You are incorrect, people can still game the system for the MP keys of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. If people want to give away those keys, that is just fine... It is however not fine to claim it is the full Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, that is faking.
They cost nothing but a little time and effort, or for you to be Polish and time.
People submitting them tend to do so in order to up the number of points available, that's gaming this site and is just as bad as faking.
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Yeah i accept that, but in the case of dirt 3, unless you can tell me different i think that the AMD deal is finished now. With eets you need to jailbreak the heist for free to get the code = loads of hassle or buy it legitimately, which would cost me £1.99. With dark messiah it only really works if you're Polish. So i can see why people would want to get the games in the giveaway.
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The problem with Eets is, that you can exploit the game, so you get 5 keys off of one copy of the heist.
Dark Messiah MP keys are being submitted as the full game and for the same amount of points, which is needed for the full game. The only way I see, that the game could still be given away here, would be if CG added Dark Messiah MP to the list, which would of course need and generate less points. But seriously, who would want that game? The MP is dead (SP is great though)
I personally don't see a problem with Dirt 3, but I understand why some people do.
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The thing is points are actually near worthless in real money terms. For example if you were to spend 10 points on a giveaway that has 400 entries for game worth $10 (which seems to me like a fairly reflective situation. you have a 1 in 400 chance = 0.25% so each point is worth 0.025% of a chance to win a $10 dollar game, essentially meaning each point is worth $0.0025.
Therefore exploiting a game like eets or dark messiah earns the guy $0.025 worth of points!
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The maths is very simple, value of entry equals chance of winning multiplied by total value of prize.
I just did it that way to show there is very little point to go to the trouble of giving away exploited games purely for the points as you get very little in return for your efforts
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as far as i heard, you can hook up 5 devices to your itunes account and get an Eets key for each one. those aren't the exploited keys. the exploited keys are those that were made using a keygen, since some people leaked the code generation system.
I might be completely wrong about this though.
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Not really sure what the complaint is. Plenty of Dirt and Eets giveaways go through. The only one that is outright "banned" is Dark Messiah, because of the exploit and the fact that people tend to misrepresent it. Nobody wants to play Dark Messiah multiplayer, if they are entering it's because they aren't paying attention, or the poster was not clear (which is pretty often as the poster almost always knows its' a load of crap or they don't speak english well).
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The complaint was really about the shitty comments being left for people who give away games like dirt 3, eets etc. The calls to ban these people and "read the fucking FAQs" just seem a bit harsh. They are giving to the community more than they are getting.
Obviously i agree that the Dark Messiah games should be clearly marked as MP only, and it sucks if you enter for these thinking you're getting the full game. But it seems a fairly safe bet to me that these are always MP only.
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I don't see an issue with Dirt 3, as it is no longer free. Some people who missed that deal probably also want to play the game.
Edit: I also don't see the point in outright banning Dark Messiah, as you can still buy the game from steam and gift it as the full version. And for those that are gifting the multi-player only version, it should be allowed as long as its clearly marked as such.
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780 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AceBerg42
Come on guys is there really a problem with giving away these types of games? Judging by the entries there are normally 100+ people entering for them. If no one wanted them it should be different, but as long as people do want to win these games people should not demand for the giver to be banned. Its no longer possible to get these games for free, or without too much hassle. Lets face it, its the fakers that need to be banned not the people who are giving away legitimate games, regardless of their percieved value.
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