Do you find this website useful/worth your time?
Yeah, I quickly realised this is a "beer money" type website. Playing 5 matches of War Thunder? I'm better off working a part time.
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Here's a thread about the estimated SG gain by daily logins and using the steam daily chest . Maybe that will help you with your decision if it's worth it. The other ways are the 7 day in a row login +20 bonus, the steam daily chest for which you need to download a steam avatar with their logo and add in your steam name and watching ads in their smart phone app, which cap at 100 per day.
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"Got 10 SG once in like 1 month and half, but got 5 SG often enough, more often as 1. Nothing else though."
"I got 10 soulgems from the chest today ^^ I might be lucky but I seem to get 10sc about once a week or so :) thanks for taking the time to do a rate breakdown tho! thats really helpful"
And their worthwhile rewards are in the thousands of gems or even tens of thousands. Hilarious.
What about those so-called promo codes?
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The only promo codes I saw unlock in the giveaway section after you complete tasks. You then get a free spin to get a low quality game, one of their runes or the mythical low chance of getting a highlight game.
Here's one W3LC0M3-5PR!NG-GA , it's the same for any user.
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Tried the code aaaand...
"This code will be available after you collect at least 300 SG"
Yeah, as if.
Thanks for the help though.
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They got freebies? If you mean contests, those seem to have paid entry and giveaways need you do retweet their stuff (I don't have Twitter).
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Most of their giveaways require you to retweet stuff, but some don't, it's only about visiting sites.
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It really doesn't. It's hilarious how their Discord is just kids trying to get free ROBUX.
Technically not free, since you pay with your time and personal information.
And speaking of which, I'll need to figure out how to delete my account and request them to delete all of my data (well, just the e-mail because that's what I gave them) from their server.
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I know people that requested one and then got kicked :-D
While I never got to that point, I can certainly attest to a history of scammy behavior.
They'd regularly delay providing points (for several days) until a promotion had ended and then only give me (sometimes significantly) reduced points, and whenever I'd request a reward, each time they'd increase the point cost and say I was no longer eligible for it. I honestly gotta wonder if anyone ever managed to get a game out of them (the occasional freebie aside)..
Their support was dismissive, sketchy, and scripted in a way that evokes recollections of Steam Support, as well.
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I know people that got real games for SJ.
Falout 3 or 4 as example but nothing higher as that.
And i had my own experience with their crap/shady support.
I bought a chest for the half SJ price because it was a "promotion time". They wrote in 72h i have the game that was inside. A ok game and more worth as the chest cost me. The first time that this happened in all my time at gamehag. After 3 days no game, after 4 or 5 i got the SJ from the sell price of the game back and the info "the game isn't available anymore". In the end were that a lower ammount as the chest costed me (so i made a minus !).
The reduced price, -50%, of the chests were gone and i weren't able to buy such a chest again.
I tried to solve it with a support ticket 2x but they support don't wanted to solve the situation and were too dumb or unwilling to understand the case on top of it. At least i expected to get the reduced chest price back and come out of the situation not with a minus.
After that bad experience i said FY and never done anything other as grabbing from time to time a freebie at their site and advertise their site in a negative way, with the truths of my own experiences, how i promised it to their support.
I am known to hold my promises :-D
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I got one steam card (well actually I didn't, I chose a 10€ credit card instead).
I did it during the holidays in july/august: there were surveys for 200 soulgems (Yuno, on my PC, the site says the surveys are for android, but you can do them on PC). I did 5 of them in a week-end, that means 1000 gems, and you get some bonus gems /games this way.
The reason I did it during the holidays is that they have a lot of promotions during that period of time (if you get 1000 gems in one day, you could get a free steam game, or other stupid stuff), but it was clearly not worth my time.
I currently have 3400 gems, that I will probably exchange for a €5 credit card, but doing surveys takes so much time (esp. because 90% of the time you get disqualified and get nothing) that I haven't actually done any of them in the past 6 months.
(and nowadays surveys are only worth 120~150 gems)
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And they earn with each survey from all the data they collect about you.
The one you give and the one that gets collected in the background as example, Windows Version, Windows registered to NAME X, Browser type and version, keyboard and language setting, CPU, GPU, RAM, cookie infos, IP, ISP provider, country and so on.
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I've had a really bad experience with that site, and judging from the Google Play Store reviews, it seems like a lot of others have, too. I played some app for about a week to get 500 SG, successfully put in an order for a gift card, and was promptly banned. I appealed the ban and they gave me my account back... only for me to realize that I had been banned AGAIN when I tried to log in a few hours later. When I tried to reappeal the ban, they said they couldn't do anything. However, I did manage to grab a few of the free indie games they offered. So, if you do make an account, I'd recommend only using it to grab the free games so that they can't ban you (if you think it's worth it, that is). Some people do seem to get good games from there, though, so you can always give it a shot with an easier offer.
Personally, I'd recommend GameTame. I've been using the site since January and I've gotten most of my Steam games on there. You also complete tasks like surveys, offers, etc. but they've actually come through with the serial keys, trading cards, wallet codes, etc. I've tried my hand at most of these GPT sites, and I think I even like GT more than Swagbucks. They've recently gotten a lot more popular since the quarantine, though.
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What do you have to do there exactly? Their website doesn't really mention anything explicit, just "download our app, get free shit". Is it just offers/downloads you complete or are they more decent with things like daily logins, promo codes etc?
