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I bought it yesterday (~18h ago) there was no "waiting list", I got the key in a few minutes, I guess they ran out of keys
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I have activated the second key, then I was trying to use the first one: check the screenshot below, so it seems both keys are for Season Pass?
Edit: If I am trying to use the first key on my alt steam account, it says: The product code you've entered requires ownership of another product before activation. It makes sense because I don't have the base game on my alt. So, I guess I am right.
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It says | so it means or, tho how would they know which you redeemed hmm :)).
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Easy : they can simply revoke one, let's say key B.
You used key A ? All good.
You used key B ? The game is revoked, you have to get back to your Namco Bandai account to redeem key A instead to get your game back to your library.
You used one key and gave/sold the other one ? One of them gets revoked, and you can't even argue to the support since you paid for one copy, not two.
This happened in a Humble Monthly if I'm not mistaking. They gave two keys for NBA201X I think, and one got revoked after a few hours/days. And lots of trouble on SG, and probably on the grey-market.
I'll keep my second key for a while :p
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I imagined that but it is counterproductive to make 2x keys and then revoke half, it has no logic to it.
Also for HB it was a glitch .here we have an or sign so not the same.
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That's very likely a glitch, there is no logic behind this :p
Will they notice the issue (if that's a glitch) ? If yes, will they let us keep the product of this issue, or will they fix it like Humble Bundle did for NBA ? Fingers crossed.
Anyway, do you got 2 confirmation e-mails too ?
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Only 1
Now I have all From Software products on PC + the original from PS3.
Next is SEKIRO :D.
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Got the response from the support:
The products from the European Store (where you have actually got your code from) are unlocked only for Europe Region, so for the USA we kindly advise you to get something from our US Store.
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Thanks the only DLC that is not in my collection.
And without Bloodborn I have them all. Damon Soul's bought to emulate from the PS3 & Blade of Darkness similar game from 01 on GOG :D.
2 May, 2017 DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin Retail
15 Jan, 2018 Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition Gift/Guest Pass
13 Jan, 2018 DARK SOULS™ II - Season Pass Retail
13 Jan, 2018 Dark Souls II Retail
23 Jan, 2018 DARK SOULS III Retail
6 Feb, 2018 DARK SOULS III - Ashes of Ariandel Retail
24 May, 2018 DARK SOULS: REMASTERED Steam Store
11 Jul, 2018 DARK SOULS III - Season Pass Retail
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the unbundled dlc is quite expensive, it's a good deal even if you bought the monthly
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Get it for that dlc which is related to the main story .
I for example got the base game for 10$ and with this let' say 6$, results 16$ when 25Eur is still the best price for deluxe :
I also bought both HB bundles for DSII and DSIII + dlc so if you take that into account let's say you payed aprox10$ for the deluxe by splitting the price of the bundle at ~4 which is still high + this 6$ .
Ringed city is still expensive as hell at 11EUR more then what I initially payed for the base game :
Conclusion if you are from EU buy this :D.
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Again out of keys it seems :/
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Before it was:
Probably that is the reason. They are out of keys anyway.
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I was on the waiting list for Dark Souls Prepare to die and Dark Souls III Season Pass, but I got no e-mail when they added keys for them a few hours ago. Thank you Cromwell and RM10 for the bumps or else I would have missed it.
Check directly on the website from time to time, don't rely on the e-mail only.
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About the issue "bought 1, got 2", I contacted the support to ask if they are aware of this, and what they will do about the extra keys. The support is extra fast by the way.
Merci d'avoir pris le temps de nous contacter concernant ce sujet. En effet, nous sommes au courant du "problème" et nos techniciens travaillent pour le résoudre. Nous ne sommes pas 100% définitifs sur la "conclusion", mais d'après nos communications internes, il parait plus que probable que les clés en plus vont être désactivées. Ainsi nous vous déconseillions de les partager, au moins pour le moment.
Nous espérons que cela répond à votre questions. Si vous avez besoin d'autre chose notre équipe reste à votre disposition à tout moment. Nous sommes désolés pour la confusion portée par cette complication technique.
Bien à vous et bon jeu sur Dark Souls,
Basically :
"We are aware of the issue, our staff is working to fix it. We are not 100% sure yet about what we'll do, but it's very likely that the extra keys will be revoked. Therefore we advise you to not share them, at least for now."
Edit after a second e-mail :
And they are not sure yet if they'll say something about the issue on the social media, but they'll try to send an e-mail to the purchasers to explain what will happen with those extra keys.
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This morning I sent a second e-mail about this "bought 1, got 2" case.
The first reply said that they were still working on it and things might change in the end, but at that time they were almost certain that the extra keys would be revoked.
But SketCZ got an opposite answer the next day, basically "Hey, keep them man, everything is cooool".
So I sent a new e-mail today, now than the Namco Bandai sale is over and everything is under control. Here is the answer.
Bonjour Jean
La situation concernant les doubles clés est quelque peu délicate. D'un coté nous ne voulons pas punir nos clients fidèles pour une erreur technique de notre part. De l'autre coté il y a des personnes qui, une fois l'erreur découverte, ont abusé pour acheter des nombreux clés, ce qui nous a ramené à désactiver certaines clés "bonus".
Donc dans cette optique nous ne pouvons pas garantir que 100% des clés bonus vont fonctionner. Toutefois, si vous avez acheté juste une clé à la base, il y a des fortes chances que votre deuxième clé ne sera pas désactivée.
Toutes les clés qui sont actuellement actives continueront de l'être.
Nous espérons que cela vous apporte un peu plus de clarté sur la situation.
Bien à vous,
In English it looks like that :
Hi "my fake name"
The situation concerning the extra keys is somewhat delicate. On the one hand, we don't want to punish our loyal customers for a technical mistake from our side. On the other hand there are people who exploited the bug once discovered, and bought lots of keys, which has led us to deactivate some "bonus" keys.
So with this in mind, we can't guarantee that 100% of the bonus keys will work. However, if you bought just one key, there are many chances that your second key won't be deactivated.
All of the keys that are currently active will continue to be active.
We hope this brings you a little more clarity on the situation.
So, if it's true and final, and it should be :
Hope it helps.
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5,63€ using the coupon "Welcome10"
I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's EU only
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