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Tell him, no need to post a link to the other one, there is a search function. 🤣
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Also the Mrs Voorhees’ Motherly Love Mega Bundle is 50% OFF
Also is seems that the only way to get trading cards is by In-App Purchase (or by using gems/community market)
Also, you can still claim the Super Slasher Skin Pack DLC at alienware:
Retro Jason
Part 3 Jason
Flaming Jason!
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you can still claim the Super Slasher Skin Pack DLC at alienware:
Retro Jason
Part 3 Jason
Flaming Jason!
Added this to the OP. Thank you for the info and for the bump.
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Thanks for the info, but despite having everything in the system correctly, I have never once gotten anything to work with Alienware giveaways. Not with any url, not with any browser, I always get an error. Which is about on par with their PC product reliability.
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To get all achievements one needs all DLCs (except for the soundtrack) which would cost €12 now. I assume they won't be available for purchase after the game has been taken down from the store. Wonder if they will do a last sale, if not I think I'll pass even the tho the game looks interesting.
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No, i asked because they had a sale just last week they couldn't do another sale.
There will be NO extra sale on any of the items.
Is cheaper with soundtrack (if you own the free alienware DLC maybe):
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Aw, shame. The game looked good too. It seems the dev isnt interested in doing a final sale. I just checked on the last few pages of the announcement that people mentioned that they can actually do a final sale based on steam's policy, or just dropped the base price as an alternative.
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What i expected, i don't know why devs do that, isn't it better to make some buck out of it when people would buy it on sale or nothing at all? Now this is a good game, some might fall for it and buy it anyway, but you got some devs with a crappy game that still maintain their base prices while a final sale would do them good.
I'd probably go with the bundle i mentioned above too, it does include everything.
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Same. If the whole bundle has at least the same price as last sale price, i might get it. I did claimed the game, but then i checked that you need all dlc to 100% it so i just removed it from my account right away.
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Sniper Elite V2 OG still has DLC up for sale but not the base game
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Thank you! Unfortunately, I can't claim the DLC from Alienware. It says "Unfortunately, a key could not be assigned to you." I did contact Alienware about this, but it's been 16 hours and no response, I guess I'll have to miss out on AWA's giveaway... :(
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Damn, won’t let me get a skin pack key. Keeps giving an error
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Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I used your key. Thank you so much! :D
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Friday the 13th Killer Puzzle - Super Slasher Skin Pack Steam Key DLC
"?" = "T"
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I got a key from the Alienware giveaway, thank you!
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Folks with problems...
I tried logging in with my regular Firefox (with Ublock running) and got the error.
I loaded up Chrome in Incognito mode, NO additional ad blocking... and it worked right away.
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I tried that... unfortunately it didn't work. Thanks for the advice anyway!
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There's no problem on my end when using AdBlock Plus on Firefox. Adblock doesn't affect it whatsoever. There's even an AWA app that lets you access giveaways. The only way you could not be able to claim it is if it's level restricted, or out of keys. If you're concerned about the popup, you don't need it. The keys are logged on your account.
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Er, no... the keys weren't on my account until I logged in with a different browser without using the blocking extension.
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Ah, I misunderstood you perhaps -- I never assumed it was the BROWSER, just that something about Ublock origins preventing the claim from functioning. I suppose I could have just temporarily disabled the extension, but it was easier to just load up a browser without it installed. All I meant to imply in all this was that if one were having problems, it might be due to an ad blocker -- and disabling (or using a browser without it) might solve the problem.
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Funny. Two different people had their problem solved by doing so yet you claim it's not so. hmmmmm
Anyone having questions about the AWA site should be asking on the AWA site.
Why are you so angry? People can ask about anything anywhere.
Unless you're a mod here on SteamGifts, I'd suggest you tone it down it with policing others' speech on the forums.
You can choose to ignore this suggestion yet people will continue to ask about and discuss whatever they want regardless of what you say.
Case in point the Humble post where people asked one another about the yearly deal. I didn't see you pop up there.
If you rephrase what you said to make it more of a suggestion, that would be best. But you do you.
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Funny. Two different people had their problem solved by doing so yet you claim it's not so. hmmmmm
Why are you so angry? People can ask about anything anywhere.
Your reaction to me saying that people's questions specifically pertaining to AWA be directed there should not be a signal for you to tell me to tone it down. That's extremely condescending, and it's absolutely audacious of you to try to gaslight me into saying I'm angry. I'm giving practical tips on how to use AWA, and it would be preferable for people navigating AWA to direct their concerns there than someone who is trying to tell them to "go use VPN" or some other obviously pointless direction. I didn't even attack you at all, so it seems to me more that you're projecting your insecurities onto me.
Case in point the Humble post where people asked one another about the yearly deal. I didn't see you pop up there.
