I thought so too but I ended up passing on it because there is a chance it could be one of the bonus games in the Humble Indie Bundle 7. I'm thinking they may reveal those on Christmas day. Anyway, if it's not in it then maybe it'll be offered again before the sale is over or I will just pick it up next time. I have other stuff to play anyway so it's not a big deal to miss it this time.
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I went with the same line of thought! Mark of the Ninja and Deadlight will probably be the only indie games I pick up during the sale if the deal is decent (looks like Deadlight will be 50% off eventually). Other than those two, I'll most likely just hope for future bundles.
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I could have sworn Deadlight was 50% off in a flash sale already, although you could see it again. I want Mark of the Ninja as well and Fly'N at 50% off is a little tempting but I think I may just try and trade for it since I've got some extra stuff.
P.S. Hi there fellow Long Islander =P
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Deadlight was a 50% Off Community Choice option, but The Walking Dead won instead. But that's why I say it'll be 50% Off eventually, since the CCs always become daily deals and/or flash sales.
And hi there :D
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I don't think my steam app can even load in half a second xD
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This set of deals is the best so far just because of this pack imo.
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HAving one good deal in the lot doesn't make it the best set. Come on, Dota 2???
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One good deal vs zero for the previous days. Yes, it makes it the best set in my opinion.
Yesterday, for example, the best deal was for the Darksiders Franchise. But it is the same price at Amazon, plus you get $5 coupon. plus you get an extra DLC. So the Steam deal wasn't that great.
Day 1 had nothing of note at all. We've all seen those sales in the past.
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seeing as it goes on sale for that price 3-4 times a year, no its not such a good deal
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+1 The DOW Franchise Pack is actually one of the single-best deals I've seen in a Steam Sale for a long time. If I didn't already own most of it, I'd snatch it up.
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Yeah, back during the Summer Sale I think they wanted about $20 for the DoW II pack alone and another $15 or so for the original. Yes, the original was in the THQ HIB, but even then it's still a good deal.
Even though I don't care for II it would be a great deal just for the original DOW and the expansions.
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Yup. Worst steam sales overall at least for now. Which is sad, cause I prepared actual money for it...
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Well, when you think about it, they cannot technically lose ANY money on any sale on Steam, no matter the discount (unless you're getting technical in regards to server bandwidth). Even if they sold it for 99% off, people buying it at that discount is still not a loss for Steam nor Bethesda ;)
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Gamersgate had the pricing error, not Steam. And the store responsible can certainly lose money through a pricing error. Even though there are no physical products involved, the stores aren't getting games for free. 75% and 90% Steam deals don't happen just because Steam decides to sell a product for that price. Steam works out those deals with the publishers.
In this particularly case, Gamersgate promised some unknown amount of money to Bethesda for game keys, and then accidentally sold those keys at a price that had to be much lower than what they agreed to give Bethesda. Someone is eating that difference, whether it is Bethesda writing it off or Gamersgate paying Bethesda, or a combination of both.
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That was already offered from others store, Steam is the last one. I'm sure for GameFly and GreenManGaming, not sure about GamersGate.
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That doesn't seem like too bad a price for Dead Island if one was interested in giving another shot(like me). Too bad no money
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Why whats wrong with it? Of all the Railsim titles it's by far the best. It has appeal to a huge range of people like those that want to drive, those that want to model and those that want to create scenarios. don't diss what you don't understand ffs.
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you forget those who just want to try to wreck trains in the most spectacular manner :)
i wonder how many people bought the game just for that.
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got TS 12 for $3 during what the summer sale and that was upgraded to TS 13
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ITT: Spoiled people complaining about games going on sale because they don't like said games.
You should be thankful that there is a sale to begin with.
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this makes me laugh, like companies are putting their games on sale "to be nice" right? lolololol, you have such a meager and pathetic understanding of business... its about profit maximization, they put stuff on sale to make profit, they aint doin anyone any favors ya idjit
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A company who's aim is to make profit? Well fuck me, here I was thinking that their aim was to be nice to entitled retards like yourself. They can make money without sales, they can very easily choose not to put anything on sale, and yet they do. But you still have morons like yourself complaining about it. Don't like the game that's on sale? Don't fucking buy it.
