But the library of games and utilities for Vive will be enormous. On the other side SONY will pay for three exclusive generic titles and the it will die like EyeToy, SIXAXIS, Move or Vita. Their marketing politics are not compatible with new hardware.
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Google wins VR race: https://www.google.com/get/cardboard/
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haha right? and if you already have a ps4 its a no brainer...the other options cost twice as much and you need to have a good $500-$600 video card for them to even work, the sony one comes with its own processor and costs half as much. ill likely get the sony one as i already own the ps4, the cam, and the move controllers and will hold off on the Pc ones another generation or two.
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And you'll need to play plebe-tier games on a console.
No thanks.
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nintedo wii won the last generation? where did you get that fact? not that i really care for consoles but xbox 360 was the popular console last generation and this generation is ps4 , previus was ps2 previus ps1 and previus it was indeed nintedo with super nintedo
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Wii won. This is simple fact. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nintendo always wins.
That aside, yeah: Best selling, and when combined with the cheaper manufacturing price to sell price ratio, probably more profitable as well. The console also won on being most distinct from PC library/having the strongest first-party titles, thus making it more desirable to get from a cross-platform gamer perspective.
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Except when it comes to making enough copies of special editions for it's fans.
Edit: I'm still bitter about Fire Emblem
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So I'm not the only one! :D
Fucking bastards have been asking for $200+ for the damn thing ;_;. That is down from $300 when it first launched.
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Fuck Scalpers. If people didn't buy them from them, then who knows we might have gotten some at a normal price. They'd have to unload the product somehow.
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"Worst" "Sales mean nothing" "100M units sold" "Casual players"
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sony tends to win a lot these years , i guess its a new policy let the rival industry present first then we break them
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Lol, biased much?
The race hasn't even started yet. Wait a few years then we'll see wether it goes the same way as Move or Kinect gaming went
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With $400 price tag, most of VR users will be found with Sony hardware.
Will VR win anything, that I don't know. But when mainstream find out they need to either spend around $800 for PS4+VR or $2000+ for PC+VR, they'll go for much cheaper option.
Well, unless Sony VR will turn out to be one big mess, that is :P
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Just because somebody was willing to spend $400 on a console + a few games or 2nd controller doesn't mean they will spend another $400 on VR.
More people have PCs than PS4 that over time will be able to be upgraded. The PS4 can't.
Also, the games will have be more simplistic to run at an acceptable framerate.
I suspect after the initial flood of VR games the VR market will go the same route as party or Move or Kinect games on the PS4.
Too much development work for a small market will mean less inclination to invest.
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Okay, you just want people to confirm your bias.
Fine, Eod for me.
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Fun fact: I have no console.
X360 was winning with PS3 thanks to lower price, only after few years and bringing PS3 price lower Sony kicked MS arse. PS4 won with X1 thanks to lower price. Consoles win with PC thanks to lower price.
Same will happen with VR.
Unless Apple will make theirs, then people will buy iVR for $2000, no questions asked.
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Consoles never won against pc. where did you get that fact from?
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You missed the last few years where PC got more amazing games a single person ever could play ? O and it doesnt need these bad ports, because PC got enough off good ports and exclusives.
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We still get enough big games, indies are just an extra. Most games on consoles are dumed down and boring anyway, to the point that consoles are missing whole genres.
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hardware will not win this battle. like beta max, dvd and blu ray the decider will be which format porno adopts.
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And before anybody asks im not talking directly to you, but to anybody who has been listening this whole time. </reference>
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Good argument as seen in the past - the most affordable system (VR)
that gets the "jobs done" in an satisfactory way wins - that is set in stone.
Now if that VR were to become usable on PC as well - good riddance Oculus/HTC ...
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i dont like exclusives, segmenting a market that its already small, making it harder for users to join the market and punishing others on the same maket, like gabe said, everybody loses with exclusives.
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Gaming is a small market, still? :P
In fairness, if it wasn't for exclusives, people would basically just randomly pick a console, or even more likely, migrate a bit more towards PCs, especially with Steam Console now being a thing.
Wouldn't mind if games stopped being exclusives after the next generation hit, though..
Port them all to PC, darnit!
I wanna play Uncharted and Last of Us.. :'(
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Yeah, but what games will you play on PSVR?
Almost everything they've shown thus far is crap compared to the games you're able to play on Oculus/Vive etc.
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Random smartphone you already have + Cardboard ( https://www.google.com/get/cardboard/get-cardboard/ ) cost under $20, acccessible to everyone with a phone.
The definitive winner by your logic.
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Yes it is cheaper, but it lowest lowest quality of the 3....
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Actually, the 400$ price is a PR lie. The OP article just updated, you need 50-60$ PS4 camera on top of it to use VR mode. What I am curious, though, can you eventually connect this to PC, like PS game pads? Sony would be kind of stupid to not include this (unless they give big subsidy to each unit) as it would massively drive sales up and help them become the de facto standard.
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because that would be a monopole and with a monopole it will develope much slower.
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well if there is competition they dont have a cause to bring new things out, because people cant buy the new things from other companys. It is up to the people and most companys are greedy--> they will only bring new things out if they absolutly have to.
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400$ = VR Headset
60$ = Sony camera
$$$$? = The motion controllers
add in the cost of a PS4 as well, and you are not going to be that far out from a Vive.
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True but somehow I think PC's will have better VR experiences. Not a fan of any of them, I couldn't care less about VR really.
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Who cares about Sony,PS4 or any console kiddish autism?!
It's a locked to PS4 ,not on PC ,so I don't cares,and 400$ for 3D is dumb as some users in that website.It's very old technology,check some movies of Hologram of m$ - HoloLens,take care!
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That used to be the case, but sales have shifted and they are currently pulling about even.
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Like the Google Cardboard or Samsung Gear VR?
Anyways, I have no idea why you're mentioning sales number. But since you're going off topic, what's your source?
PS: Be prepared to be surprised. Apple is dominating the phone market but cost more than the average phone.
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I know about Apple. Even mentioned that they are only one who could make $1000 VR that would outsell everything.
That's the power of image where "more you spend, more cool you are". Neither Steam nor Sony nor Facebook have this image, so nobody will buy more expensive product and say "look how much I paid, what a great ePenis I have now".
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Different people are going to jump in at their cost-comfort level.
For instance, Samsung is offering free GearVR headsets with the purchase of a compatible phone. So purchasers of the S6 and S7 will probably get their first exposure to VR that way. It's probably a safe bet that Samsung phones will eventually outsell game consoles. But one has to wonder what games they'll be playing on the it.
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And in the future, everyone is going to see how primitive VRs are and gonna laugh.
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As I see it the current state of VR is just like the old days of home consoles, where for just $800 you can get 18 extra colors over the next leading console to really enjoy the $80 adjusted for inflation games that weren't that good anyway.
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Also, by your own logic nintendo wins this generation of consoles with their $250 Wii U.
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Winning is a matter of definition here. I think winning involves that game companies develop see it as a "lead" platform and start to develop for that first hand. That definitedly didn't happen for Nintendos' tiger. Big N instead secured a new market - the casual gamers. It subsequently lost it to Android with current gen. But they'll fight back.
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First exclusive PS4-VR DLC announced too - "One of these games will be a special version of Star Wars Battlefront produced by EA, LucasArts and DICE exclusively for PlayStation VR" :P
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