Ok, so a giraffe walks into a bar. The bartender calls animal control and the giraffe is returned to it's natural habitat.
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Nope... guess either the topic is not too long yet or Godwin's law is a fantasy developed by Godwin and after a couple of correct instances observed, accepted to be a law (by whom, I do not know). What is this rule 34 you are talking about- is it the meme that if it exists there is a p of it? In this case, I do not know how there could be a p of this topic :D
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Looks like this thread is limited to Murphy's Law and people that fail the Turing test.
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If Raiden continues ends this topic after 4 hours, then giveaway link will be posted.
That "Raiden continues ends this topic after 4 hours" is a fallacious argument.
Therefore, "giveaway link will be posted" is false.
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if(topic == false)
raidenpc == 404 PAGE NOT FOUND;
return 0;
EDIT: hey wtf it didn't...
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Anyone remember the Sonic The Hedgehog (SatAm) series? I loved that show, and can still sing the themesong. A dark yet funny animated kids show, not like the stupid shit disney and nickelodeon shoves at kids these days, with mega-over-reacting idiots and 100% slapstick humor with 2-dimensional characters. It's like they're intentionally trying to dumb kids down or something. Same thing with the educational system really, tax cuts and shitty teacher standards mean our kids get worse and worse educations. Sorta makes you worry for the future, as those nukes we have will still be around and active in the dozen generations it takes to fully breed stupidity as a survival trait. And then we'll have some nose-picker with his finger on the button, and everything will turn all Fallout 3 on us. Great game by the way, I'm only part way through it, got it from the Quakecon pack because of my love of ID, and discovered that i like Fallout as well. In fact, Quake 2 was the game I played most while I was growing up. I still try bunnyhopping even when it doesnt give you any speed boost in modern games. Sort of an ingrained habit from the multiple years of gameplay. Built up some muscle memory, so that I sorta just twitch into doing it without realizing it, same way musicians can play a guitar without even trying after a few years. Always sorta wanted to learn how to play the guitar, but never actually did. Don't really have the follow-through to complete a project like that, I just get excited at the concept and then get bored when i'm not immediately good at it. Luckily, I'm immediately good at a few things which I like to do, so it works out. Like chess. Do you know how hard it is to find a good chess partner? They can't be significantly better or significantly worse than you are, otherwise it's just boring. And the level of skill varies PRETTY wildly, so that its a real crapshoot. And playing it online is no fun, that's too impersonal, I like the feel of the pieces and the board. Makes it seem more... real I guess. Which is probably nonsense, but I can't really explain it. Learned to play when I was ~5-7, and it was on a board, so thats where i feel comfortable.
The Aristocrats
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wow... a reference would be very good for that info you just posted cuz I was blown out of my mind...
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i am in love.
I dare you to post the hottest one! nsfw for people who cannot see girls in bikinis!
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+1 I think this is the winner atm; gonna check the first link when I get home once this shift ends so might change my vote then :P
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ok she might have some merit in the competition she creates ^^
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my weakness, second only to kristin kreuk. she is hot and smart!
my respond to sexy veronica mars
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no way dude... V mars is way hotter than this one
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dude you posted the same response to both of the posts... stop posting pics of girls who look like girls you know :D
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please post nsfw warnings in the future... some of us are at work in really conservative companies (run by republicans) you know... Yes, for them, this is NSFW...
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I would write a comment on that but I am gonna refrain as they monitor the network and computers as well... :)
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and thanks for the edit :) I had opened the link before, but oh well :) maybe someone else can benefit from the warnings :D
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I'm oddly curious to know how this fact was discovered.
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wait... what do you mean by "Practice makes perfect"? you had practice breaking people's femurs? :S
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so you did it on the people in the class? poor guys..
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As a professional railroad engineer it saddens me deeply to see such a request on SteamGifts.com forum. Since I was a kid I was charmed by trains. So long. So hard. So loud. Perfection. Thank you for your attention. However I have to refuse. CJ out.
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Hey! I can't find my link about his mother! I encrypted her phone number in that message.
Now Mr. Winky sleeps alone tonight.