Gotta love the culture of entitlement and the spoiled gaming community that these types of sales have built over time. Complaining about a fucking sale, way to go jew.
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The fact that they can complain doesn't make the complaint itself any less retarded. There's nothing to improve here, just kids crying because the games they like were not included in today's deals, man I wouldn't want to be in their shoes, that feel must suck.
As for getting banned I couldn't care less. Won't be the first, won't be the last.
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They can make money without sales, sure. But they would make much less money.
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That's actually exactly right - the prices are lowered so that they can make the sale from any person who was previously holding out. The same approach is used for pretty much any type of product, but especially anything technology-related.
Since the Autumn and Winter sales on Steam (and the past couple Humble Bundles) my game library has pretty much quadrupled.
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Actually I am now really going to complain. All the games I actually want are cheaper on Amazon.com
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It might be the publishers giving better deals to other sellers, but if that is the case steam really needs to step up their game as it stands this has been disappointing.
And there goes my sale budget into amazon.
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Yes how dare they having these sales with only 75% and what not, did they forgot how entitled and whiny average Steam user can be?
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90% or GTFO.
On a more serious note they had it coming. That's what happens when you get whiny spoiled kids used to so many sales. There will come a point where those sales won't be enough for the greedy fuckers.
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You are no better than those whiny spoiled kids you should pay more respect to everyone around.
As far as I can see the most whining one here happens to be you.
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I don't care how right a person is or is not. That does not entitle anybody to start insulting everyone around and trashtalking.
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Well really, if "whiny" isn't the appropriate word for them, would you care to suggest a word that is? Surely if the game's cheaper on Amazon/GMG/Gamersgate etc. you simply buy it on Amazon/GMG/Gamersgate?
The games have been on sale before? Well no shit, the catalogue's the same as before.
Seems like the people complaining wouldn't be happy unless they were having free games thrown at them. Then they'd probably complain that the free games weren't the free games they wanted. And on and on it goes, an endless cycle of complaining.
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Well first of all I am dissapointed too with this sale. Not for the games being at it this far but for the lack of a secundary goal. I considered winter sales a major event on Steam's calendar and this year they are simply dull. It's also true that other retailers and digitall sellers are having way better offers so Steam is simply falling behind.
And well I didn't complain about the use of the word whiny. But he's adressed to several people in way more innapropiate ways. And I see no need for that, but well that's my opion
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Never claimed to be better than anybody. As for the respect, I have none towards them and I have no reason to. And yes, it pisses me off to see people saying that a sale is shit because the game they expected to see on sale didn't make it, or because they expected a 75% sale and only got 66% off. If that bothers you there's a nifty addon to ignore users, that way you won't have to read my opinions again.
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That argument could be applied to you.
If that bothers you there's a nifty addon to ignore users, that way you won't have to read their yopinions again.
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It's more then just that, if amazon provides a better deal I will buy from them. Also no winter event is kind of a letdown, it would have been nice to have something to do.
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One thing is buying it cheaper somewhere else, which is obviously fine. Complaining because a sale is bad or not what you expected it to be is retarded.
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Well haven't you got some amazing deductive skills. Did it take you long to arrive to that conclusion? And man, what a witty comeback. Tallgor 1 - Astrartea 0.
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Oh and he comes with an ample vocabulary too, I'm impressed.
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Said the guy who's previous 3 replies were: "Lulz he so mad", "^ i think he mad" and last but not least "Umad?". If you were not trying to look like retard I'm sorry to say you failed.
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Haha its funny to watch you get so angry over the internet. This thread is for discussion about how people were disappointed with this days sale. You didn't have to come in guns blazin mr. super badass to try and argue a point that hardly anyone agrees with and nobody really cares about.
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I didn't have to, but I did. If you have a problem with that (which seems to be the case) I'm afraid I can't help you. You didn't have to reply either, and yet you did too. It makes me kind of sad that your life is boring enough for you to get entertained by this though.
