oh I normally have fun with them prior to removing them for sure.. Like asking really outlandish questions, or give them really obscure morbid trivia or something. Good times, I was just curious how others handle the situation of beggars, since I'm sure I'm not the only one getting hit up. Not sure why, but it seems like all the beggers own 5 - 10 games, with CS:Go being their go to game with hundreds of hours played..
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Or you can be in a nice mood and straight-up tell them: "No, I won't." And if they ask why, just "Because I don't want to." And suddenly their repertoire of coming up with nice lies dries up and all they can do is repeating the same two lines. It's pathetic, but it cna be enjoyable seeing them squirm.
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Since hiding my game inventory I get less beggars, unless they're after my CSGO Stuff which sadly I can't hide unless I make my whole inventory private which I don't wanna do. When people beg on forums etc I always throw them this ... n0b3g-g!ng-4k3y5 It's quite funny when they come back saying the key is invalid and don't realise what it actually says. :D
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I am not going to beg you for games (boy, I can hardly type...just got done an 11 1/2 hour shift with no break!), but I will beg you to post more cool gifs. They are good for a hoot and a holler!
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And if you want to reduce the number of beggars I suggest you leave every single steam group that you have not visited and read in the last two months (that's probably more than 100 of your 130). And of course leave all the "free games and giveaway groups" (you are forced to temporarily join in the glaem shit stuff).
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I never thought about that as I don't really pay much attention to the groups I've joined, I do sometimes like to go through my feed and see if filled with stuff, maybe I'll remove some of the groups which I haven't seen post any news or anything in a while.
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Nahh, I just start begging from them too. At the end we both gift each other a copy of gta and become friends
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Besides stating in your Steam profile that you don't give games or stuff away for free (except here of course c: ), there isn't much more you can do I believe...
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I like the idea of talking with them about trivia and asking them back that I need them to hold up a sign with the url of my porn-page (accepting all major credit-cards) at some place where they live so I can use it in an advert. ;)
But honestly: I just remove and mute them in steam. Not a single line after I saw that they added me for begging. And yes, it sometimes was really disappointing after talking about games to play with them and 3 days later they start their text-block-begging.
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Never had a beggar :\ I'm i doing something wrong?
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Tell them you can't give them whatever they want, simply you don't have key/gift/money, or if you have something in your inventory, tell them you need it for giveaway, or it's for friend or something like that.
I'd encourage them to get it by themselves, that's how I deal with beggars mostly, if they don't understand anything I say, and keep spamming then just block.
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I've seen beggars in Group posts that show up in the Activity Feed. I guess most of them hope that even though 19 out of 20 people will end up blocking them, that the 20th person will actually "drop a coin in their tin cup".
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With your number of games, trades and giveaways, you are a tasty treat. You could try writing in bold caps at the top of the description that you will never ever gift anybody anything, but I'm not sure it will help. You can ask people to mention the reason they added you on your profile before accepting their request and reject whoever doesn't, however if you trade a lot that might hurt it.
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Hmm, haven't spoken to any beggars in a while, probably because nowadays when people randomly add me without giving a reason I ignore it... Maybe it's a beggar, a friend collector, or even an actual human, who knows? If they didn't give a reason I'm not going to waste my time guessing... :) And if the only paid game they own is csgo then I know I didn't miss anything important... :)
Maybe if I were into trading I'd have to talk to them first, but life's too short for that... :)
p.s. If you don't already, I suggest giving everyone who adds you a nickname so you remember who they are. You can have someone tagged as "??? random add" and when they start begging change it to "beggar" before you block them. :)
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I get a lot of beggars too. I remember a guy that added me once and started begging. When I refused, he started swearing at me, because I have a lot of cs:go keys and I'm greedy because I don't give him some. xD Or another guy that was always asking me how much a gift of mine costs and, when I was telling him how much it costs, he was then asking if he could take it for free. xD
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So I've noticed lately I've been getting added by lots of people who beg for games from me. I don't mind the beggars that just add you and them immediately ask you for something. They are dealt with easily enough, remove them, after I engage them in conversation to assume myself. The ones that really get me are the beggars that add you but don't beg right away, they ask about playing games with you (which they never play games you're currently playing or you even own) then after a few days of casual conversation they demand you buy them a game, typically a game with a really high price tag..
So how do you handle these scourge. Just had to block like my 4th beggar this week..
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