ASF is safer, especially once people realize that offline VAC scans also exist, as I found their trace in steam client.
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Of course you didn't, you'll hear that when it's too late and people get banned in mass quantities due to program not being supported anymore and Valve not giving a fuck. Question is only when it happens, and if it happens at all. I'm not stupid enough to put my account at risk, neither ASF users that made a switch for that reason. If you like to put yourself at risk, you're free to do so - we have a freedom of choice. This is one of the reasons why ASF exists, to ensure my own security, whether other people want to follow or not is up to them, I'm only clarifying some "bullshit" like your one claiming that ASF is not "more safe", which is false.
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I doubt that because currently IM seems to be OK according to VAC, but nobody knows when it changes, and if it changes at all. I'm not reverse-engineering VAC though, as I'm not a cheater in need to work around it, I'm barely doing some extra work analyzing stuff to ensure that ASF is safe.
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It only matters what you are using now. Or, more precisely, when Valve decides to actually look for anything they can ban people for. But I wouldn't expect it before the next season sale, when they can sell another few dozen thousand of CS:GO copies for all the VAC-banned kiddies.
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Scans made by Steam client discovering hooked DLLs to Steam client or SteamService.exe (background service you can find e.g. with process explorer). They're not documented, like entire VAC, but Steam network might ask Steam client to perform such scan on-demand, and in fixed intervals. I suspect they're being used as supplement to normal VAC game scans, but ArchiBoT received one offline request without even having any game launched, therefore I'm sure that the logic is not only connected with game scans, but offline periodic ones too. Assuming that is true (because once again, I don't have VAC documentation), if IM dll will be ever considered by VAC as malicious, either intentionally or accidentally, people can get VAC banned by running IM alone and not even playing anything at the same time.
That is only a pure theory though based on my knowledge and experience with Steam internals I've been analyzing while creating ArchiBoT and ASF. It's very likely to be true though, but as I repeat many times, we will discover that when it's already too late, that's why I'm bullet-proofing and not waiting for an armageddon.
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You don't get VAC banned, you get community banned, trade banned, or you're having entire account terminated. Supplement VAC scans are in addition to normal ones, e.g. after you close the game, and they affect that game, but those are not only ones that are offline.
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ASF is more safe because it doesnt idle while playing.
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Well, its probably not likely, but its rumored it might cause VAC ban if you idle while playing on VAC protected servers. And I dont see any point in idle while playing. From what I know the drop time decreases to almost 0 when playing and idle at sime time.
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You have to pray to your favorite idlemaster more. For instance my favorite idlemaster is Chihaya but if you're working on the newer Cinderella branch, then I would pray to Ranko.
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It's not about being lazy. Most people don't want something complicated that takes a lot of time to learn and use, otherwise we would just install all our steam games and just be afk in order to farm them.
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A lot of time being 5 minutes of reading the wiki, 3 minutes of using ConfigGenerator for putting steam login + password, and 2 minutes of checking if ASF is working?
Because this is everything that is required today.
OP wasted 3x more time reinstalling IM and writing this thread while trying to solve the issue.
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Don't get me wrong, I have never tried to use it. But there are some people that find it complicated so, since I'm not an expert in these things, I guess I would find it complicated too. So, if I have to spend time to learn a program, then this would be something I wouldn't like. You can't expect me to know anything about coding (or whatever it's called in English, I don't even know), just like I can't expect you to know anything about food technology (expect if you have studied about food technology too). I have checked the link you posted above in the past too and I know ASF isn't just 1 or 2 commands - it's about learning multiple commands and such.
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Most people don't want something complicated that takes a lot of time to learn and use
Don't get me wrong, I have never tried to use it
Yeah, I think we can finish right here.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it's about learning multiple commands and such.
You can't even use commands with having only one primary account, so I'm wondering how it's a requirement to learn them, but I can't expect from you to know that, as you never ever attempted to see what ASF is. You could as well say that you didn't like that pink unicorn image that is popping up on every ASF start.
And then ASF users like two above are wondering "what the fuck is he even talking about" :3. People are funny.
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Sometimes, Archi, you can't test everything, so you have to settle with reading the reviews, just like movies and games. xD It's a good program, but I keep seeing that it has some multiple commands there (which, as you said above, are for alt accounts - or not?):
No matter how good it is, it can't beat an one-button program. And the weird thing is that, in the past, I remember people saying that ASF is good when you have 2 accounts, not when having one.
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OP wasted 3x more time reinstalling IM and writing this thread while trying to solve the issue.
there i totally agree with you on though.. its not that complex, i finally went ahead and installed.. in this instance it would just be less hassle to use ASF.. though otherwise i still do not see why people get so pushy trying to push ASF over idlemaster tbh.. unless ofc we're talking about linux then ASF is the only one worth considering cause IM pythons outdated and doesnt know about the 2hour idlewindow.