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The sale is kind of bad, I think most people came in expecting some event myself included and it is a valid complaint.
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People are complaining about the sales, not the lack of events. I would have loved some event or winter achievements or whatever, even if there was no reward, but it has nothing to do with the sales. I don't feel entitled to say that a sale is bad based on the fact that it's not a game of my personal liking.
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The only complaint I have about the sales is they have been on past sales with the same deals and I can understand why people will be annoyed with that.
They are most likely saving some of the more in demand games for last (and yes they should know what is in demand by having access to everyone's wishlist), which is most likely a calculated move to get people to pay for more then they actually want to spend, since if they bought the one thing they want they might be more disciplined in their spending.
Also the time limit is another marketing ploy that is used to put some urgency in the deals (See shop at home networks).
And I think a lot of users on some level are aware of this manipulation and I can understand why they are angry, honestly I wish they dump the rolling sales, hell if they gave the larger discount for stacking on day 1 I would have purchased from steam and not amazon.
Most of the people complaining are young and are most likely unable to fully asses the situation or look ahead which is important for planning, so to everyone else rest assured odds are the game you want will hit that larger mark off before this is up.
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That's the problem with getting people used to so many sales. EA's vice president called it some time ago. They feel entitled to complain because the game they wanted didn't go on sale, or because the sale was not as big as they had expected. The aim of the sales is to make profit, not to fit anyone's personal likings. If you don't like the game/s that is/are on sale just keep your money.
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They don't care about the complaints and you have completely missed the point of my post. And also young teenagers/adults have always complained about the dumbest shit.
My point is on some level everyone is aware this is marketing calculation to get people to spend more then they intend to, and that this sale and every other sale is designed to do so. And most of the user base is incapable of effectively planning ahead.
As stated I wish they dump the rolling sales or at least post when a program will have it's flash sale.
Also you should not really use a competing CEO's statement as evidence, not only is EA run by horrible people but they are competing against steam with their own platform.
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The fact that he is the vice president of a rival company, or the poor decisions that said company has taken recently doesn't make him any less right. This thread is a perfect example. There was also another one saying "I'm not buying this game for $7 because for me it's only worth $3.74"...well, that's what happens when you get people used to 75% sales every major holiday. The time you don't meet someone's expectations, you'll be yelled at.
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Of course you can back up EA's claim right.
"Runic Games CEO Max Schaefer, for instance, tells us that while it's been almost three years since his studio launched Torchlight, Valve's Steam promotions have helped the game maintain healthy sales to this very day."
""A lot of times we judge the success of a game -- and predict its sales -- by looking at its launch day numbers. Steam sales have made that delightfully impossible. Our launch day [for Bastion], which we viewed as very strong, is only our fifth best day of sales ever on Steam due to the power of the promotions we've had the opportunity to participate in," Rao says."
"According to indie developer and Super Meat Boy co-creator Edmund McMillen, these promotions can increase sales to an almost staggering extent. His 2D dungeon crawler The Binding of Isaac, for example, saw sales multiply by five when it was marked down by 50 percent, and once it hit the front page as a temporary "Flash Deal" (for 75 percent off), sales multiplied by sixty."
Now I can dig up more developers if you like, but honestly I wish you would stop talking out your ass now. And those major triple A titles never hit those heavy discounts till much later after it's initial run.
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It's seriously pointless to keep replying to you. I never said that sales were bad for developers, I said that sales get customers used to low prices and makes them feel entitled to complain when a game is not as cheap as they think it should be.
"If the games I want are not on sale, the sale is bad."
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How about this read the initial post.
MY actual statement which I will spoon feed to you.
They don't care if people are upset about the sale or care if they expect these sales. The user base happens to be full of young adults that can not plan ahead.
These sales are designed to extract money from the user base, best way to get them to spend cash is to keep the consumer stressed, hence timers/flash sales, limiting information about games that will be on sale and when. It is designed to create a sense of urgency.
