My goal is to play 100% of my backlog :P
It's pretty time consuming though ^^
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The goal is to play all my games. That probably won't ever happen. As they say:
“Beating the Backlog lies at the horizon.
When I draw nearer by two games,
it grows two games.
If I finish ten games,
It swiftly increases ten extra games.
No matter how far I go, I can never end it.
What, then, is the purpose of the Backlog?
It is to cause us to keep playing.”
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This lol I want to at least try all of my games, and get 100% all of the ones I like. But of course I keep finding new games or an old one I liked gets new dlc or I'm just not in the mood for something new or no time... But I'll get there someday xD
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My current objective is to beat at least 4 games per month, I've been failing at it so far :P I did manage to do so twice this year tho.
The real problem lies in that my backlog grows three or four times faster than what I can reasonably play and still enjoy the experience.
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I failed to do it as well. But what annoys me is that if they said the gameplay was 30 hours or 10 hours or even 2-3 hours, Me: double the time.
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I am kind of opposite with this. If the game should take 10 hours, I will finish it most likely in 8 hours. Especially with logic games. Last time I played Pipes or what name that game had and most people beat it in about 1,5 hour, I just rushed through it and finished it in 30 minutes (well expected bit more, but still I enjoyed it).
But of course there are games with gameplay 10 hours and my times are nearly 100 hours, if I really like them.
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I like to explore and look at the details, so I tend to spend more time than the average when going from point A to B. When it comes to puzzle games I like to try a few possible solutions instead of just rushing through, I sometimes end up getting some of the optional achievements for doing weird stuff while messing around.
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Well I was achievement hunter some time ago (before achievement spam games) and I am competitive person, so I was looking for every single achievement I can get in game myself (without guides or helps), which bunch of times I had to look everywhere to find something hidden, but even then I am able to rush games with better times then most others.
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I normally only care for the progression achievements, I forgot the word "accidentally" in my previous reply :P
Kudos for being able to beat times without trying, to me is kinda hard cos of the more lazy way I tend to play, in order to get a good time I need to get out of my way and do it in purpose.
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One of my objectives for this year is to beat 5 games a month on average and I've succeeded so far while still taking my time to play through them. What helps is to alternate short and long games and play the longest ones over the course of a few months. It also depends on how much free time you've got.
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Free time IS an issue, this month I've had lots of leasure time thanks to the winter break so I'm actually in schedule with my gaming plan but next month college gets in full swing again so I'll probably fall behind schedule at some point. It doesn't help that whenever I'm too busy from real life I default back into dumping more hours of playtime into Rocket League, it's become my comfort food for the past year or so.
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My goal is to keep if free of asset flipped shovelware trash
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To beat 25% of it by the end of the year. I am currently at 20% with 95 games left to go till I reach the goal. Pls send help.
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To the Beer Mobile! (I don't drink n drive, just wanna transport it :P)
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To be fair that thing is probably so slow nothing would happen if you drank some of it :P
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That IS true :D if a barrel fell off and somehow rolled in the same direction as you were driving - it would've rolled faster than the Beer Mobile xD
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Probably :D also I dont think some would mind if one would "fall of the truck" :D
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Well first you will have to find a time machine :D
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What are you talking about, the beer is right there on the truck o.O once I drink all that I will lose the next few months of my life, complete blackout, teleporting me to the future.
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No, I hate making objectives around my games. It ruins the gaming experience and makes gaming feel like a chore rather than a relaxing escape from reality. I don't want to feel pressured into playing a game. I want to look through my entire list of games and play whatever I feel the most interested and in the mood to play at that time to give the the best chance of me enjoying it. This is also why I don't like game achievements and ignore them.
I only collect games I want to play, so I guess you can say that I have an objective to play all my games at some point, but I do not set a date to play them by. I have a backlog of about 800 games to play and I know it will take like 20 years or more to get though them, plus whatever new games get added in that time, so I don't worry about trying to complete them by a certain date. I also don't rush through my games. I try to complete every game I start and thoroughly enjoy it by exploring everything there is to explore. It recently took me 35 hours to beat a single playthrough of The Banner Saga 2 even though says it takes the average person only 11 1/2 hours.
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My current goal is clearing it of all that free / almost free trash I've got during a period of hoarding. I've already removed a lot of stuff that I'll never touch for sure, and there are currently 59 games left to make a decision about. Yes, I'm totally OCD.
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Beating 100% of my backlog... one day. Not really focused on it but slowly taking them down one by one.
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I'd like to finish all my games but that seems farther and farther away.
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Bump. Nope, playing games I like first then the others eventually.
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Nope, no goal. I've got this crazy idea that games are for entertainment, and setting "objectives" about them seems pretty counterproductive in that respect. I have "objectives" at work, and it's not exactly fun (even though I don't dislike my work).
That being said, I generally try to catch up with my SG wins backlog 👀
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From your comment, it would seem like we have shared values regarding this. I could maybe suggest that for some people the entertainment value lies in having set those objectives for their library but then again I have to wonder if it's not an expression of a slightly obsessive behavior
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I could maybe suggest that for some people the entertainment value lies in having set those objectives for their library
Yeah, it's very possible. Similarly to "games" that are not quite fun IMO, like those I call "minimum wage job simulators" where you play a very, very repetitive and boring job. I don't see the fun in this myself but to each their own ^^
but then again I have to wonder if it's not an expression of a slightly obsessive behavior
I think there's some pretty strong peer-pressure that pushes people to always have projects and objectives even in their private life. Setting gaming-related objectives could be a way to cope with this I guess.
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I also suspect that peer-pressure is likely a more substantial factor than people generally like to admit when it comes to things that are brought up as objectives in this thread. I'm always surprised by the seemingly common sentiment that Steam achievements are to be considered as actual achievements in one's life and in some cases are the major purpose for playing games.
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the seemingly common sentiment that Steam achievements are to be considered as actual achievements in one's life
Yup, I think that's why some people hate achievement spam games so much. "Oh, these are reducing the value of legit achievements" is a catch phrase that not only implies achievements have real value, put a pretty precious one too. I'm personally more concerned about my government creating new money out of thin air than about game companies creating new achievements out of thin air 🙃👀 As far as achievements go, I just like having a big number on my profile for decorative purposes ^^
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Well, have you heard of BLAEO?
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Small steps first. :)
For this year I am going for 5k games, which is closer and closer. And I am still going for 500 perfect games, which is kind of easy with most of these garbage games.
My real goal is 10k (maybe I will go even for more as I would love to be number 1 of games collector in my country on steamladder) games and would love to at least try all of them and beat them at least with 75% averange achievements, but that will never happen as I left gaming and play only from time to time during weekends.
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I'm curious to know if any of you have objectives regarding your Steam library.
They could be like reaching nk games or level n, beating n% of your library, playing n% of your backlog, ...
And here's a little GA: (lvl 3+)
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