Does this happen with any other game?
If not, it could be a problem with the game. Its best to rule out hardware faults first.
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Did you check the temperature of your CPU and GPU?
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What are the specifications for both. 71°C (assuming Celsius as you are German) sounds a little hot to me.
Try to run a memory test, like memtest.
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Ich meinte die Temperaturspezifikation, also max. Temperaturen. Das müsstest du schon selbst nachschlagen.
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The TCase maximum temperature is 71.4C, but he is reading the core temperature which will be higher. I am not sure what the maximum core temperature for this processor is, but I have read other people say it is 100C. 72C is getting hot, but it should not be a problem. I would not worry unless it is over 85C for prolonged times and even that may not be a problem.
Most laptops will run very hot under load, even to the point of hitting the maximum temperature and throttling, and they do not have problems. Intel designs the CPU to throttle and slow itself down to maintain what they consider a safe temperature. I would not want my CPU to hit 100C, but I don't think it will hurt it, it is very rare to hear of people killing a modern CPU from heat.
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When you say not working, what do you mean? The game crashes, or the whole system goes down?
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try to go through the game's forums and search for the problem there, sometimes I find fixes in those place, i'm guessing that your problem is with the game itself, if u have a good net connection u can also reinstall the game...
btw remember to use silicon on your CPU and GPU cheap from time to time, your problem can also be caused by overheating which
apparently everyone is pointing it out :V
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I bet you don't have enough RAM to support long gaming sessions most games tend to have some memory leakes so you will use more RAM overtime i think this forces a program that demands RAM then you have to shutdown.
Could be faulty RAM or just not enough but I'm almost 100% sure its not your CPU or GPU thats causing this.
How much RAM do you have in your system atm?
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This would probably be something worth checking although most OSes would should down the game for this with an error message.. If you use Windows 10 there's a memory monitor in Task Manager, set that running and play your game, should let you know if its an out of memory issue.
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Most modern OS just close the largest program in memory though you'd usually get an error message. If games are the only thing that's taxing your system it seems an obvious place to start, 4gb really isn't much especially if you have other stuff going on in the background.
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The min specs for the game says 2GB, so unless edeseu has a lot of crap running in the background, it probably isn't a memory limit issue. But yes, run with Task Manager and see how high it hits.
I also wonder if there is a crash report anywhere? Any bigger brain gamers know the default crash report name / location?
Jumping on Steam's Discussion -> Technical Support page does give several issues of crashes. @edeseu, any of those reports match up with your issue?
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Normally I'd agree but multiple games crashing after a reasonably consistent period of time and not taking down the whole system... can't really think of much else?
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Agreed, the only other thing I can think of is power supply going.
I had one only crash when the system was being taxed. It was enough that the GPU threw a hissy. But that forced a full reset not an game only crash.
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4 GB really is not a lot Windows 10 uses 2 GB i think and then with a few browser tabs open you are already close to 3 GB.
Which doesn't leave a lot for any game.
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Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008,2010,2012,2013 and 2015 both x86(32bit) and x64 versions. It should be inside some kind of CommonRedist folder in where you installed the game.
Open CMD in administrator mode (If you're using W10, right click to Start button you'll find it there, if not use search), write "SFC /SCANNOW" (SFC+space+shift 7+SCANNOW)and let it repair windows files.
Also what kind of crash do you experience? Is it "Xxx.exe stopped working" thing ? It's mostly because some corrupt files either in windows or redistributable packages.
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+1 for defrag, I suggest Defraggler. Also do not, under any circumstances, defrag your SSD. Use it only for HDD.
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Install MSI Afterburner and use the temperature/usage monitor to figure out what exactly happens with your system before it crashes the games. Some components could be overheating due to dust accumulation (CPU is your main culprit here, I've had a similar problem and even though CPU temps were not excessively high, after dusting it I had no more problem).
Open up your computer, clean it up thoroughly and try again. Could be a simple issue like that.
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Hello ,there is a mistake with my PC , when i try to play some game like Murdered Soul Suspect , some kind of game like that one , with some not so big recommendations , after 30 mins the game just stopped working ... i recover all the recommendations also i try to change the Video Options , change some of the to Medium and some of them to Low and its the same ... i play the give without any lag or something , but after some minutes it just stopped working...
someone help ... Thanks
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