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Good product doesn't need advertising. When people are using thing X, then they try thing Y, and see that Y > X in every single thing they consider worthy, it's normal thing to do that they're trying to convince others to give it a try. Same thing is happening with a good game, good movie, good book or a good service. I have literally no reason to convince people to use something better, because I'm not paid for that, I don't have any benefits from larger userbase, in fact it's even worse for me as I'll potentially need to spend more time for answering people with their questions. However, I also want to make people's life better, that's one of the reasons why you can find me here, as my brain can't understand how people are wasting time trying to deal with IM issues rather than spending 1/3 of that time switching to ASF and forgetting about all IM quirks once for good.
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fair point, and no i never seen you be pushy at all. i've just seen so many others get pretty creative and try and push it even by calling people dumb for not doing so.. and that is bad publicity imo...
totally agree though, if idlemaster gives any issues just switching is easier.
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unless ofc we're talking about linux then ASF is the only one worth considering cause IM pythons outdated and doesnt know about the 2hour idlewindow.
Actually it does. There's a little extra programm called Idlehelper included that idles all your game to the 2 hour mark in sets of 30.
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I didn't say it was. But before I set up ASF about a month ago I had to resort to an old notebook that ran XP for some time so I tried out every Idling program there is since neither the normal Idle Master nor ASF support XP and when I finally managed to get the Python Version running I noticed it has that feature as well. Sure ASF does is better since it can idle infinite games simultaniously but I assume most people who idle their games regularly normally have less than 30 unidled games on their restriced accounts so the difference is neglectable.
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The only other alternative was SAM which wasn't as bad as I expected neither but you have to do everything manually so Idle Master Typhon is definitly more convenient for people running XP. But now that my real PC is working again and I've gotten used to ASF I wouldn't want to miss all the extra features.
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yeah, wasn't considering sam since it would'nt be automated at all, i'd rather if had to even just let it idle 1game at a time for the 2hour mark + the 45-90min card dropping time then just the 1 at a time entirely with SAM, but technically anything to get them profitz! xD
edit: several typos corrected.
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hmm, you're right. i see that now.
i never bothered to actually look into it, just remembered the idlemaster itself didn't do that 2hr idle part last time i tried. though in those regards on linux side ASF is actually easier to setup then the python version. but in windows regards idlemaster portable zip is easiest to initially setup.
update: actually after a deeper look that is only a good example for windows xp idlemaster python.. doesnt look like he actually wrote the equivalent for linux side.
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Remembered a really old Ukrainian joke or as we call it anekdote
Three cats sit down talking to decide whose the laziest
First one said : yesterday my masted gave me some fine milk, but i was to lazy to get to the bowl to drink it
The second one said : Pff, my master yesterday brought me a great peace of ham, and put it right in front of my mouth, i was to lazy to open it and eat.
The third one asked : Did you guys heard me screaming and yelling yesterday night ? So i lied down on my balls and was to lazy to get up =)))
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At 1st i tried to use both IM and ASF and in beginning neither of them seem to be working cos with IM i tried install it and it doesn't work so i went with Portable and that didn't even work. So i tried your program it was too complicated and didn't end up working for me either and was about to give on either of them.
Until someone find a solution on how to make IM work. Since most them were made how to use it by Chome which i don't use and i use Firefox. And then it finally worked for me the IM so i stick to that for now.
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I use both IM and ASF. When I know I'm not going to play anything while idling I use ASF but say, if I want to play another steam game while idling (without regards to the increase in idling time of course), I use IM simply because ASF wont let me.
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Nope, idlemaster works fine for me. :O Maybe you messed something with the settings? :/
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As I understand: I should download any game that has cards play a little, get card or two, then use Idle again? I will try that one.
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I'm exctracting files to idlemaster directory. Not litteraly installation, true. Still not working anyway.
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following those steps just broke my ASF. you simplified it way too much and missed a step or something..
"no bots are running, exiting"
edit: i already fixed it, but the minimalist setup is not quite just that cut and dry. and even if it were it still is not as simple as IM. again though, it is not difficult but still slightly more complex.
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you must create a Steam ID personalized kind"NAME "
Steam -> Profile -> Profile then edit URL in perso
sorry very bad English
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Lately, Idle Master is not working for me: it tries to find my badges to idle, but without success. It's almost week now, I can't idle cards. I tried to uninstall it and install again - same story all the time... Are you having same problems, Steamgifters? Is there someone who can help me out?
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