Update 2: I suppose I have not been specific enough. This group is intended to be a non-bundled games group. Besides unbundled games, Humble Monthly games are permitted, however only the early unlocks and/or highly rated games from the full bundle (i.e. Outlast 2). Please make sure to read the rules on the steam group page on top of the ones on this thread, it will make the application system a lot smoother.
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Also, wanted to give a special shout out to our newest member monstercjh who created an amazing giveaway for a very good game Frostpunk. Thank you very much for sharing and we wish you the best in the group! :)
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Special shoutout to MachinesAreHuman and our newest member Saikania for creating two very generous giveaways for 2 very nice games, Wizard of Legend and RiME respectively. :)
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I'm not interested in joining, but you might want to elaborate on your ratio system. You said for the first few days of the group there will be no ratio system but you did not mention what the system will be after those days have passed.
(I assume the stated 1:1 requirement is a global SG ratio and not a group ratio as group ratios of 1:1 are practically impossible.)
EDIT: Read it again and maybe by 'ratio' you just meant the (first) monthly giveaway. But you might want to change your wording to avoid confusion then.
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He has a link to the rules and told users to read them.
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On the group steam page under the monthly and non-bundled games, the rule is "• You are expected to keep a ratio of 2:1 - as in if you won 2 giveaways you are expected to create at least 1 in return. (only applies for non-bundled games only)"
The idea is that for every 2 non-bundled giveaways you win within the group, you are expected to give away at least one in return.
The 1:1 ratio refers to global steamgifts ratio, and is only intended as a requirement prior to joining the group.
In regards to the 'ratio', you are correct. What I intended to say is that for the first few days of the group the rule that you are not allowed to join giveaways until your first has finished isn't effective, since if it was no one could join any giveaways. I will re-word it in order for it to make more sense.
Thanks for the input!
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Thanks! Accepted the invite and read the announcement.
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Hi I'm not sure if i can join but i would like to try anyways :)
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Hi I would like to join back. Found a few games :D
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Hi Nopzor, I'm a little confused about what's actually allowed to be used for your monthly GAs. I saw that Ruiner and Outlast 2 were able to be used and they are in bundles. I'm trying to get some clarification as to what is ok?
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Think they are refining the rules whilst the group is just starting.
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Hi, FateOfOne. So, for the monthly giveaway you are allowed to use either Humble Monthly Early Unlocks, or any non-bundled game that is at least 10P and has a maximum historical discount of 90% (inclusive). The rule is that the rest of the games from Humble Monthly and Tier 3 from weekly bundles are not allowed, however we allow exceptions for games that are still highly sought after (Outlast 2 is a decent example - this is done by contacting me or Amorphism).
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Edit: after reading the rules again, I still can't wrap my head around what is and what isn't considered a "non-bundle" GA for this group. Therefore, I've removed myself from it (yes, already!) and will consider joining again when I'm certain what I'm getting into.
Sorry for the waste of time.
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No worries, I apologise for not being more thorough when I explained it to you (I was on the phone, kind of rushing)
Hence why, I will take the time now to explain it not only to you, but in order for it to be used for future reference as well. So, by definition a non-bundled game is a game that has not been featured in any bundles and if searched by name cannot be found on the Steamgifts Bundled Page. I think that is straightforward, and most people understand that.
Now, within the group we also consider games that have featured in Humble Weekly Bundles or Monthly Bundles (that are not already on the Steamgifts Bundled Page) also as bundled games, since they have been featured in bundles.
However, we make a few exceptions:
In order to check whether a game has been featured in a Humble Bundle you have two tools:
You can use the wikipedia page that keeps track of all bundles they release. Simply hit ctrl + f on your keyboard and type in the name of the game, if it was in a bundle it should show you in which one. Link here
Search the game on ITAD. I would say this is probably the better tool, since when you are searching for a game you also have to bear in mind the other two criteria that the game needs to meet. For this one, you type in the name of the game in the top right corner, and once results show you can click on the correct one. A window will pop up, and at the bottom of the window there is the Specials Section - it will tell you if the game has been included in any bundles so far.
If you, or anyone else has any questions about this, please let me know. I am more than happy to expand even on this if necessary, since it is my concept and I can understand that it makes more sense in my head than for everyone else.
Side note: If you'd like to re-join after reading this, the offer is still available. Just let me know.
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Thanks for the thorough explanation.
Now, for example's sake, let's say I want to give away Splasher, featured in the March Humble Monthly.
It's not an early unlock but is not in the SG bundled games either, so to my understanding, it's still a non-bundled game.
Would it qualify?
edit: and one more thing. How are going to check the ratio for non-bundled games? It's very difficult to track manually, especially with many bundled games mixed in the group GA list.