I don't even go there, nor do I know what you're talking about. What point did you think you're making here? If I saw issues there, I still would've said the same thing.
If you rephrase what you said to make it more of a suggestion, that would be best. But you do you
I can't rephrase it, because it's not a suggestion. They're genuine features of the site I have experience with and I'm simply telling people how the site works.
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This thread is about a free game on Steam. The extra free DLC on AW is not even necessary.
The extra DLC was not obtainable anywhere else, and since this is a giveaway site as well, that is a really convoluted thing for you to say.
Your whole combative energy isn't what this post is about.
I get why people read your responses and choose to ignore them thereafter. Seconded.
You're conceited. You dismissed me from the start after I explained what it was about, then YOU were the one to twist it around after the fact and told me I was getting angry. That is the most abusive, manipulative blatant deflection I have ever seen straight up. You're telling ME I'm the one that's combative when you INSULTED me in the first place? That doesn't compute.
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I tried to get the AW keys but I keep getting the error message below.
"Unfortunately, a key could not be assigned to you. This can occur for one of several reasons, including:
1) We've ran out of keys before we could assign one to you while you were in the queue.
2) You are in a country or region that is not eligible to receive a key.
3) A key has already been assigned to you.
4) reCAPTCHA validation failure."
I tried without adblock, with and without vpn, in normal and incognito mode and still getting the same error message, so my guess is that they run out of keys.
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It has
it'sown dedicated page.
And not sure if you're correct about what you're claiming and frankly don't trust your advice :-)
What I typed worked for ME. I tested it by refreshing the claim page and it worked. Again.
Another person had the same experience.
I shared it for the benefit of others.
You have a different way of claiming the key? Fine.
That still doesn't invalidate the experience of other people.
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And not sure if you're correct about what you're claiming and frankly don't trust your advice :-)
Well frankly, the fact is I am correct:
I've been on AWA for at least 4 years. I would know how the site works. The popup is just a widget that spits out your key. If that popup itself was blocked from displaying (as some have described), it isn't needed anyway. Your keys are internally registered to your account.
What everyone else was actually describing was the blocking of the claim button function. That doesn't preclude the fact that if the keys were claimed, they are in fact actually listed and stored in your account anyway.
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What everyone else was actually describing was the blocking of the claim button function. That doesn't preclude the fact that if the keys were claimed, they are in fact actually listed and stored in your account anyway.
Your whole argument just collapsed on itself.
Take your L graciously.
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Your whole argument just collapsed on itself.
Take your L graciously.
How does it collapse? I use the site practically everyday, so tell me, wise one, how does it collapse?
I mean, I literally just posted the link to the page and descibed how it worked, so what part of this collapsed onto itself when I was saying where your keys could be found without the popup itself?
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If you reread what you typed and think about it, maybe you'll get it.
I'll ignore your impolite remark and tone :-)
In fact, I'll ignore you as a person!
Welcome to the Blacklist+IgnoreList. You should be honored, you're only the second person to ever get there!
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If you reread what you typed and think about it, maybe you'll get it.
I read it. I still don't see what you think you're saying. The background I take from this is based on my experience not just with the site but also how websites work.
The site uses Bootstrap to display the popup and other elements on the site, and there are specific elements adblockers/extensions can block. I quoted the OP specifically claiming the popup doesn't work. I then noted others' descriptions that their extensions were actually blocking them from claiming the keys themselves, as opposed to the description of the popup. I then very specifically added that had it been functional even without the popup (because I am relying on past experience of people getting their keys "lost"), that there's a whole page they can go on where those keys should be listed.
So, again, which part of this collapsed?
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As RATT mentioned above, the individual DLCs aren't discounted, but there is a 50% off bundle if people are interested in getting everything they don't have.
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Seriously i don't condone what the other user posted, it's not nice, but multiple times you know you annoy a certain group of people when many of your comments are "I don't like the price, so i am not gonna buy it", so why continue it then?
In the end it does not really add any value, just something to think about.
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There's exactly 2 people who keep commenting here starting fights.
3 people if we count you now.
One annoyed that there's only 8/12 free parts of the game; the other person saying everyone who disables their ad-blocker on AW is wrong.
I left both conversations.
I don't recall talking to you anywhere anytime before.
Only these few words Here in this same thread:
Without a bump, that thread is buried, at least for me.
Didn't see it; hence this one.
Yet you decided to come out of the blue and make this personal and send out blank statements?
That's ...okay :)
Whatever you say :)
Have a good day.
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Are we seriously dragging me into this now too when it was just a friendlier reminder to people in general, and start picking on me?
It's not out of the blue, it's a toxic thing that seems to be crawling deeper and deeper into here (and people) that shouldn't have even happened here. I guess our new staff could moderate better also in these departments.
