
I have a code from the promotion, but deleted the email with the code inside. I was wanting to give it to my friend who wants to use it since there is nothing i really want and would like to help him get something he might want for $5 dollars less.

Any help in finding them? (as i said i already deleted those initial emails from nov/dec)


12 years ago*

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I thought they were bound to your account? Maybe just buy it on your account, send him the serial and then let your friend repay you?

12 years ago

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that was the end thought (but he has amazon credit from his credit card to spend (you like cash back some credit cards give)

12 years ago

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are you sure it isn't the ones that are tied to your account?

12 years ago

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i thought i saw people earlier in the month posting their codes and stuff to the credit - maybe i got it wrong, that's always a possibility

12 years ago

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Having gotten ~4 codes from my own purchases, I never actually entered anything. There may be a way to get the code (I kinda doubt it), but for me I just selected my purchase and it was automatically applied at checkout. I never actually entered a code myself.

12 years ago

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^ this

12 years ago

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They use to give codes, not anymore.

12 years ago

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really, well thats kind of lame

12 years ago

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Let him buy it on your account if you trust him? Or have him paypal you the money?

Thats an option maybe.

12 years ago

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we understand the paypal thing - the amazon credit (he has $15+ in amazon cash back) on his account (that is not transferrable as attached to his email, bank, etc) just seeing if the promotional credit was accessible as a code as a way to transfer that is all

12 years ago

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If you're talking about the ones for November-December, they are tied to your account.

The $5 promotion can only be used on games here.

12 years ago

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we understand what the codes are used for.

we were wondering is there a code so i may give it to him, so he can use his amazon money (credit from his credit card), as mentioned before we know the final option is just I buy and give him the game keys and he pays me back, just seeing if their is a way to get him the actual coupon/code so he can just use his credit

12 years ago

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Nope, not as far as I know without involving Amazon support. It definitely would not be something that could be done manually, as it would have to be removed from your account first.

I'm not sure if support would be able to help you with that either.

12 years ago

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where I can get coupon on Microsoft arcade bundle? I realy want buy it

12 years ago

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You must go back to November-December and make a purchase.

12 years ago

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As others have said, no you cannot.

If your friend has Amazon credit, he can send it to you in order for you to make the purchase with the coupon.

12 years ago

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dont think he can transfer - its basically points he has earned via his credit card (not really money) that he can redeem on amazon services/items

12 years ago

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Lame, if they were gift cards he'd be able to transfer it.

Have him check here just in case!

12 years ago

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thanks for the link - nope its in a different area

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by PunasaurusRex.