Is there a known date for when it will begin?
June 22nd/23rd I think
What is the best card-trading bot system or site, and what's the easiest way to trade for full sets?
How will Steam's recent changes to gifts affect things? Can we really no longer buy games to gift?
You can still gift them but it has to be sent to them directly. They can on the other hand, store it in their inventory if they choose to.
As far as your other questions, I am not knowledgeable yet to answer those.
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You can still gift them but it has to be sent to them directly. They can on the other hand, store it in their inventory if they choose to.
So if you want to store the purchases in your own inventory, you just have to gift them to someone you trust (or an alt account), store them in their inventory, then gift the games back to you (and store them in your inventory)? Wow, thanks Valve for nothing (other than complicating your users' life a bit more, as usual).
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What is the best use of full card sets before and during a sale?
That depends. If you wait until the week before a sale you will (usually) start getting 'mystery cards' that are the card for the sale event if there is one. You can usually sell these on the market for a decent price then buy back your cards later at a lower price, giving you the cards you would have gotten plus some profit to buy games with.
I usually wait until the sale starts just in case there is an event like the summer adventure from a few years ago. Not that there has been :(
What is the best card-trading bot system or site, and what's the easiest way to trade for full sets?
Try Steam Card Exchange and Steam Trade Matcher. They do get clogged up during sales though so they will be a bit slow.
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How will Steam's recent changes to gifts affect things? Can we really no longer buy games to gift?
You can if you don't buy on Steam.
If you buy on Steam chances are you can't, due to the restrictions imposed by valve (the person has to be in your friend list, and in a region where there is not more than ¿10%? of difference in the game price with respect yours).
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So, there will probably be an upcoming Steam sale for summer. I've never been that heavily into Steam, so I have some 'best practices' questions:
Is there a known date for when it will begin?
What is the best use of booster packs before and during a sale?
What is the best use of full card sets before and during a sale?
What is the best use of not-full card sets before and during a sale?
What is the best card-trading bot system or site, and what's the easiest way to trade for full sets?
What should one do first once a sale starts? For instance, if there are sale-specific cards, should they be sold immediately?
How will Steam's recent changes to gifts affect things? Can we really no longer buy games to gift?
Thanks for any advice :)
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