I meant your fight with the other guy and Makki above, his comment.
Please be a little less condescending in your remarks that could make your a little more likeable to others.
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Happy to help.
Is there anything relevant to the game Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle that you can add?
Can you provide new useful information about the game for anyone reading this now?
If you still have grievances about how people are not nice, feel free to NOT clog this thread with irrelevant comments. You may start your own in Discussions>Off Topic.
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Is there anything relevant to the game Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle that you can add?
Can you provide new useful information about the game for anyone reading this now?
You have nothing beneficial to add?
If you still have grievances about how people are not nice, feel free to NOT clog this thread with irrelevant comments. Like this:
Stop being condescending.
You may start your own in Discussions>Off Topic.
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It's actually good advice and beneficial to your thread to stop being condescending for people to keep reacting in your thread(s).
And i might actually enjoy it this time, to keep going until you actually stop, because you are basically keep telling someone what to do, on a public forum. i kinda hate that when people do that, dictate others.
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Talking patiently to you isn't cutting it.
Nothing seems to work with you unfortunately.
Off you go to the Blacklist and IgnoreList then.
I wish you the best.
Back to the game Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle
It's Jan 17 now, so about 6 days left before it's delisted on Jan 23.
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You started the bickering (as with others, that seems to be your nature), i was only asking people to try be nice, you dragged me and it into a fight, being condescending for absolute no reason whatsoever.
I laugh at your blacklist, first make some more giveaways and even then i would not care, i already had you put there 4 posts ago, guess who would suffer their blacklist more?
But yeah the fun is over here.
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then just buy the episodes that cost money since the bundle includes skins as well. It doesn't cost 11,93€ then
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They can't discount it because it was discounted recently (Winter sale) and they have to wait until they can do a new sale.
Unfortunately not, we just had them on sale for the Steam Holiday / Winter Sale so we have to wait a period before they can go back on sale again. :(
Having say that, they could have warned about the whole licensing thing during the WInter sale.
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They actually said in another post that they can put it on sale but they don't want to do it because they can't put it on sale on other platforms which would be unfair to other people and supposedly they'd get email complaints. Personally I think that's just another excuse and they should just put it on sale. I'd really like to have the rest of the DLC but not for $10 after the winter sale just ended
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Personally I think that's just another excuse and they should just put it on sale.
But wouldn't that just be pandering to junkies?
Basically everybody who is now complaining about them not doing a final sale had ZERO interest in that game just one month ago.
But now that it's gonna be delisted they NEED to have it 😅
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Most people in the thread are collectors, but not everybody.
For instance, I have played the previous game of the dev a lot (16 hours, with every achievement unlocked):
Then I have played the revamped version of the first game with the "Friday the 13th" license a bit (2.5 hours, with half of the achievements unlocked), but I did not buy the DLC for the paid levels and then forgot about the game.
It is not a big deal to lose all chance to ever play these paid levels, but I would totally have bought these during the past sales if I had known. Maybe these levels would have been added to the backlog and forgotten, but who knows?
The chronology of events is a bit unfortunate.
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Yeah, in that case it's understandable you are slightly annoyed.
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i have interest with the game, but idk that the game exist 1 month ago.
even if i know the game is on sale, i'm not the type to buy all games when they are discounted, especially if i won't play it soon. it's a different case if the game is going to be delisted, though. i would buy the game right away had the discount still applies.
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I too am a collector and when games are delisted from steam I often buy them before. of course it has to be worth it. give me a good price and i buy. i bought Jump Force Ultimate Edition and Deadpool but i paid them for the price they were worth ie 8,5 euros. I would have bought this if it was at 5 6 euros but at this price I won't buy it
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Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle
Additional free DLCs:
Episode 2: Lockdown
Episode 3: Winter Kills
Episode 4: IMASKNY
Episode 5: Last Resort
Episode 6: Slayground
Episode 7: Wasteland
Episode 8: Future Shock
Edit to add:
The subIDs for the base game and the seven free DLC:
!addlicense ASF 241210, 246130, 265290, 265289, 246139, 265260, 265229, 265219
Edit #2:
Also, you can still claim the Super Slasher Skin Pack DLC at AlienWare:
Retro Jason
Part 3 Jason
Flaming Jason!
Edit #3:
If you cannot claim the AW pack, check the comments below.
Kind people are dropping their keys.
Edit #4:
"Folks with problems...
I tried logging in with my regular Firefox (with Ublock running) and got the error.
I loaded up Chrome in Incognito mode, NO additional ad blocking... and it worked right away."
I personally had the same happen with me.
The key from AW popped only when I allowed popups for the AW website on my ad-blocker extension.
Edit #5:
If you're still looking for a AW DLC key, there are GAs going on for them. Here, here, and here.
Edit #6 on 23.Jan:
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