I would have called anyone who posts "TL;DR" a troll shitposter, which is a compliment considering the only other options are a lazy fuck who's worth nothing or a literal retard.
Perhaps you should have linked the other thread first in your original post instead of insulting the OP by saying that it's too long for you to care to read it.
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The reason I put "TL:DR" is there was already a guide like this if you would have searched.
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I fail to see how "too long didn't read" is relevant in any way. :P
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This guide is intended to explain how to optimize your chances of winning, not how to win a giveaway.
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It's fine. I'm just trying to dispel any possible conflicts, since your post seemed to criticize the OP and I think his guide is very useful for newcomers.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
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I'm so glad steam is helping to clean up our homes!
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I'm keeping my hundreds of console games. Steam can't replace those.
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Indeed! And the limited availability/higher cost of old games on MSFT, NTDOY, and SNE digital libraries gives you little choice for the time being. Since I don't play them much, they're in boxes out of the way for aesthetic reasons though XD
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Nah, it kind of sucks. I mean, just look at the picture. Do you know how hard it is to read books that blurry?
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Compared to my book collection (of 8 torn with 10 mil. boogers on it), yours is amazing.
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Two actually, if you look around you can see YST on the second a bit lower.
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I used to have a nice collection of books, but from moving around so much, they went the way of donations to a library so someone could enjoy them.
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I got some ebooks on my crappy android phone, plus I read fan fiction as well. No other physical books though. Used to have a larger library, but had to leave a few hundred behind during a move, couldn't take much stuff.
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Lamma litters! Is it ok if their diet consists of Twinkies and Redbull?
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Well, we've been citing it for a long time, now, so it's only natural we'd forget to keep it current. P
It's not too late to update your guide, though.
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Awesome guide, Jbond. I hope this will somewhat help the newcomers :)
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You're very welcome. Glad to see the thread still served some use after two years. :P
And welcome to Steamgifts! If you have any questions, please let me know, I'll be happy to help the best I can. You can even add me on Steam if you prefer. ^^
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A quick guide to winning giveaways on Steamgifts
By jbondguy007
I've typed this guide as a reply to a discussion, but it wasn't getting much visibility since it's a dying thread. Seems a waste after all that typing, so I'm creating this thread to paste my guide to (hopefully) help out new users to understand how winning giveaways work.
So, You've just registered on Steamgifts, you are a bit lost and confused by how the website works. You want to get free games and you want them now, without going through all the reading and clicking and whatnot.
Now... Hold it a second there, cowboy. This isn't a magical realm where you'll acquire dozen of free games in a few days, sadly. The art of winning will require patience, control and simple overall generosity (or at least, be a good member of the community as you can).
First thing first, read the Rules/FAQ. Yes, I know it's long and boring and you have more important things to do. But hear me out here, reading it can save you a whole lots of trouble. First, you are extremely likely to break a rule if you don't know about it. Ignorance is no excuse for rule breaking, so for the sake of you, read it. Second, rule breaking may result in you landing in some user's blacklist. Blacklist = You won't be allowed to enter giveaways created by them.
Here I will list the ways you can increase your chances at your first wins.
Private/puzzle giveaways
Most likely the best and most reliable way to win games. Members of the forum will often create private giveaways, and post them in the forum. Alternatively, they may create puzzles that must be solved to get to the giveaway. A guide to puzzle-solving by Zelghadis.
Both of these giveaway have way less entries, thus much higher odds than public giveaways.
Group giveaways
If you can afford giving away many games, this is the best choice for you. Basically, you begin by joining a private giveaway group. Most of these groups have a special system to avoid leechers. You win games, you giveaway games. Simple enough, huh?
Extremely high odds of winning giveaways this way. Slightly depends of the members count of the group and the amount of giveaway creating required.
Note that most of these groups have special requirements for joining, such as having a decent level, being an active Steamgifts member...
Probably the hardest way to win games, but decently good odds.
A member of Steamgifts may add any other users to their whitelist. They may then create a "whitelist giveaway", which enables only whitelisted users to join. As you can guess, you must get recognized as an active forum user, and show your good side. But unless you are truly an active forum user (and aren't a scumbag), this solution is not reliable.
What else should I know?
Well, giving away games will slightly increase your odds of winning games, in a way. Whenever you give any games away (with five entries or more), your contributor value will increase. Give away enough games, and you'll reach a higher contributor level. This is your contributor level. There are up to 10 levels.
Once you've reached a certain level (for example, level 3), you may now enter giveaways with a level restriction of up to level 3. Level up to level 4, you may now enter level 4 giveaways as well. It's not much, but it will give you a slight edge on winning a giveaway. Read more about Contributor levels.
Other facts
So, that's it?
Pretty much, yep. You know the basics about winning giveaways on Steamgifts.
Now go forth, and make me proud. And good luck! You'll need it!
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