So I'm thinking of replaying Skyrim, although this time starting with a few mods to make it a bit more interesting/look better. I'm mainly looking for mods that are semi lore-friendly. I'm interested in pretty much all sorts of mods from new locations to alternate quest. Below are some of the ones that I'm adding.

Somber EMB
Whiterun Outskirts Market
Solitude Docks District
Skyrim's Unique Treasures
Skyrim School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

So does anyone else know of any must-have mods? Also, have a Skyrim.

11 years ago*

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if you use mods doesnt that disable steam achievements?

11 years ago

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I don't give two shits about achievements, plus I have almost all of them already.

11 years ago

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It doesn't disable achievements

11 years ago

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Nope, that happens only for Fallout 3 because it's using Games For Windows Live, and only if you want to use Fallout Script Extender (most of the complex mods require FOSE).

Anyway, I'll post some mods later on when I have more time.

11 years ago

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I think the nude mod added some interesting custom made stalking sidequests.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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combine that with the strip shout for double epicness

11 years ago

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The Skyrim Nexus forums are a good place to start. Also there's a lot of mod discussion on the PC Skyrim board on GameFAQs.

11 years ago

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Ponies and loli mods are a must.

Dragon dildos as a weapon.

11 years ago

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Bad Dragon made a mod to advertise?

11 years ago

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Damn, could have used a Skyrim. I have it on 360, only started it yesterday. Got far enough to buy a house and been told to go fight some dragon.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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I didn't even realise that fast travel was possible apart from the carriages until about 50 hours in.

11 years ago

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... wow.
get all "Quest: ???" mods, they're awesome.
plus enhanced blood texture, and you'd be free to go.

11 years ago

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Well, You can use GEMS and STEP

Also, I'll be giving a list of what I'm currently using, this is very close to vanilla, but improves a lot of stuff

Appropriately Attired Jarls
Argonian Decapitation
Consistent Older People (no elves)
Dead Body Collision
Fast Time Travel Fix
High-Res Textures
Unofficial Skyrim, Dawnguard , Hearthfire, Dragonborn, High-Res Textures
Even Better Quests Objectives
Realistic Ragdolls (medium)
Altar Descriptions
Better Dialogue COntrols
Enhanced Blood
No spinning death
The Paarthunax Dillema
Run for your lives
when vampires attack
High Quality 3D Map
Quality World Map
Immersive Hud
Upgrade Leveled Items
Unread books glow
Sounds of skyrim (this collection is a MUST)
Bosmer Armor Pack
Civil War Overhaul
Clear Map Addon
Complete crafting overhaul
Helgen Reborn
The Dance of death

I'm also thinking in adding another mods, only for graphics (like ENB), but for now, this is what I'm using.

11 years ago

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Thanks a ton! Gonna check a few of these out.

11 years ago

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Bump for no idea, still trying to hide from the Skyrim sales... :)

11 years ago

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Here's my list of must haves:

Build Your Own Home
Cloaks of Skyrim - adds thousands of cloaks to Skyrim
Convenient Horses
Dragon Combat Overhaul
Dynamic Fires - allows you to put out/relight fires
Enhanced Blood Textures
Even Better Quest Objectives - makes quests a little less vague
Follower Trap Safety - stops your idiot followers from setting off traps that you just avoided
Hunting in Skyrim - adds hunting quests and a hunter's guild, skins are more valuable
I Yield, I Yield - NPC's actually yield
Lootable crates - makes a lot of crates lootable, it's nice
Moonpath to Elsweyr - I can't believe this one isn't already on your list!!
No Spinning Death Animation - gets rid of the dumb spinning and falling deaths
Realistic Crime Radius - Stole something in Whiterun? Someone halfway to Markarth will no longer know about it.
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
Run For Your Lives! - Villagers run from dragons
Shooting Stars
Windy Skyrim - Makes all of the trees blow in the wind, minimal FPS hit

I tried not to make it too long, and tried to explain the more vague ones. I also realize that some of these don't exactly fit your description, but they make the game a lot more immersive.

All of these can be found on the Nexus.

11 years ago

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I have a question for you, with the mod "I yield", imagine that a bandit yields while fighting me and a guard, can I still kill him afterwards, without suffering the consequences of attacking a non violent NPC in front of a guard?

Also, The cloaks mod, does it count as a new piece of clothing? Or does it replace anything else?

11 years ago

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new piece of clothing

11 years ago

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here look in the description, he does have some ''lore friendly'' mods, but also some survival mods.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by TartFlavor.