Based on what you've read above, what class should I play?(Poll Requires Games to Vote)
I played my first run as Ventrue. Don't recall any particular difficulties/advantages, but it's the only run I've made at it so far.
Just reviewed all my personal screenshots and damn this was a good game (also played it Vanilla + Unofficial patch).
It's also a very long game, but it was well worth it. Have fun! :)
Nosferatu might be too annoying/difficult, having to skulk about quite a bit more (again, haven't played as one -- just what I've gleaned from their habits and descriptions).
P.S. Although Malkavian is leading, I have my doubts as to whether it would be good for your first and maybe only run. I sincerely hope to play as Malkavian myself one of these days. Trying to avoid spoiling anything, Malkavians... see the world a bit differently... I have doubts about whether or not the story will make sense when playing as one.
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(sorry for any bad english)
for a first play, anything but malkavian and nosferatu. I think I played toreador..
malkavian is the most fun, but is best for a second playthrough
nosferatu is the most difficult and you miss big part of the surface. not suitable until you get the mechanics of the game
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Thank you...yes, I am planning on playing Toreador.
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I think it's wise to avoid playing Malkavian or Nosferatu on your first playthrough as those two are very diffferent. Personally I found Brujah to be very flexible, they still make decent stealth characters even when they're supposed to be the melee types. I didn't like the default look though, so I used some mod from nexus just for looks.
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I can't vote because I have the disc version but Toreador's what I would have voted anyway. Celerity is literally the thing that originally convinced me I had to have this game. Not by itself but that's what put it over the top and I had to play it. And having played Toreador first it wasn't a bad way to start.
Although you already chose, I wouldn't hold frenzying against any clans if you plan to keep humanity high. Also instead of thinking about gameplay mechanics for things like that, imagining that you had that curse on you, that you had to deal with that yourself is a more engaging way of looking at it.
Only one playthrough? I'll be honest. You're going to be missing out if you never come back at least a second time to play Malkavian. You absolutely want to play as a Malk sometime in your life.
I'm not going to spoil anything but there's also several endings. What ending you're going to get is not decided right before the final boss, so it's not one of those games where you can just easily see all the endings on one playthrough. Bloodlines is strongly intended to be played multiple times.
Combat. The combat suffered due to the game being forced out the doors before it was ready. And Bloodlines is weird in that imo there might be a specific way to play the game the first time that makes the combat go smoothest throughout, but it's not by using one playstyle. It's by using all of them, sequentially. That was probably confusing so I'll explain. Unarmed starts out strong. Then later on melee overtakes it. Then late game ranged is... not required, exactly, but let's just say having good stats in that will save you much frustration. I mean ranged has never appealed to me much in this game so I've actually gone all melee to end game several times. But I would not recommend that for a first time. Especially against late bosses.
So for a first time I'd recommend focus to shift during the game from unarmed to melee to ranged.
Bloodlines also becomes more exclusively combat oriented late game because Troika was running out of time. They just didn't have the time to put in ways of using dialogue skills by the end, unlike how the game starts out. So a trap people can fall into (especially if they like the social skills) is thinking combat skills won't be as important later on than they really will be, because the dialogue skill use opportunities taper off near the end. It's another aspect of the game that shifts as you get farther in. Hmm. If Bloodlines itself was a clan I think it might lean most towards Malkavian, heh. Split personalities and all.
Don't gloss over lockpicking and/or hacking either.
There are other things I could say but they'd only apply if you were going to play more than once so you probably wouldn't be interested.
Are you planning to share any thoughts about the game after playing it? I'm curious now what you'll think.
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When I first played I immediately had to play again, so in case you do decide to play more than once I guess I'll say this. After I beat Bloodlines the first time I knew I'd want to eventually go through enough times to see all the endings, so I planned out what order I wanted to play: Toreador, Tremere, Gangrel, Nosferatu, Malkavian.
I chose the second two because their powers are more unique than the other clans, but the experience isn't as changed as it would be for Nosferatu or Malkavian. So trying work my way up to the most unique playing clans.
When I played Nosferatu though I wasn't feeling it. I realize now that I was still having too much fun with the game in general and really didn't want to be cut off from areas like that. What I should have done is played Brujah and/or Ventrue first. Nosferatu is best when you specifically want to change things up in that way.
And of course Malkavian. I'm guessing you got Malk as #1 vote because you said you'd probably only play once, and no one should miss the experience of Malk. But just like Nosferatu, better for last or second last.
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Malk was leading long before I added that I only would do one playthrough. I think people either didn't read what I wrote and just picked their favorite clan, or like you say, figured that it couldn't be missed, so if I had to play one, I had to play it.
But I never had any intention of playing them first (or only). I only included it for completeness.
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Heh. People not reading. I don't even know how that never crossed my mind.
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[Edit: Okay, I've pretty much settled on Toreador, but I'm still curious in your opinions, and also on recommended playstyles and unarmed vs. melee vs. ranged.]
[Yet another edit: I will probably only have one playthrough of the game, sadly. Although I'd love to experience several clans.]
[Why not? Another edit: I probably won't run with any mods except for the Unofficial Patch (basic), if that even counts.]
Please no spoilers in your comments, even small ones. I know nothing of the plot and characters and hope to keep it that way. :)
Okay, VtMB fanboys and fangirls, I'm trying out this game for the first time...can't even even decide on a clan or playstyle. I know no Malks for first playthough. Also won't choose Tremere-- sounds like a different ball of wax. Are there any clearly inferior classes I should avoid? Any "easier" ones? I kind of suck with aiming (I'm a spaz) and tend to run out of ammo. The stealthiness of Nosferatu appeals to me, but I don't want to sacrifice character interaction since I'd be so ugly. :p Frenzying and cleaning up the mess it makes doesn't really appeal to me, so that was -1 for Brujah and Gangrel, but it also doesn't rule them out. Not sure too much about the humanity dynamic, so hard to evaluate Toreador. Ventrue could work-- I guess I'd be doing a lot of Dominance. Thoughts?
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