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Pretty much the same thing as Gamehag. You get a tiny amount of points for logging in every day, you can complete offers (download apps and reach certain levels), you can complete surveys (I like YourSurveys the best since it guarantees 70 points for every finished survey), and you can watch videos on Hideout TV (I just have it running in another browser at the moment so that it generates points while I do other things online). You can either use the Android app or use their website. I know it seems really daunting at first and you're convinced that you're never going to make any points, but I actually passed 4000 last week. They give you bonus points for earning a certain amount every day, and it adds up pretty quickly if you get the right surveys. Also, some of their Steam game keys are pretty cheap, especially for the recently bundled games. "HIVESWAP: Act 1" is only 38 points right now.
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I should add that Idle-Empire is a pretty good website, too, especially if you primarily want to earn passively. The points from Hideout TV really add up on there, so you can get a Steam key pretty quickly (you need 10,000 points for a "premium" Steam key). The problem with them is that they send you a randomly bundled key, so you never know what you're going to get. I've gotten "Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition" and the Amnesia Collection from them.
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Very true. They have "giveaways," but they're really just raffles that you have to spend points on, and if your luck is anything like mine, I wouldn't recommend them.
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I have mixed feelings about that site. Mobile apps quests and surveys never works, also every chest gives the worst reward - random key and usually for 0.99 cent game that do not worth even making giveaways, cause they are no value and noone wants them.
But on the other hand when I saved soulgems for some games like Skyrim before remake and Shadow of Mordor. Both games worked and arrived quickly.
Problem are people on site. For reporting comment you get 1 SG, so some people just hit report button for every comment to mark it as a spam. And because no "human worker" check it, there is no chance to write a few comments per day without getting banned for week.
Edit: Myth about bot squad solving commnets busted.
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Edited: Nevermind, found the delete button, hidden very well on the settings page. HOPEFULLY it deletes my e-mail address too and whatever else may be there, but it's fishy that it never asked for any confirmation.
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Normaly ALL companies store your emailadress and such stuff for years.
GDPR begs to differ about how "normal" this is 👀
(but yeah, that's common malpractice)
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They ban for committing the crime of having a "bad" IP (even if you've had it for months and are the only person on it). They're anti-privacy trash
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Don't Invest time there. I once wrote a Forum Article, collected Infos, added Images, quotes, sources.
What happened ? "YOur article was voted as Plagiat / Spam".
On their Discord server someone told me that ppl vote "selfish" aka. do not really read articles etc.
So Investing any time to create stuff IMO is totally Useless there.
I log in daily and grab the freebies, vote on some articles from time to time (If you vote correclty you get xp)
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Hey, it's an "investment" alright, just like they say "buy high, sell low". :D
I agree. I'm better off looking for a part time once I can get out of the house.
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steals your time gives you shit stop being USELESS
you are not a SLAVE stop being a slave idiot
nobody gives free stuff unless they earn from them STOP BEING A STUFF
why dont you run for your dreams instead of doing this???? yeah???
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Woah, man. That's a bit harsh, but I agree. Nothing is free in this world, especially not in the online environment. I realized how awful "beer money", survey websites etc. are when I tried years ago to do some surveys for Minecraft Java Edition. Quickly realized that I AM the product, nothing that a data swine they poke and prod.
I thought maybe this one was different, maybe like Kinguin. That one was decent. I still have almost 12k coins there.
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Ask yourself a couple of questions:
How much is your time worth?
Is there anything you could do that you would enjoy more than spending hours on this website, or similar sites? (Reading, PC gaming, walking, talking on the phone with friends or family, console gaming, board games, art, music, woodworking, jigsaw puzzles, exercising, writing letters to friends or family, watching TV, etc, etc, etc, etc)
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I just discovered yesterday while messing around on a drawing website that I actually enjoy drawing, despite not having done art since art class in grade school. So that certainly is worth more of my time.
Thought I could do a little something to pass time while stuck at home, like press a button for a daily on websites, but turns out Gamehag is a giant time and info sinkhole.
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Spend a couple of days to get to a 10 € Steam wallet code to find out they are always 'sold out'. Tried to find something else to get with my coins and there was hardly anything you could get. Really not worth your time.
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Some time ago I decided to stop using that site. Yes, I got from them $60 or $80 in gift cards and ordered a few quality games with gained points.
BUT their service is a meh. First at all there is (almost) no support. You try to reach them and should talk to bot. Whatever you say (choose from answers) its your fault, not their.
There are a lot of tasks with no payment and no even apologies from gamehag.
So their politics is "shut up kid and do what we say"
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Ah also a $50 Visa prepaid card. But it was in their better times. Now its just a $#!%
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gamehag is the worst store that exists is totally dishonest does not deliver what it promises !! one time i collected coins for months to exchange for game more expensive besides them not giving me the game,her blocked my account and haven't answered me until today
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Always had bad thoughts about Gamehag, but today I made an account out of curiosity using Steam and so far it doesn't seem like there's many alternative ways of gathering currency, such as promo codes (where are you supposed to get those from?), other than to just do offers or play whatever free-to-play games they ask you to.
I've been also using Lootboy and got quite a few and Steam games, all of which I've given away on this website, just through clicking on the DAILY button and using promo codes posted here.
The question remains: is Gamehag worth the hassle if all I'm going to do is log in daily and use promo codes? Are there other ways of earning currency that don't require you to play games or do surveys?
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