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To quote the post above:
"Now, within the group we also consider games that have featured in Humble Weekly Bundles or Monthly Bundles (that are not already on the Steamgifts Bundled Page) also as bundled games, since they have been featured in bundles." - this means that even though they are not on the bundled list, we still consider those to be bundled. The only exceptions are the early unlocks in Humble Monthly, everything else cannot be used for your monthly.
Now, in the rules we also mention very specific games. By very specific, I mean a game that was not an early unlock but could have easily been one - Outlast 2 is a recent example that comes to mind. Games like Splasher, Tacoma, Snake Pass or what not would have never made it as an early unlock, and therefore are considered bundled within the group.
Edit: Forgot to answer your second question. For now, I will keep track on non-bundled giveaways manually. Hence why, I ask members that when they create one, they also link in the thread. Until we find a more efficient system, this will suffice (low amount of members as it is, it shouldn't be too difficult).
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Thanks. I think I'll still pass because the definition of a non-bundled GA is not set in stone but sometimes up your appreciation. Tacoma, for example, could have made it as an early-unlock for me but obviously not for you.
Besides, as a Humble Monthly subscriber, I don't see the point of trying to win games that are already in my HB library, since the majority of the GAs will surely come from there. Anyway, good luck with your group :D
edit: TBH, it would have been simpler to ban all games from the SG's bundled-games list and allow all those that aren't on it. Easier to track the ratio this way and clear what's allowed and what isn't. But hey, it's not my group so not my rules :D
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That is fine, I appreciate you took the mine to read what I had to write. The group is at the start, therefore for now there are still a few imperfections that can only be fixed through trial, it's very difficult to get everything right the first time round.
Perhaps Tacoma was a bad example. Ideally if the group reaches a certain number of members (25+), we will revisit the exceptions and introduce specific rules - x amount of people have to have it on their wishlist, y amount of people have to not own it, has to have z amount of value, etc.
For now, we don't expect to pass many games through as exceptions as it is, but the rule is in place so that if it does ever transition to something else, it is not an entirely new concept we bring in but simply one that has adapted.
Anyway, pleasure talking. If you'd be interested in re-applying in the future, let us know.
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Hey, just wanted to thank you again for the feedback that you provided. We have started making adjustments to our rules in order for them to be more clear and to not cause any confusions. The whole thing about specific games from the Humble Monthly that were not early unlocks we decided to remove completely, which is for the best in our opinion - it was too vague to begin with. We also adjusted the tier 3 games rule, so that all humble weekly tier 3 games that are not on the bundled list can now be used as a monthly giveaway.
In terms of a constant spam of monthlies, we are also planning to address that. By the time the next set of monthlies comes out, we are planning to make some adjustments in terms of how many monthly games we allow. This will be announced within the group at some point this week.
You also addressed the ratio. This is something that we are currently working on, in order to devise a system that will be fair to our members, but also an adequate and time-efficient way for us to keep track of it. I will get back to you once we have found a suitable system.
P.S: Any other feedback or criticism you have, we will happily take. As previously mentioned, this is currently a work in progress - we haven't reached a final form for the rules and how we would like the group to work.
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Thanks for the detailed update. You've definitely got my attention but I'm wondering why I should join this group? What is it going to bring me that I haven't already got in other groups? I belong to a few (Touhou Giveaways, Actually Playing Games, Quality Games Giveways) but your group doesn't bring anything new to the table for me.
I guess the only thing that bothers me now is the fact that bundled games are permitted at all, even if they don't count for the mandatory monthly GA. to quote you from a few days ago:
This group is intended to be a non-bundled games group.
Do you see what I mean? Besides, if only non-bundled games were permitted, it would be way easier to track members ratio as group user page already provides all the data needed.
But once again, this is a just a suggestion and I'm not trying to make you change anything.
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Again, feedback is always appreciated and criticism is the best way to make sure we reach a stage where everyone is happy with the way the group is running. These are another set of suggestions which we will consider, and once we have an answer for them I will come back with another update.
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Top Notch Giveaways is now live!
This group is intended for Steamgifts users that want to both give and win non-bundle giveaways, and I am sure there are quite a lot of them out there. I have tried my best to create a balanced set of rules, please make sure to read them before applying, and if you have any suggestions do not hesitate to leave them in this thread.
December Featured Giveaway - Shadow of The Tomb Raider
In order to be recruited, you have to meet the following conditions:
For the list of rules regarding monthly, click here.
Please do not add me to be recruited to the group before commenting in the thread and receiving a positive response, the friend request will be rejected. Similarly, do not request to join the group if you haven't applied here.
I think I have covered everything I wanted to say, other than that let me know in the comments if you are interested in joining. Also, if you have any other questions regarding the group, feel free to add me on Steam and we can discuss them when I am available. Thanks! :)
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