Honestly, he'll probably get suspended, knowing the mods here. If I can get suspended for saying "CODFags", then he'll probably get suspended for that.
(inb4 getting suspended for saying the thing that got me suspended in a different context but still saying it anyways)
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Woah, are you going to get suspended again for saying that?
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There was an episode of The Boondocks that totally addressed the "ga" vs "ger" suffix at the end of "nig" ya know...
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No? For one there will be new games released and secondly some games will probably never go on a pay what you want bundle / large discount bundle (call of duty, Bethesda games, Ubisoft games for example).
And it's a good thing that they don't get removed because people would horde bundle games a give them after they are removed.
Also, if they're on a bundle, chances are a lot of people will have bought them because bundles are cheap, so there's less people looking to win three game, so why give it away?
If they start removing games from the list, the CV system needs to go as well.
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The examples you list are pretty bad to do so.
However, I do agree that not all, but rather most games will eventually be on a bundle at the rate this is going.
For every 1 new game released, we get at least 3-4 bundles in the same time period.
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I agree that there are more games going onto the bundle list per month than releases, but there will also pretty much always be games that aren't on that list, and thanks to a few publishers who are a bit 'tight-fisted' it won't just be new games that haven't been bundled. My examples were just a few publishers who's games are unlikely, but not impossible, to be on a bundle.
Granted, when we reach the stage where the majority of the Steam catalogue has been bundled, the site will have to make some changes to how bundles and CV are handled as if they don't it'll just degenerate into people giving only the few games that aren't bundled for CV and/or people just say fuck it and forget about getting CV and give the bundled games.
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FULL EDIT: Did not fully understand the 20% mechanic before, checked it again and "got" it now. (Well a bit, must confess it's a bit confusing, but maybe it's a lack of domain over the language of me >.o)
Now I understand why some of the last bundled games I've given away got me some extra CV over the "30 limit" ^^
Link here just in case someone who don't got it want to check how work.
And thanks Afnord, Zomby2D and atb85 for poiting my error before. ^^
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That's only if you give nothing more than bundled games. If you give non-bundle games you increase your bundle cap by 20% of those giveaways.
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The awkward moment you remember having a bookmark on cg's profile....
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And then people stock up on them and wait 6 months to 2 years to get full CV, because there are people who dedicate their entire lives to amassing CV value for the least amount of cost. And these people are everyone, because all the regulars talk about is "CV Abuse". So yeah, not going to happen as long as the current CV system is in place.
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The best solutions would require complete overhauls to how the entire system works, which isn't work that SteamGifts staff are willing to put into something that they see to be a relatively minor issue.
If I were making Steamgifts anew from scratch, I'd likely try a supply and demand solution. CV would be inversely related to the rate at which a game is being given away. But while it sounds simple, actually implementing such a system would be fairly complicated and would require tweaking for a while. And any system is going to have flaws, potential exploits, and draw complaints anyway.
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If you ask me, if they start removing games from the list, the CV system needs to go as well.
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some games will be stocked up on, and this is easily visible through the various game graphs. Some games, however, like the ones in the Indie Royale bundles are different. People rarely gave the games away during the duration of the bundle. It makes no sense why they would stock up on those, especially since the CV gain is often barely any better than what you would get from the Steam store if left unbundled.
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What about BTA games? Or Indie Royale? I'm almost 100% sure people don't stock up on those.
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There's really no danger of that. Right now, about 1/6 of the entries in the "Create a Giveaway" page list have an asterisk. While there are frequently new bundles, there are also frequently new games. And there are a lot of games that just won't be bundled.
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yeah there are tons of games that will never be bundled but Grid 2 has been added to that list because of the intel giveaway,just cause was added because of a bug in the pricing.
So games can be added like that.Also The frequently new games cannot compensate for the frequently new bundle games/deals too good to not be added in the bundle list/promos/giveaways/bugs.
Also how many ''new'' games are bound to be bundled?Since almost all indie titles are gonna be in a bundle sooner rather than later.
And with the latest bundles,(Origin,deep silver,thq)I think that any game can be bundled from now on.It's easy for some companies to throw us 5-6-10 year old games(that are still good,but no longer generating profit)and make money while advertising their new game/s.(see prison architect,dead island riptide)
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That is clearly untrue. In the last week I believe there were at least 20 additions to the bundle list (I am probably missing one or two, since the dates given on the bundle list don't necessarily correspond with when the game was actually added). In the same amount of time, there were 26 games added to the Steam store (Sept 23 - Today).
The games added to the list are as follows:
Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem 2
Sine Mora
Electronic Super Jou
March of the Eagles
The Polynomial - Space of the music
Jagged Alliance - Back in Action
Grid 2
Smaug's Treasure
The Company of Dwarves Bundle
The Warrior Bundle
Dysfunctional Systems
Train Sim 2014
Bunny Must Die
20:26 is obviously not ".01" or so....
And I'm sure there have been plenty of weeks in which bundle games outnumber new games added to the store.
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Well that's what I attempted to say. Basing on the use of 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th term of the year.
But a quick search on the net makes me know that is the last/more rare use of the word. So thanks for made me learn a bit more English. BTW I also didn't found a connection with pregnancy duration, maybe it's because you're from Canada?
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I think the better idea would be to take off the CV system and implement the level system, no more cv, only with levels, keys gives lower exp and steam gifts gives much more exp, this should be right for everyone i think, no more complain about the bundle list.. at least this is my opinion.
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Assuming all Steam game bought outside Steam is dirt cheap. -.-
And just changing the name of a system isn't a miracle remedy.
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I think you'll find useful information in this video
You're welcome
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"Insanity is doing the exact...
same f**king thing... over
and over again, expecting...
shit to change." - Vaas Montenegro
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i would be ok with bundle games coming off the list but it's unfair if they EVER tell us when. Because if they say "after 18 month" then people will hoard for 18 months. If they say "After two years" people will hoard for two years. Heck if they say "eventually" people will hoard till death bed so their grandkids can get the CV.
So don't ask silly questions. Mods are doing what they can as is.
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I could't avoid but picture the scene in my mind. And old man on the brink of the death, grabing his grandson hand and wispering "My serials, you must hold them well, you may want to reedem it but don't! Someday yet they will be worty a huge amount of CV!" and dying.
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What they should do is pick one (and only one) bundled game and take it off the list, with no warning, but with a huge amount of fanfare and a massive announcement when it happens, and then never do it again (but never say that they'll never do it again.)
Hundreds of people will by tons and tons of copies of every bundle and hoard all the keys in the hopes that it will happen again... and it never will.
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They will remain on the list: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-Q7b-vHY3Q
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I think they should make the contributor reward more complicated. I love seeing threads asking about why their CV is stuck at $30 and how its not fair that their games aren't worth anything. Its almost like they don't understand the concept of giving gifts.
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Just curious cause I saw that there are bundle games that have been on the bundle list ever since I joined Steam gifts.
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