Step 1 - Get a job
Step 2 - Work to earn money
Step 3 - Put that money in your Steam wallet
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Step 5:
Put on a hat, let people know you're all that
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Getting a job will have a better ROI if you only care about money.
If you found it fun, then I would say trading can often make you some cash. But if you're only in it for the money, you won't stick with it.
Maybe you can look for some F2P games that offer cards? Cards can be sold for a few cents, but you won't make much doing that.
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I havent spent a cent on steam... :P
read about it on my profile (too lazy to copy paste)
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An easy answer would be investing your time in learning about 'professional' TF2 / more recently CSGO trading. Surprisingly, there is a lot to it.
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CS GO. I've made about $60 with out opening any crates.
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The amount of "How do I get money by doing absolutely nothing all day" threads are disturbingly overwhelming.
Here's a quick guide to earning free wallet money. It'll require lots of hard work, and you are way better off by getting a real job instead, but here's the list of easy to follow steps.
Thank you for reading. I hope you've enjoyed these easy to follow steps, and wish you all the luck on getting your "free" Steam wallet. You'll need it.
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Can't get a real job, been looking for one for over 5 years now without luck.
Can't register on Tremorgames because of region restriction.
Giveaways are all about luck, can't consider them a viable way to get cards but once you get lucky sure.
Can't afford CS:GO
You have to realize not everyone has it easy like you.
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You can't get a job since 5 years? Maybe you need to stop waiting to some big boss knocking on your door and start searching. Only those can't find a job who's not looking for it... Or maybe your Mother/Father needs to step up and took you out, then you'll need to get a job, not just live like a parasite on you parent's necks...
Jeez... Kids these days...
And you have more than 100 games, but you can't afford a discounted, 3€ CS:GO...
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You're such a retard. I've been searching for a job all this time.
I've been looking for any kind of job and most of the time I don't even get called back or get any kind of reply. When I call for jobs such as waitering or shop-related stuff they always tell me they're looking for girls. Hell once I called for a job in a factory and the guy told me:"Yeah look, don't get me wrong but I'm only looking for women because from my experience they're more precise and work better." and he hanged up.
Then there are jobs where they only want people with 5+ years of experience in that particular job which I obviously don't have, because how the fuck am I going to get experience when nobody wants to hire people without job experience (unless you have a fucking vagina or very good contacts).
As for my games they're from winning in websites like this one and most were gifts from friends (extras from their bundles, and things like that). Some games I got by trading cards; some people that buy games in bundle trade their extras for only few cards and I was lucky to get a couple of deals like that but lately nothing. Others where obtained from other giveways such as those big giveaways that indiegala creates every now and then. Some were won in steam group giveaways, etc.
And when was CS:GO 3€? During the winter sale it was 5,49€ lowest which I can't afford. I don't have a penny to my name, my parents are struggling and can barely pay bills (both without a job ever since I was a kid, dad because he got very sick during the war and mom because she quit the job to take care of him, me and my brother and the house and now when we're grown ups she can't get a job anywhere).
You really should avoid being a fucking asshole before you actually get to know some facts about someone.
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Try getting an appreniceship. It's working for me
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Hey, I'm just trying to help.
And you didn't mention how idling is a good solution? Idle, get cards, sell cards, buy CS:GO. Really not such an effort. And for getting a job, five years is a lot, maybe you are aiming a bit too high standard?
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Or idle tf2, trade your worthless items for items of more worth, which you continue to do until you trade for things like keys. You can then sell those valuable items items for steam wallet which you use to buy games, or just trade for games. Oh, and like everyone else has said, get games with trading card drops so you can sell those.
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Well you're right about buying CS:GO by selling cards, however you're not right about it not being an effort. With my download speed and old PC it'd take a while to download, install and idle for cards in all of them. My PC couldn't stand running like ten games at a time to get cards from all of them at once.
I have pretty much no standard to be honest, been looking for any kind of job at all. My country is third worst in Europe by unemployment (especially for younger people) right behind Greece and Spain.
Getting a job here without having very good contacts is very hard.
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Er, if you read carefully my first post, I clearly said: "It'll require lots of hard work, and you are way better off by getting a real job instead, but here's the list of easy to follow steps."
And as SirSpatula pointed out, you can do the same with TF2 (a free to play game). I also have a VERY crappy internet speed, and for idling, you should use SAM or Idle Master (no downloading games required).
Trust me, I DEFINITELY don't have it easy, especially lately. Nearly everything I currently own on Steam was acquired through lots of efforts. ;)
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...I really don't know why you are making such a big deal out of this, seriously?
By "Really not such an effort", I was pointing out at idling for cards. If that's too hard for you, well then there's nothing I can do about it. I'm only trying to help anyone who's willing to work a bit to earn some Steam wallet, give me a break. :P
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And if you don’t want to use external programs, you can do it manually. Is easy. I use defy gravity for it.
You only need a light (no heavy) game. Go to the directory in which it is installed and edit (or create one) the file called steam_appid.txt with the number of the game that you want to get cards. The number can be obtained from the link of the game in the store. Then you need to run the game, but don't start it by steam, open it directly on the directory (or with a shortcut). You should see in your profile that you are playing the game that you choose to get cards.
For more information:
Is about idle master but there is explained other methods too.
And about your situation and your job i understand you. I finish my university studies in 2012. The only job i got was a grant to work 1 year in a town council.
I’m curious, where are you from? Me from Spain.
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and to get those accounts to sell, just take it from other people and sell it back to them.
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Real job blah blah blah.
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BEGGING, no start up funds needed
step one: ask EVERYONE for free stuff. Its always a good tip to tell them how poor you are as this goes a long way.
step 2: Learn to take the abuse and try not to cry
C. dont aaccept no for an answer and REMEMBER THAT NO MEANS YES!!!!!!
G. Now go employ someone to manage all those items that will flood in.
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Only problem is people always want to trade their crap free gifts (Gun Monkeys et all) instead of gems.
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Get some f2p cards and items, sell for highest price
get some summer/winter cards, sell... hope for foil too(actually got 2 foil but towards the end and price fell by 2$)
Buy cheap games, sell at higher price
Enter giveaways and collect games, get cards from them, sell
Playfire, monies for achievements
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I started my account with 1 cent i got spare from buying a 4.99 game.
Playing Dota 2 and (most importantly) CSGO allowed me to get money. I NEVER got more than 2 dollars from sales, so i spent all my steam wallet money on Dota 2 items i actually liked.
You could get 5 or even 10 dollars if you're really dedicated with CSGO, but I dont think more than that is viable.
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