Otaku Bundle Mix #3

$1.99 for 9 games (6 steam and 3 Greenlight)

Runs 17 August to 26 September 2016


  • 9 Games Only : $1.99
  • 2 BUNDLES instead of 1 ( 18 keys Games ): $2.49
  • 5 BUNDLES instead of 1 For ( 45 keys Games ) : $3.99
  • 10 BUNDLES instead of 1 For ( 90 keys Games ) : $5.99

The OtakuMaker Bundle Mix #3 contains key download for Steam
For Greenlight Games, your Steam keys, you will be sent at the release of each game,
Please support the games on greenlight!



One way to exit 80% of 25 Reviews 2 $2.99
Paper Dungeons 50% of 59 Reviews 5 $9.99
Eight Mini Racers 68% of 25 Reviews - 0 $0.99
Story Of the Survivor 75% of 16 Reviews - 7 $4.99
On A Roll 3D 86% of 140 Reviews 8 $3.99
Magdalena 62% of 113 Reviews 2 $2.99


Rise of Evil Deadite: Kill Or Be A Slave 2016 Action, Adventure, Casual, Arcade 0 $5.99 NOT Greenlit yet
WHITEHERO ? Action, Shooter, Puzzle 0 $2.99 NOT Greenlit yet
Game of Memes ? Adventure, Strategy, RPG, Music, Horror 0 $0.99 NOT Greenlit yet

Retail: $25.94
CV: $3.29

WARNING: On a Roll 3D was Free before!

Q+A Section

Q: What is Steam "Greenlight"?

Steam Greenlight is a system that enlists the community's help in picking some of the new games to be released on Steam. Developers post information, screenshots, and video for their game and seek a critical mass of community support in order to get selected for distribution. Steam Greenlight also helps developers get feedback from potential customers and start creating an active community around their game during the development process.

Remember to VOTE "yes" for the games you would like to hopefully get Steam keys for in the future.

Q: so .. When do I get the Steam keys though?

  • A: You will get Steam keys when 1) The game gets enough Yes votes to become GreenLIT, 2) The dev of the game releases the keys, and 3) The Bundle Site distributes the keys to you

P.S. - Want to know what other bundles are going on? Check out the MASTER LIST of ONGOING BUNDLES - w/ RaCharts™ (updated daily!) ❤ ❤

Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/ UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer, created by my friend and fellow SG member Sighery!

This script enhances the charts by showing you which games you already own from the ones in it. If you own it, the row will be highlighted with a green color.

For more information and to Download, please click here for the RaChart™ Enhancer!

thanks Rowtan and moppel

8 years ago*

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Will you buy this bundle?

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repeats for me!
'Well! After this, I shall think nothing of falling down the stairs!' Alice from Alice in Wonderland

Dunno. I always skip Otakumaker. Only missing the greenlight ones anyways.

8 years ago

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Same here only the Greenlight games are missing for me... Putting it in the maybe pile.

8 years ago

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No one joins my group buy ;_;

8 years ago

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Note: Eight Mini Racers was bundled on Groupees Community Bundle 6 as "Drunkhana" (it was on Greenlight)

8 years ago

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I really want to like otakumaker but this can wait until otaku sales like in the summer! imo its really bad because 3/9 of the bundle was already bundled on the same website few weeks/months ago.
They really could step up their "game" or reduce the price by 1-2$ of the final offer

8 years ago

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I'm still waiting to see if they'll live up to the "Otaku" part of their name...

8 years ago

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i don't think i've seen any anime or visual novel ever, it's pretty strange, it's like indiegala only bundles AAA games that would suck! jokkeee
seriously though 1 bundle of visual novels its not hard or expensive common otaku!!

8 years ago

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Not so sure about this one.

8 years ago

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That would be good for... CV farming, I guess?
10 bundles for $5.99 would net $28.66 CV, $41.69 when the GL games get released.
That's 478%, or 696%, of the initial investment. Does that look good enough?

8 years ago*

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i think we're better buying 10$ games on steam unbundled that are on sale 90% (0.99$) x 6 = 10x6 = 60$ cv easy?
or am i doing math wrong?
I dont really know if its better to buy unbundled games or otaku sometimes, but i fear that unbundled get reduced retroactively on steamgifts and im a noob in this website still

8 years ago

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buying 10$ games on steam unbundled that are on sale 90%

They would be considered bundled, due to lower price in RU/CIS, China, Brazil, or somewhere else.
Sometimes games at 85% discount just barely avoid the bundle list.
Humble Monthlies have a better return of investment, (usually 1000%) but you should give the games quickly, as they could get in a weekly later.

About the bundled/unbundled value, it gets calculated the moment a giveaway is created, so if a game gets bundled after a giveaway started, the creator still gets unbundled CV, and the winner will get the unbundled value too (that could really screw the ratio, for those who care).
The only things that get calculated retroactively, are the bundle start dates (when the Bundler does that), and games' prices (sometimes games get permanent price reductions, or stop being sold).

8 years ago

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I think it's a little unfair when we buy a 15$ give it and then they stop selling and you get no cv, but thats just my opinion.

On the other matter check this games : http://www.sgtools.info/deals, particulary Remoried, Gurgamoth and Ford Racing 3 are considered unbundled and so you get full cv? and are only 1$ and you get 10$ real cv. I think i will buy these if they are in fact considered unbundled, but i fear i might get screwed over i don't know why :p

8 years ago

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Those games you mention will be bundled retroactively, there is just one single person that handles the bundle list so it can take a loooong time before a game ends up there.

8 years ago

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that was my feeling when i said "screwed over" :p

8 years ago

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Own everything, pass.

8 years ago

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I usually pick these up for the greenlight titles, but I have all the steam ones already so ... pass

8 years ago

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Own all but one; pass.

8 years ago

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Even the greenlight ones?

8 years ago

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I wondered if I should clarify I meant the Steam games but thought no one would care. lol

8 years ago

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WHITEHERO is gone? or retitled?

8 years ago

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I found this:


Looks like it was intentionally removed.

Here is the developer:


They said in response to someone asking about the game:

"Things are like this, a small mistake, a friend cheated me, resulting in all the game plan upset, I need to start planning to improve the game."

8 years ago*

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oh thanks for the info and link to an interesting site :)

8 years ago

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Rise of Evil Deadite: Kill Or Be A Slave (still on Greenlight), WHITEHERO (removed) and Game of Memes (still on Greenlight but advertised as not compatible -which I guess prevents it from being greenlit-) were replaced with other games (Shot Shot Tactic, Head Shot, Project RPG and The Spirit Underneath -as a bonus-).

If you bought this bundle, you should have received an e-mail like this one with the new Steam keys:

OtakuMaker.com : Bundle Mix #3 "your keys"

We think that games from greenlight will never be greenlit and release on steam,

We are sincerely sorry for this inconvenience,
We have decided to replace the games with this :

Thanks to d3m4n for bringing this up!

8 years ago

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