Now imagine if you are catering to a user base with a poor sense of planning and time. (See a pattern)
When a user is complaining about this sale being terrible you need to take more then just his/her statement, and past sales into account which is what I am doing. Most of the users are not aware that they are being manipulated by Valve marketing but they are feeling stressed, but on the plus side after they get their deal they feel a sense of reward (Notice how I am digging deeper into this I know it's hard)
The results of these posts are nothing more then frustration that the consumer feels. And when they state "The sale sucks" they have a valid point, They are being manipulated to feel this way they might not know it but they sure as hell feel it.
Now you state that steam has dug a hole by doing these sales. Yeah if the hole is designed to trap consumers.
In a sense this sale sucks, like every past steam sale. They are designed to stress out the consumer. An analogy would be, the hunter came back empty handed today when you read someone complaining about the sale.
Oh and for decency sake keep the conversation to one thread the response you gave to my second post below was unneeded and just did a great job of making things hard to read delete those below.
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I figure giving a more in depth review about why people are complaining would help him and hopefully others understand.
But yeah no event really made this sale suck for me I was looking forward to it.
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Dude are you seriously one of those wannabe trolls that actually thinks by saying "he's mad" you're an actual troll? :D
And why shouldn't he voice his disagreements? There are lots of people in this community and you think everyone has the same opinion? What? Is this 1900's with no freedom of speech?
Hey I'll just comment umad after every post so I can have more post count
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Baby's first troll right here ladies and gentlemen. I don't normally say this but... you're a cunt.
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People are complaining about the lack of events as well.
And, to be fair, events would make up for the arguably weaker sales(*). Even if the deals were no better than you could find elsewhere, people would be more willing to hang around and buy games through Steam if they were getting some form of reward, or chance of a reward, from buying or playing those titles.
(*) Steam has set itself up as the big deals store, and Christmas as its biggest sale. But this Christmas sale so far doesn't seem any bigger than the sale that Steam ran just last month. The Thanksgiving sale was a weird idea, anyway. Two major sales about six months apart is one thing, but two major sales one month apart?
Steam dug their hole. They conditioned their audience to expect 75% off, and deals larger than anyone else. They conditioned their audience to expect (exploitable) events at major sales. Now publishers have bought into the idea that "massive discounts == massive profits", the other stores have countered Steam with similar pricing, bundles are nearly giving away games, and Steam has decided to not throw away money on an event that would be heavily exploited by their "loyal and loving" customers. Now those "loyal and loving" customers feel betrayed because Steam isn't the de facto best store and isn't breaking the whole market and itself to give them the best deals and free games.
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To be fair steam has done no such thing, past sales have never heavily discounted newly released games anywhere close to 75% off, and currently they are still offering plenty of titles with 75% off. And there will be plenty more.
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He never mentioned newly released games going on big sales. Just big sales in general.
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Well to be fair the title of the thread is: "Today's daily deals are the worst in the history of steam sales" and there is no mention of the events. Just people complaining that the game they wanted to buy didn't go on sale.
I completely agree with the part of steam digging their own hole though. I've said it before, that's what happens when you get people used to sales of that kind.
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Refrain from posting your opinions in open internet forums if it hurts your feelings when people comment on them aggressively.
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Worst steam-sale ever. Everybody has these games already. For everything else is only 50% or even less, but on summersale it was permanent -75% on it. It seems like nothing is gonna change. "Come on, it's just 13-th day of the sale..." -esh. Maybe Garry preparing an announce, what do you think?
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I certainly don't have them all already. Earlier I picked up both Ys games @ 75% off whereas previously the highest reduction they'd seen was 66%. Also grabbed Orcs Must Die 2 Complete @ 75% off, not sure what that was over the summer.
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Orks was -75% on gamepad-sale couple of weeks ago.
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I know right? Like, I have so many games that I can't buy anything on sale because I already own all the games that have a discount. Man it sure sucks to have so many games.
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Yeah. Seems like the sale totally oriented on freshmens, who came in steam in less than half of the year. But, seriously even gamepad-sale was somehow better.
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