Well, that's a personal preference thing. Personally, I don't think it was ever worth buying. I beta tested it, and after about 2 hours I was over it, but kept playing to fulfill my duty as a tester and tried to be hyped cuz I had friends who had already pre-ordered. Come a beta weekend where I could actually play with friends and guildies, it was clinched, since even playing with friends I didn't like the game at all. So, I might play it again if I got it cheap. Like, really cheap, as in bundle price. But short of that, I don't think it's worth paying for. It's tired. Nothing it does is new on any level, or innovative. Worse, the stuff it has completely stolen from other games it frequently doesn't do AS WELL as these older and less popular games. Plus it, like many others, takes far too much from WoW, which, while it may appeal to some, generally has been a game failure level mistake, since most of us that are shopping around for a new MMO don't want WoW. If we did, we'd go back to WoW. So, I found GW2 to be utterly lackluster on pretty much every conceivable level. The ONLY thing I found noteworthy at all was that it was pleasant to have quest progress shared by people in the area, without having to party. It did inspire a mild level of cooperation that was pleasant to see, instead of kill stealing and griefing.
However, my opinions aside, I know several people who have been playing the game, and enjoying the heck out of it since launch, who I'm sure would say it's totally worth buying. So, basically, the only person that can decide if it's worth it to you, is you.
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What exactly does GW2 take from WoW? IMHO nothing. Combat is completely different. The event system is nothing similar to WoW. "World vs. World" was never seen before in any MMO. I can't think of any other MMO with similar PvP system. Dungeons are fun to do and rewarding, though you'll never find someone with way better gear than you have. While WoW focuses on statistics, GW focuses on aesthetics - you'll recognize an end game WoW player when he kills you within a second, you'll recognize a high end GW player by taking a look at his stuff (I prefer that over being killed by idiots).
So how's GW similar to WoW? I've played WoW for 4 years and I play GW2 since it was released, so please, teach me.
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They copied WoW's currency system (copper -> silver -> gold, instead of GW1's gold -> platinum), but that's the only thing I can think of.
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Technically it's not WoW's currency system. But WoW did use it first in MMO's (I think). If we want to play the copy game, WoW copied it from Dungeon's and Dragon's (not the mmo).
But to add on, yes its definitely worth the buy, but make sure it has the cd key in the box, mine first copy I had to return it, because it had no cd key :P.
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Well i have played over 1,2k hours and well. Imho its best mmo right now. Its subscription free, getting 2 updates a month - so theoretically there is always something to do. Practically i would say half of that updates are interesting.
Do not expect typical end-game creaded by WOW-like mmos - there is no endless farming of gear. Max one month after hitting 80lvl (which takes 1month-2 if you are not nolifing it or rushing, just playing for fun. If you are rushing you can get 80 in 2 weeks) you will have best gear in game.
Instances are quite fun, at least most of them, but surely it lacks some kind of raids. sPVP is great imho. Personally I do not like WvW but it seems most ppl play it as lategame because there is really nothing much more to do after you have beaten all instances few times and got gear skins you like.
I would say you can play through whole game in a half a year, then you can only play for fun. But well its worth to remember that there is no subscription so you can quit and return when you want. I have preordered that game, played over half year, got everything I wanted and quitted for 2 months, returned once again for 3 months and quit for another 2. Everytime i have returned I had fun of it...
So I would say its worth to buy it. At least for now when there is no sight for another good 'new kind' of MMO. By new kind I mean full active combat not rooting you in place to attack, with some new mechanics etc. I cannot agree it takes anything from wow, its completly diffrent (played wow ~2k hours). Diffrent quest system, class system, stat system, skill system, combat system. None of these resembles WoW. But haters will say its copying WoW just because its an MMO D:
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Pretty much this. The game is updated monthly with new events and fun stuff to do, while you'll get end game gear pretty fast, there's still a lot things to do - World vs. World is amazing, both PvE and PvP are challenging, rewarding achievements, leveling new characters (each race have its unique story), farming for badass stuff (Legendary gear), monthly world events, killing dragons - who doesn't like killing dragons..? So much to do.
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I enjoyed it, but burnt myself out in the process. I haven't played MMORPGs in general for months now.
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Got bored of it one month in after maxing 3 characters, but it's all about opinion I guess.
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After a year of fixes, the developers managed to make both PvP and PvE playable. The game is pretty flawed at its core but it's nowhere as bad as it was 6-7 months ago so, if you really want to play it, wait for a discount. I'd say $30-35 is a good price.
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Yep, a lot has changed. Some bosses/instances arent as pathetically easy as they were, WvW seems more fun too. And I would say overall balance is better. But still there is not much to do in endgame if you do not like playing through dungeons just for fun.
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No more culling, world events aren't nearly as laggy as they used to be, bosses take more than a minute to kill.
After months of nothing but temporary content, ArenaNet started making actual improvements to the account management, too: magic find and money are shared among your every character, dungeon tokens no longer take inventory space and you actually get rewards for amassing achievement points in the form of money, weapon skins and boosts to money/exp/karma gain.
There's still a mortifying amount of cash shop-only items and the exchange rate from in-game money to cash shop currency is ridiculously high, but that's never going to change, really.
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The Angry Joe video is an infomercial, hardly a review. For me, someone who played World of Warcraft for 3-4 years, Guild Wars 2 was a mediocre and a bland experience at best. But if it's your first MMO, then you should consider it, but I think there are better MMO's like Rift, and it's F2P.
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Still Rift, aion, tera are all wow copies, gw2 is kind diffrent. I would never compare WoW and GW2. You can compare WoW to tera, rift, but gw2 is another generation of MMOs. You can (will be able when they are released) compare GW2 to EverQuest Next, TESO (Skyrim Online xD), and 1 more that title i cant remember right now, but not to wow.
