You can ask the winner if they're okay with you deleting the giveaway.
If they are, ask them to leave a comment saying as much in the giveaway, then send a ticket to support to request a deletion.
If the winner isn't okay with you deleting the giveaway, then yes, you will have to accept the Not Received (or purchase a copy of the game elsewhere).
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In case winner does not agree on GA deletion you can also try to purchase a key - keys do not have pricing restrictions like gifts currently has. Interstellar Logistics Inc is avaiable in 2 official keystores as far as I can see - on GMG and GamersGate.
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There are no region locked keys for this game ;) If you go to packages you will not find PurchaseRestrictedCountries parameter in any of them ;) For comparison Capcom is known to put region restrictiopns on their game and if you go to same page for capcom game you will see separate infos for each restriction, and you will see PurchaseRestrictedCountries parameter if you go into them ;) GG probably just adds this info by default, so in case they received region restricted keys not knowing they could not be refunded anyway, because by default they will warn you they are restricted whether they are or not ;)
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Gamersgate says the region restriction for every game I purchase, but I have gifted those games to other regions though. Might be to cover them if a key is indeed region locked.
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It's not just greenlight bundles and it's not the only case. Groupees have several problems like these with rogue developers and they never stood by their customers. They earned money so they do not feel like wasting this money to pursue legal action against dev who broke their contract, even if they are legally right. And you as customer cannot legally pursue key from the dev, because you bought it from groupees, not dev himself.
I've had 3-4 similar problems with groupees in the past, and not always greenlight games. Nekro was offered as normal game in BeMine bundle, but developer decided to deactivate keys "because game stopped selling on Steam". Groupees reaction was the same - please contact developer and sort it out with them.
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Groupees or any bundle site can't really do anything if the developer decides to deactivate their keys.. It's why most sites say to use them asap.. failure to do so can result in a developer eventually deactivating those keys and the user and bundle site having no way of getting they key back..
Normally it happens on games which have been bundled a few months prior, so by that point, most people who wanted the game for personal use would have already redeemed it..
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ofc they can. Groupees or any other bundle site signs a contract with developer on him providing keys, by deactivating keys he is breaking the contract, and groupees can pursue legal activity against dev. The fact of the matter is thou they don't feel liike they need to. They already got their money, so did dev, legal action costs money and even if they win legal action (they probably would) it's not porofitable - only person paying for legal action is groupees and dev, only people profiting from it are customers, so why would they bother? Also you as a customer could pursue legal action against them, but again, who would bother for a few cents worth key?
So anyway, tl;dr, it's not what you say that they can't really do anything, they can but it's not worth it for them.
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You could also try to convince the winner to agree to delete the giveaway by giving them some other game as a sorry for the inconvenience.
Of course this game/key won't count towards your CV, and the giveaway will still need to be deleted, but the winner might feel a bit happier about deleting it if they got something else out of it.
Just my thoughts on the situation.
Best of luck with it anyways.
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I ended up in a similar situation (though of my own creation) a while back, and the easiest way to fix it was to paypal the winner the money to buy it themselves. Not really the spirit of giving but I couldn't see any other acceptable ways out. :/
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PayPal winner is risky for both parties. At one hand you can send him money, he accepts, but then never buys the game and marks not received. On the other hand creator can send money, winner buys game, you wait one week for it to become not-changeable received and request chargeback from PayPal. In short I would never ever do such a thing in public GA, maybe in group or closed event with winner I trust, but surely not with a random user, neither sending nor receiving money.
not to mention that quite a few users don't even have PP ;p
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Another option is using Steam Market (creator gifts winner some very cheap item, winner sells it back to them for the price of the game). Of course the first risk you mentioned stays the same, so I'd probably only try that if either the winner is trustworthy or the amount of money is small enough.
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it doesn't work for really cheap stuff as long as I know, I've seen this kind of thing only for csgo skins, but for cards, emoticons, bgs, keys and other items that all of them are exactly the same, as Don't Starve Together skins, you'll see this message in the market place "This item is a commodity, where all the individual items are effectively identical. Individual listings aren't accessible; you can instead issue orders to buy at a specific price, with the cheapest listing getting automatically matched to the highest buy order."
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I attempted to give a game away this weekend. I revealed the key on Groupees seconds before the giveaway. I then got word that the key didn't work. Further investigation revealed that the developer had deactivated a batch of keys a year ago and the Groupees entry in my purchases stated I should contact the developer using the following link if I needed a replacement. Naturally, I had no idea I needed a replacement before the winner tried the key.
I contacted the developer and waited a few days, but others in the linked Steam thread were waiting months and, near as I can tell, still getting nothing. I friended the winner and attempted to just purchase the game as a gift, but Steam waited until the near the end to tell me I couldn't gift it to the winner's region. I've sent a Groupees support ticket, but I don't see what they can do if the developer is unresponsive.
Near as I can tell, both the winner and I have acted in good faith. I've given a hundred games away in the past week and don't know if there's any option other than getting a Not Received mark.
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