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Mean Prejudice Acceptability Score for 106 Potential Prejudice Targets:
1.967 Rapists 1.967 Child abusers 1.933 Child molesters 1.932 Wife beaters 1.907 Terrorists 1.840 Racists 1.827 Members of the Ku Klux Klan 1.820 Drunk drivers 1.793 Members of the American Nazi Party 1.780 Pregnant women who drink alcohol 1.779 Men who refuse to pay child support 1.713 Negligent parents 1.644 People who cheat on their spouses 1.540 Kids who steal other kids' lunch money 1.533 Men who leave their families 1.513 Gang members 1.487 Liars 1.336 Male prostitutes 1.307 Men who go to prostitutes 1.253 People who cheat on exams 1.235 Female prostitutes 1.227 Careless drivers 1.213 Drug users 1.188 People who litter 1.141 People who cut in line 1.134 Members of religious cults 1.133 Illegal immigrants 1.127 Juvenile delinquents 1.080 People who sell marijuana 0.993 Lazy people 0.980 Ex-convicts 0.980 Alcoholics 0.967 Porn stars 0.947 College teachers with poor English skills 0.927 Tele-evangelists 0.900 Guests on Ricki Lake 0.887 Iraqi soldiers 0.824 Politicians 0.764 People who smell bad 0.733 Gamblers 0.733 Feminists 0.725 Rednecks 0.653 People who go to Kansas State University 0.620 Welfare recipients 0.607 Homosexuals who raise children 0.600 People who smoke 0.573 Members of National Rifle Association 0.560 People who got a job due to Affirmative Action 0.560 People who call the Psychic Hotline 0353 Police officers 0.547 IRS agents 0.541 British punks 0.520 Gay soldiers 0.510 People with open sores 0.460 Lawyers 0.453 Students who rarely study 0.430 County music fans 0.427 Waif fashion models 0.407 Mentally unstable people 0.407 Hare Krishnas 0.367 Jehovah's Witnesses 0.356 FBI agents 0.347 Homeless people 0.329 People who are illiterate 0.313 Traveling salesmen 0.313 Environmentalists 0.275 Rap music fans 0.247 Beauty contestants 0.235 White Southerners 0.228 Fat people 0.227 People with AIDS 0.227 High school cheerleaders 0.220 Cat owners 0.215 Interracial couples 0.207 Auto mechanics 0.196 People who put their kids in daycare 0.193 Ugly people 0.167 People on Medicare 0.167 Accountants 0.148 Canadians 0.147 Trash collectors 0.147 Local residents of Lawrence, KS (non-college) 0.147 Asian Americans 0.141 Hispanics 0.140 Whites 0.140 Students who attend community college 0.133 Doctors 0.128 Catholics 0.127 Spelling bee champions 0.120 Manual laborers 0.120 Jews 0.120 Business women 0.120 Black Americans 0.114 Native Americans 0.114 Elderly people 0.114 Dog owners 0.113 Members of a bowling league 0.107 Librarians 0.100 Male nurses 0.093 Farmers 0.081 Family men 0.053 Mentally retarded people 0.053 Deaf people 0.047 Women who stay home to raise kids 0.047 Blind people -0.001 You
Note. The mean ratings reported above are based on the following scale: 2 = OK to feel negatively toward these people. 1 = Maybe OK to feel negatively toward these people. and 0 = Not OK to feel negatively toward these people.
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guess this list is old, cuz it doesn't have Muslims in there... should be between Rapists and Child Abusers if not at the top of the list...
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Did you choose to make this derailment? Are you sure?
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I think the thread has long since progressed past any desire for your link :)
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✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋
♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯
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7:25 PM - Ellendi: Nope, no minute bans
7:25 PM - Ellendi: Just this......
You have been banned from the chat by Ellendi.
i lol'd
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7:20 PM - Ellendi: ...You know I am here
7:20 PM - spearman, lancier, lancero...: if you dont like me kick me
You have been kicked from the chat by lokonopa.
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Well, derailing is about throwing a topic off topic. This topic is about derailing itself, so anything related to derailing the topic is not off topic, thus this topic is not being derailed because it is 100% on the topic of being off topic. To counteract this, I must be on topic of the topic, so I dedicate this post to the topic.
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7 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by lostsoul67
1,250 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by zecleaner
26 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by SharkY055
302 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Picollo30
56 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by wigglenose
11 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by TinnedWhaleOil
23 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by RobbyRatpoison
1,680 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by JMM72
64 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by VernoWhitney
22 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Tsukichild
72 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by DkXfS
2,828 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by rafalica440
392 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by lav29
183 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by lav29
Derail this topic hard! Avoid these topics:
Winner gets a link to a certain giveaway at the end xD
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