Will you buy it?
I shall watch my activity page for someone activating all of them
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Nah, I own (approx) £177.50 of the DLC which is enough for now.
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no idea why people mock this game and its dlc... how much do people spend on buying crap for csgo or tf2, how many hundreds, in some case THOUSANDS do people spend on keys, most of which will just yield crappy guns worth less than the key that unlocked them
this one the other hand.. some people just love trains, they can spend hours enjoying travelling along the well realised tracks, in a multitude of different trains that can handle differently, and look different... i realise that there are real enthusiasts out there that love their trains, so it makes a hell of a lot more sense to me (and by extension, I consider them less worthy of mocking) than spending a hundred bucks on a weapon skin or hundreds on gambling on tf2/csgo crates...
ADDITIONALLY, once you buy the game, your copy will always be upgraded to the latest version every year for free (if you buy 2015, when they bring out 2016, your copy will be updated to 2016) - the DLC is their primary way of making money... you dont even have to buy it all, its not like a normal game where you have to own all DLC to 'get the full story'.. you just buy whichever most appeal to you and ignore the rest - this is a DLC model I actually SUPPORT; only buy the game once, always have the most up-to-date version, and only buy the trains/tracks that specifically appeal to you.
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Dude lower your jets, it's just a joke.
Simulation enthusiasts are a legit group of gamers, just like those who play RPGs, MOBAS, or TF2/CS:GO and so on. We can find things to make fun of in any of those groups. Everybody spends their money however they want to, maybe somebody's even happy to find out about the sale here huh?
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I'm not a train enthusiast but I find this relaxing. For me it's the train equivalent of Euro Truck Simulator when it comes to gameplay.
Spent hardly anything on 13 as I got it in a bundle.
Got 14 (or the DLC it contains) after 15 was released for 7 keys.
Spent today's sale price on 15.
That gave me a decent collection of routes/locos.
On top of that I bought a little Christmas and Halloween special because they were too cute and I also picked up a route that goes within a mile or so of where I live, that I've actually travelled on a few times.
Spent roughly £40 altogether which I don't think is bad for 77 hours so far.
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SHIV posted above "once you buy the game, your copy will always be upgraded to the latest version every year for free (if you buy 2015, when they bring out 2016, your copy will be updated to 2016)" So I'm wondering if that is false since you're paying for your upgraded version each year?
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You get upgraded, but your actual content isn't upgraded as far as I'm aware. I might be wrong on that but am reasonably sure I'm not.
Say you owned 2013, then it just changes it's name to 14 then 15 and all the interfaces/menus will change. As far as I know, your collection of trains and routes to drive on stay the same, and you don't actually get any new stuff apart from a few tutorials with the change of name.
If you wanted the new content that came packaged with the new release/name change then you need to buy the latest version of the game again. Each year's version of the game is basically a collection of DLC that they put together. On top of that you can buy newly released DLC.
You can also buy the DLC that was packaged in a previous year's edition on an individual basis after they've released a new version and stoppped selling the old one on Steam. E.G. - Train Simulator 2013 contained a route called Northeast Corridor, Train Simulator 2014 and 15 didn't. You can go back and buy Northeast Corridor separately now if you wanted to for £12.49 on sale. That isn't very cost effective, obviously, as you could have had got it included in TS 2013 with a bunch of other stuff for probably half that price in a Steam Summer sale when 2013 was the current release.
If you did miss out on a particular DLC at the time it was packaged with others in a given year's release and wanted it now, then you'd be better off hunting down a boxed copy of 2013, 2014 etc which you can still find if you look for them. £12.49 for the Northeast Corridor route at the moment when 50% off on Steam, or £14.99 for TS2013 that includes that route + 3 others and some different trains, I know which I'd rather get.
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Train Simulator 2015 is 85% off!
Now you can grab the base game and all the 212 DLCs for only £1450/€1990/$2200!!
GOTY, deal of the decade imo.
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