling here. The person who gets emotianally invested here is actually Mayanaise as they get flustered and blow a fuse at OP's responses. OP doesn't seem to be trolling either, but yet reading it I am also a little irritated at their inability to comprehend the way Mayanaise puts things across.
And by "Way of Speaking" Mayanaise is very blunt, brash and comes across rude. At the start it seems they don't intend to be so, after getting frustrated they then do become exactly what they sound like. I'm very aware of Mayanaise's ability to comment on nearly every discussion and from my view it does seem that at the start they are trying to help in their own blunt way.
They may have went a little too far with the "go back to school" comment as English may not be this person's first language. Khalaq already sorted that out.
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Mayanaise is the site's most infamous troll
Really? Is this by the normal definition or your very own? Nothing in this thread gives any indication of trolling, well except for someone who keeps asking variants of the same question but that's not who you're indicating for suspect behavior.
Edit: Your ninja edit is hilarious. Do you honestly feel like adding arguably changes anything important about what you expressed? This is just a trick publications use to weasel themselves out of getting sued for publishing unsubstituted slander. No one is going to sue you on Steamgifts.
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Well, it's a frequency thing more than a severity thing. We're talking trolling here, rather than toxicity, after all.
In terms of deliberately non-constructive, tangental posts, they exceed any other user I've come across by maybe a hundredfold.
There are definitely users who are far worse examples of humanity in terms of their conduct (for example, several of the users who have posted in this thread alone are firmly established bigots, nevermind their blaming the OP for their own inability to comprehend the OP's actual questions), though the user in question has definitely been escalating their behavior as time goes on, so maybe they'll reach that point eventually.
It could be that there's a difference in perception as far as the application of the term, of course. But I haven't seen anyone else get as much accreditation by others on that point other than Konrads, either, hence my willingness to go with the assertion of "arguably the biggest" over "one of the biggest" or "a significant" or similar. It's all fundamentally the same for the current context, though, as both you and I are intending focus on the "realness" of their "trolling".
To that point, there's no real arguing the fact that they're one of the more infamous users in being reliable for spamming and non-constructive input. Add in the fact that they're the most visible in the deliberate spread of false information, and it's hard to consider them a "not real" SG troll.
That said, the point wasn't to poke at the angry, spammy condiment, but to try and lessen the negativity directed towards the new site user by highlighting that the behavior was a trend, and not due to anything the OP themself had done. While I generally favor more abstract clarifications towards the nature of such users, Mayanaise was laying it on thick and I did want to emphasize as best as possible to the OP that they weren't at fault. Of course, many posters here seem to have had difficulty following along with the OP's perspectives, so perhaps some users have a bias against the OP because of that, but the OP's responses seemed rather intuitive from where I was sitting.
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They never change status to "full value" again.
There are cases that a game gets a higher base price on Steam, that will increase your contribution value here.
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Status on Steam gifts never change but you say if price goes up on Steam, then your contributor level can change that way because 15% of bigger price now?
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I think i understand. Thank-you for explaining to me.
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There's only one circumstance where reduced price games go back up in value. That's when the keys are (bundled/free) in a circumstance where the keys have an expiration date. Since the keys expire, they can no longer be exploited for contribution value after the expiration date, meaning keys posted after that date can be configured to have their value raised again (while giveaways that were made during the promotion period remain reduced in value).
That's a pretty rare circumstance, though. Since people can hoard keys (and often do, even without consideration for SG) if they don't expire, the site won't ever raise value once it has been reduced. Well, I think there have been some rare cases for some AAA games after like 5-7 years? It's nothing one could put any sort of expectation or planning to, however.
So yeah, probably nothing to do but post them. To be fair, if you got them from a reduced price purchase, you're likely getting more CV than you would if you were posting an unbundled game (due to the CV for bundled games being higher than the purchase discount where most games get bundled at). So you don't really need to be worrying about optimizing CV any further, as you're already getting a bargain compared to what you've invested.
As for games you've held on to for a while- yeah, those always run risks of being bundled or free.
That's going to hit you even outside of SG. Just gotta roll with it.
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If I understand you right, you say people can hoard free keys so if developers do not make unused keys not usable after free key period, their value will remain 0 on Steamgifts? (If true then I think that is fair.)
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Right. They remain reduced in value so long as there's any possibility for exploitation. If you come across a rare circumstance where the chance for exploitation is removed, you can count on any future giveaways to have their contribution value restored to what it was prior to the promotion.
But again, those circumstances are really rare. I think the only real place you see it with some regularity is Humble freebie keys, and even there the devleopers don't always actually revoke the keys once the promotion period is over.
You can use IsThereAnyDeal.com [the Augmented Steam browser plugin will add its functionality directly to Steam store pages] to check previous bundles, and SteamDB to check converted discount value from Steam itself. Even then, there are promotions that sometimes slip through the cracks (or instances where staff uses a slightly earlier date for the start of a promotion than the promotion actually had), so do keep in mind there is always some risk to getting a retroactive reduction in value (once staff members get around to updating the lists, as they have to do that manually).
But if you're already aware of what promotion was involved, then the only real thing you need to check is if the keys that led to the reduction in value have an expiration date. If they don't, then there's no real reason to hold on to your keys any further [as far as planning around CV goes]. The same of course goes for if your own keys were obtained from the promotion in question.
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i understand. thank-you for your patience. if I have questions, i will come back. thank-you.
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There are a few users on this site who refuse to read the FAQ or believe any answers they are given several times already. So they just keep asking the same question over and over in the remote hope the answer will somehow change.
If you imagine giving those people the same answer in 100 different ways is somehow helping them more than telling them how they can easily solve all such problems themselves by reading a FAQ you are really doing them a disservice.
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Some people read the FAQ and still require additional explanation.
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Then the FAQ requires rewriting or people should stop coming up with imaginary issues. Or at the very least the people requiring explanation should accept the answers they are given. It's much more impolite if you refuse to accept clear and simple answers such as "no" than it is to give them, but this kind of behavior seems to be accepted for some reason.
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I read the FAQ and still did not understand because everyone kept telling me something different but I think I understand now. Thank-you! I'm closing this thread.
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I will answer from a different point of view if you permit :) It is better NOT to wait to giveaway games, because a full value game may become bundled at any point and you will get reduced value even if you paid full price or not deeply discounted price. I hope it helps :)
Also: Welcome to Steamgifts!
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Hey Fhs. Welcome to Steamgifts!
I think your question has been answered at this point. But I wanted to mention that it's generally not worth worrying so much about CV, and treating it like it's gold or something.
If you have an extra key that you want to give away on this site, go for it. Don't worry so much about precisely what you are getting out of it. Keep giving away keys, and enjoying the community... and without even realizing it, eventually your CV and your Level will begin to increase.
Also, you may want to experiment with longer giveaways, especially if they are region-locked. (And you may want to double check your region locks, here or here, so you don't unnecessarily restrict your giveaways).
TL,DR: Keep asking questions, enjoy the community, don't worry so much about CV and Levels.
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Side-note, since I've been recently reminded that it's an easy oversight for newer site members, it's worth noting that threads can be edited or closed using the green "Open" button in the top right corner. Y'know, if toxic replies start becoming exhausting or something.
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