Empyrion gets my vote. It's just awesome, and getting better with every update. (=
Space Engi, I could never get into for some reason.. I suppose I loved the survival aspect from Empy along with some other neat mechanics that SE lacked which can or cannot be there now
I own 7DTD as well, but never really get around to playing it. Perhaps I'll put this game on my soon to play list
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7 Days to Die is a flat out LIE!! Only took me 7 minutes and I was a goner :P
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I cant say much about Empyrion but played 7D2D a lot with some friends. The developer fixing bugs and exploits very quick and the game for itself is getting better with every patch. At the moment we are waiting vor Alpha 16 but its quite a lot of fun after every patch for 20-30 hours. I mean if you played it for 100 hours its a kind of boring, because you know the mechanics, the technics and what to do very fast. So the advantage for yourself is annyoing after some time. But with every patch, as I said before, it starts to become funny because the differences and new features are amazing. If you have ppl who play it with you, you can also go and crash a pvp server. Was fun too!
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+1. It's super fun with friends, despite still being in early access. Got 213 hours in that game and it's always fun to begin all over with nothing in your pockets, just you (and possibly your friends), with nothing but your handy stone axe against an army of zombies, trying to survive out in the wilderness, building your base, just for it to get destroyed by those god damn exploding policemen. Besides that, there's a lot of settings - difficulty, loot options, respawns, etc., so you can customize it, so it's just the way you'll like it. Also they added random gen maps some time ago, adding even more replay value.
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There are different type of zombies. Obviously every 7 days a new horde of zombies attack your settlement, each week there're some new types of zombies incoming - 1st week it's only the most basic zombies, I think 2nd week is where the annoying flying giant bees come in, 3rd week it's those fat policemen that explode once they're at low HP and 4th week those heavily armored tall zombies come in. Plus zombie dogs, burning zombies, zombie bears and other monsters appear now and then.
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Having to restart often because of new/changed mechanics reminds me of Project Zomboid, pretty much always something new with every update that you can't experience in full without starting a new game. Unfortunately that got a bit tedious for me so I haven't touched PZ in several months.
Then again PZ is more of a long term game with all the stats/skills you can raise for your character, losing all that progress is what made it such a PITA to have to start a new game. I don't think restarting with each update would be as big a deal for me in 7DTD.
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No its not that you have to restart the game so you can explore the new stuff. As Defias said there is a lot of high level content and so you dont have to start a new game. And yeah there are many customization options too, so that you can figure out what settings are "good for you".
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First of all Space engineers is nothing like empyrion at all, space engineers is more centered about building and mechanics etc and empyrion more like survival.
I would vote for 7 days to die, I have played this game alot and enjoyed every second of it. The game made alot of progress lately, and seems to be probably the best survival-craft game i have ever played in my opinion. (also the community is way bigger than empyrion)
I think it all goes to personal perferences, if you like some mechanics and survival in space etc and being able to go to other planets.. go for empyrion.
If you really like in depth survival in an abadoned world with zombies.. go for 7 days to die.
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Actually that would probably explain a bit about why I couldn't get into SE, I never really thought about it but yeah, unless you're into multiplayer servers with PVP there's really not a whole lot that will bother you. If all I'm doing is building I get bored, but I'm not into multiplayer in games like that because there's always going to be some lameass or other rolling through and using a cheat/exploit to destroy the hard work of other players.
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Trust me, i have played 7 days to die almost 500 hours and never saw a cheater so far. The community is very kind and willing to help you.. especially the PVE servers
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Havent played Empyrion but it looks cool.
7 days to die is a great game and getting better all the time.
It is especially a lot of fun if you get a few people to play with you, build a base and cool monuments or just explore and kill zombies in fun ways.
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423h in 7DtD and counting here. 95% of those spent either playing it solo or in co-op with my mate. Avoiding multiplayer for the reasons you mentioned, horde spawning simply doesn't work correctly there so basicly it's all abount wandering and looting in a world with almost no zomboids or PVP with very limited numbers of players on the server. Devs focus their work on single player/co-op and PS port now. Speaking about single player mode it gives you all you need for enjoyable zombie apocalypse survival experience. Crafting and basebuilding is only limited by your creativity and access to resources. Zombie hordes are serious threat with increasing numbers and special zombie types assaulting your base as you proceed week by week. World random generation was also vastly improved in current patches, biomes and climate conditions are way more natural with more realistic transitions between eachother (no more silly sudden desert into snow switch). It's all up to you if you decide to build a stronghold in a place that suits you most or keep exploring as much land as you can with a network of smaller defensive outposts. If you decide to pick this one you can always hit me up for some introduction or advice on Steam.
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I've played both and I prefer 7 days, but I was hooked into that game long before Empyrion came out.
They fixed the horde spawning issue in the last patch so now everyone gets their own day 7 horde which will also take into account the size of the group your in. Day 2000+ hordes take a good minute to 'clean up'.
Here is the dev blog for 7 days if you want to see what there currently working on.
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So I'm trying to decide between the two, as I only have enough in my steam wallet to get one or the other. I did play Empyrion during a free weekend but that was a long time ago and the game has had some major updates since then.
I did enjoy Empyrion despite some flaws, but again, I only played during a free weekend. Workshop support for downloading blueprints created by other players was a huge plus.
I have no experience with 7DTD, but I do enjoy open world Zombpocalypse themed games with a good crafting system, and from what I hear 7DTD has a very good one.
From reviews it seems multiplayer servers for both are a mess, 7DTD moreso, but I'm not really into multiplayer in these types of games so it's not an issue. Many reviews for both games also seem to be outdated so I can't really rely on them too much.
Anyone who looks at my profile will see I have Space Engineers in my steam library and will probably wonder why I don't just play that instead. I've tried it but for some reason I just can't get into it, and I have no idea why since by all rights I should enjoy it as much as if not more than Empyrion.
Basically I'm looking for opinions from people who have played one or both on what makes them exceptionally good or bad,.
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