Hey man, I would wait for some reviews to be honest. What if the real life performance just isnt that good. The controller will probably be good value but I don't think the price will get up and honestly unless everyone buys this when it comes out it shouldnt be that long a wait before you can get one. Well that is what I am gonna do.
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Installing Steam Os saves you a lot of trouble if you are going to use your PC as a console, because of the plug n play stuff and all that. If you are going to use your PC as a PC, well, there is no point in stalling Steam Os. And I never said anything about open source, I said free software.
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Yes, you never said anything about open source, but that's exactly my point, if you want to "support free software", your best shot would be open source. I am inclined to agree, Steam OS may be a good alternative to a propriety console (depending on what kind of games you want to play), a good out-of-the box solution for playing games on a fairly open system. However, it's not about supporting free software. It's still a commercial product built on free software, very much like Android.
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More people using linux means more developers focusing on linux, it doesn't matter if it is for steam or any other reason. And more people developing for linux means progress. Of course, not all of them will release their product for free, but a good amount of them surely will.
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Yes, I agree, at least partially. However, Steam OS is not linux, it is a commercial product built on linux. Adroid is built on linux too, Mac OS is built, at least partially, on FreeBSD and, I think it's safe to say, that not many innovations from either of these products ever found their way back to the main linux kernel. Now, with Steam OS this may be different, because from what I know, it's still pretty close to the original Debian system they built it on - for now. Again, it may be a nice out-of-the-box solution for folks who wouldn't even consider anything linux based otherwise, a good alternative to a console, but it's not about free software.
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Probabilmente non aumenterà di prezzo, anche perchè già adesso sono parecchio cari, meglio aspettare e vedere se sono costruiti bene o in plastica cinese. (a parte che il bundle non ti fa risparmiare manco un centesimo .-.)
Hai solo da rischiare di prendere un pacco, non ci guadagni nulla dal preorder :P
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I read at least one good review for the controller (it was a prototype) and I am very interested. Yet I won't preorder it since there always may be changes for the final product and it also was just one opinion from a tech magazine. So I will wait for opinions from real world users and decide then. If I waited until now I can wait two or three months longer as well.
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Wait to see some reviews first then you make you decision. For me even if is good i praise my PS4 Controller, already paid 58€ 5 months ago and no need for another paycheck especially for controller :)
I have also Xbox 360 controller, Xbox one controller, wiiu pro controller but nothing beats the ps4 one.
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I think the controller should be a safe bet. SteamLink has be concerned. But I want it to work so badly.
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Steam Link is just minimal receiver for Steam In-Home Streaming. You can try In-Home Streaming yourself right now if you have two computers and install Steam on both of them.
... and yes, it works just as you would expect it - as long as you have a really fast network. There's no reason to think Steam Link would be any different.
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I have tried it. With an N speed network, there's a lot of lag. I would hope the Steam Link has some way of removing the lag.
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Yeah, you'd still probably need 802.11ac to have an enjoyable experience... if even that works. There's just no getting away from the fact that wireless has a lot higher latency and random errors.
I doubt there's anything else going on with the Steam Link, at least they said anything about it. They also recommend that you use wired connections on the Steam Link store page. From my experience that's pretty much a requirement: Gigabit wired + fast router.
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i played ac4 over gigabit ethernet and i barely noticed any issues.
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If you are positive to have a good use for Steam link on your house then GO for it! If not wait for the user reviews, the controller seems cool and reviewers love it... but in this day and time it's hard to safely recommend someone to preorder something
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never pre order something.especially in gaming industry.even if it is half life 3!
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Hello steamgifters, I have a problem, maybe someone has similiar. I just bought steam link & controller bundle and as I understand I should receive rocket league and portal 2 for each product. Ale everything was fine with portal 2. As I already have it, I get 2 copies as gifts. But I received only one copy of rocket league (it added to my account as I hadn't this game before). Should I also get second copy as a gift for preordering two products?
Many thanks for your help!
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Thanks for reply. But it's weird, because my colleague bought the same bundle and he received 2 copies of Rocket League to inventory (as he already had it) and only one portal (it added to his account). I senta ticker to support, so now I need to wait.
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First of all, do you think it's a good idea to preorder the bundle? Or it's better to wait and see how things develop? Will it be eventually refundable?
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