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What exactly do you find so revolutionary and different in GW2?
Quest being the same "kill 10 boars" just in a lil bit different way with a lil bit more choice.
"No tank-healer-dps" trinity just failed imo. Sometimes the mobs would target someone till his death. I remember a Thief who had to stay in stealth all the time because the boss would just target him every time he broke stealth.
I might name one revolutionary thing - lack of endgame content ;)
Still, that is my opinion after playing it for 2-3 weeks after release and quiting. Maybe things've changed.
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What so revolutionary? While quest are somewhat kill 10 boars it feels much more 'natural' when you enter city being under centaur assault and you have to kill that centaurs (at least when you play your first or second character, then its routine) than when you are given quest "go 3549579345793 yards away of the city to kill 10harpies that will never attack us anyway". Just feeling of the world.
Combat is completly diffrent, gears does not matter that much. You can go tanky gear and die much more often than others who go full dps because they are just better in losing aggro/dodging. I cannot agree with that bosses can target 1 person all time. I have found just 1 boss that seems to target 1 person for whole fight. Rest is attacking random person with no easy to guess pattern (but still there are some bosses that you can know who they will focus in a while).
I agree the OP no tank-healer-dps is fail, but ppl created it anyway. Go and do instance with full healing power Ele/Guard and you will understand that there is no need of tank. 4 dps and 1 healing guard/ele is more than enough to be sure noone will die. Or go with GOOD hammer/mace+shield warrior who knows how to stun/knockdown mobs and you will have some kind of tanking. With a good warrior all mobs will be down, and the ones that are not down will more likely target warrior. Bosses can be diffrent.
But still its a fail and it is possible to create the 'trinity' (not in a direct way but some kind of it).
And the lack of endgame... I have mixed feelings about this. Personally never liked to farm 1 specific raid to get my gear to be even ABLE to go for next raid. I mean in WoW and WoWlikes you are obligated to do every raid a few times before you can advance to next tier, because noone wants T4-geared player in T6 raid. And problem is if you do not like T5 instance and you are forced to do it anyway. In GW2 you can just do every instance once and skip the ones you dont like and you would not have problems to find party. And in GW2 you would not die from a 10yo kid just because he is 10lvl/2 gear tier higher. You will just pwn him because you are better in dodging/mechanics.
On the other hand if you have clear goal to go one tier higher you have some kind of reason to play. In GW2 you might lost your reason after 2weeks-6months.
It all depends if you are the type that likes to play with his guild and having fun, or you are the type that have to be the best, have the best gear and have biggest e-penis(like I call every person that calls others noob because they do 10 lower dps).
Surely GW2 lacks in many aspects, but IS diffrent from nowadays MMOs. Its a step forward, and while its not the best it could be it showed a way to follow. And look - now EverQuest Next, TESO will be more simillar to GW2 than WoW cuz WoW era is ending soon (TM) and Im sure that both this games, and much more in future will repair GW2 mistakes (ie no endgame, no trinity) and probably be much better than GW2 itself, GW2 started a new trend - it proved that there is still something that developers can change in MMO genre not follow trinity. Maybe in future if no roles is a bad idea we will see even more specyfic roles - I would be happy to see game with more roles like DPS, tank, healer, buffer, debuffer, controller, etc. And not like now - healer is also a buffer, DPS is debuffer, and tank is controller. (Well it somewhat exists in cheap korean MMOs but well, who cares about them)
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The removal of the "holy trinity" was a massive success. Each player gets to play to their own strengths and playstyle rather than being forced into a repetitive role that can't do anything without the other two parts of the trinity. Combat is a lot more skill-based rather than build-based (which is something I wish they had managed to do years earlier in GW1).
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I bought it a year ago and I went full regret a week later.
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More people have a positive view of it than negative, but it seems quite hit and miss. Either you like it or hate it, there isn't really a middle group from what I've seen. If you're not sure, see if you can find a friend who owns it that'll let you have a quick play, or wait until it pops up on sale. GMG and Amazon have had it for $30-40 several times in the past.
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You can alawys wait until they have a free weekend trial to try it :)
Although i'm not at max level still and i only play from time to time (yes, i'm a casual! :D) i like it.
It gives many incentives to explore the maps in detail, which is a big thing for me and it has a good gameplay overall with many events and regular updates :)
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It's definitely worth buying if you're looking for an MMORPG.
If you're looking for massive multiplayer, WvW (world vs world) is the best you'll get. Yesterday I lead the charge into Stonemist Castle (the biggest capture point) and came out victorious in a three-way battle of over 200 players. There were only about 50 of us, but we used the element of surprise, strategic siege placement, and some well timed projectile reflection to come out on top.
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The question is: Did you like WoW? if the answer is Yes, then don't buy it. If you have never played an MMO, then go for it.
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Its worth it if you are a casual gamer because there's not much endgamecontent, except if you want to grind for skins like a maniac. The small patches every 2 weeks only add a little bit of content that can be played through in 1-3 days.
There is nothing challanging in pve, there's no incentive to play pvp (and the modes are pretty boring) and the "pve endgamecontent" is basically WvW which you cant do alone and need a better pc because you'll need to run in zergs of 40+ men to be effective. WvW is really fun but the excitement will fade there aswell after a while.
The positive side of Guild Wars 2 is that you can come back whenever you want and not much has changed, so its pretty good for casuals. Which is also its biggest downside because it doesnt hold on to good/hardcore players and lacks challanging and fun content for the long run.
Also you probably should play it with friends, because it will increase your fun greatly.... but that also applies to every other game
I have 2800+ hours played and 14 lvl 80 chars .... so yeah you have been warned.
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hi I am thinking of buying guild wars 2 after seeing angry joe review it seems just amazing.
what do you guys say? still worth it?
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