Hi there.

So yeah, what's a popular game that you're sure you would never want to play?

Lets keep this interesting and avoid games that are:

  • Still popular BUT aren't around anymore or those that are hard to come by
  • Games in which you don't have the console for (and no plan to buy the console)

Feel free to list as many as you want and include the reasons why.

Here are some games that popped up right away while I thought of this question:

  • Terraria

    • I don't like platformers, especially 2D ones. I was a huge fan of Minecraft back then so the release of Terraria left a bad taste in my mouth 'cuz it was a combination of two things I hate -- Rip-off games and 2D Platformers. Spare me the trouble by saying Terraria is already a 'unique game in its own' now because I don't care.
  • Any Mario game

    • I have never finished a Mario game before (well, I did finish World 1-1 so give me props). Don't get me wrong here. I love Ninentendo (I have owned a Gameboy Light, Color, SP, DS, and own a 3DS XL now) but platformers aren't my thing and even if an interesting Mario game comes out with a different genre, I'm pretty sure I still won't try it because I have no connection and interest with the plumber and his universe whatsoever.
  • World of Warcraft and pretty much any MMORPG

    • The thing that bugs me about MMORPGs is that it creates an environment where effort = prestige BUT a very common type of prestige. It's like what that villain said in The Incredibles (btw Pixar, SEQUEL? C'mon!), "when everyone's super, no one will be." You get me right? RIGHT?
  • EDIT: League of Legends (I can't believe I forgot about this)

    • I really just hate it's art design. The color and graphics are just so eye-melting for me. I'm not going to pry on its gameplay mechanics. It bugs me but it's not the main reason why I will always avoid LoL.

I'll try to remember other titles to add in my list.
One last thing, no pitchforks please. Thanks :D

10 years ago*

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Any MOBA game. Tried Dota 2 for less than an hour and just didn't like the game.

10 years ago

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Any console exclusive game. Haven't bought a console since the original Xbox and don't plan on it.

10 years ago

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I don't care about what's popular and what's not...i play I like and not games that are just hyped or something

10 years ago

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Any MMORPG, any console exclusives, any games with always online DRM. So the list is pretty long...

10 years ago

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League of Legends, Dota 2, and pretty much every single MMO (which for some reason is an insanely popular genre).

I will probably never play Day Z either.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Sports games: I absolutely hate them, I rather do it IRL

Most MMORPGs: I played a few (for at most 1-2 weeks before I stopped), but they can't keep my attention because of the mostly bad gameplay and sucky quests. Would maybe play them if they had a fun gameplay and/or good quests.

That's all I can say right now, because I like most games, some more than others.

10 years ago

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Metal Gear Solid 4 since it is PS4 exclusive! Since I'll never buy a console, I'll never be playing MGS4 and maybe other exclusives!

10 years ago

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AC 4.

After how bad AC 3 was I decided to just stop playing the series.

They clearly gave up so why should I keep bothering.

10 years ago

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The Mass Effect series because:

  • As much as I love a good story, initially I was put off by the all the dialogue I heard about. I HATE reading screens of text.
  • Since then, the series has become my sweetie's all time favorite (he's played ME1[x2], and ME2&3[x3]) so it through second-hand bits and pieces I feel most of it's already been spoiled for me.
although there is a more than likely change that I WILL eventually purchase my own copy when the price is right.
10 years ago

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Pretty much all console exclusive games, and those exclusive to a DRM platform other than Steam, e.g. Origin.

10 years ago

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Any console exclusive game. Because fuck console exclusives.
Also WoW... because fuck WoW too. XD

10 years ago

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DOTA2, just not my type of game

10 years ago

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Any sports game ever made, never understood why people play them.
Gaming for me is my escape from the "real world", and I prefer my games to diverge from ordinary every day life.

10 years ago

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I would never say never. Actually...games that I would never touch would be subscription based MMOs. I was tempted initially to try Final Fantasy XIV because I thought I got it as a free promo game with my Intel processor, but it turned out I wasn't eligible. So I guess that still stands as of now.

10 years ago

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Russian Roulette. It's just plain stupid.

10 years ago

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lmao +1000 to this.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I would totally play it for the right money. Ofc the weapon has to be quality to make sure I die.

10 years ago

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GTA 5. I'm just not interested.

10 years ago

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Minecraft, DayZ, Rust, any TES game, Terraria, anything from the HL franchise (I technically played both the original and sequel, couldn't endure playing either of them more than 2 hours), any MMO, Dota 2, any console game that doesn't have a PC version.. probably missed something but this list is already big enough as it is >_>

10 years ago

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Minecraft, Terraria. PURE. SHIT.

10 years ago

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How do you know if you never played them ?

10 years ago

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First time I see someone refusing to play platform games, that's almost weird because in 90's they were everywhere, didn't you never try any 2D metroid ? donkey kong ? castlevania ? sonic ?

10 years ago

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It's not that I refuse to play them simply because they're platformers, I just don't tend enjoy them. For example, II didn't like any of the ones you mentioned, above. I'm just not a platformer kind of guy. The Giana Sisters games are probably excellent, but I'm not interested in them. I was just barely interested enough in Dust (due to a bunch of stuff about it that has nothing to do with platformers) that I actually bought it from a bundle split for fifty cents.

10 years ago

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League of Legends.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by serk.