Very nice adventure you made there... :)
Going to test my skills on it later... ^0^
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Bump for stucking at the mosaic.
Attracting story and nice drawing.
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Phew, have a bump. I don't know how I didn't see this for a whole week O.o Have gathered the key and open the chest.. But it seems there is still something missing (like the actual quest). Also there are some snips which may or may not have an unidentified purpose.
Thanks for the event. I can see that doing all those drawings must have been some work.
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You and me both, I've tried 5 different answers to question 2, and it tells me it's wrong (5 answers to see if the answer was capitalized or lowercase)
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trust me, it doesn't. I know the answer for number 3 as well and it's not being accepted either.
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This is why the site needs private messaging. I know what the animals are, it's just not taking the answers no matter what I type in.
I've even tried German due to the : mark on the binary puzzle
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Not for that puzzle. Almost done with the rest of the map though.
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That's really strange O.o I'm somehow curious to what you tried. Maybe you can post in the giveaway after the ITH as soon as you have solved it. Also take a break maybe and come back later again. It seems a week before ending there will be hints if you haven't gotten it by then.
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Managed to solve it, I was looking at the wrong continent. We have TONS of animals that make tracks similar to some of these.
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Have you edited any of the ITHs (or checked them for typos)? I think I know the answer to Nine-Tosche but it's not taking any answer, and I've tried 11 of them.
Eszaza(n)te also isn't taking any answers.
North Americans, look off continent. -_-
These two are driving me nuts.
EDIT: Nine-Tosche is still driving me nuts. Found the proper thing this time (that answer is very well hidden), but not accepting the answer.
I've even tried the latin term for the guardian of Nine-Toscha, and it's not being accepted.
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It's an amazing quest!
I'm a bit stuck on the mosaic now. I may have misunderstood what the blue and red colors mean.
Anyway, it's lots of fun and I've solved almost everything else already!
Edit: OK, solved the mosaic, now I'm stuck on finding the correct answer.
Edit2: Got it! Now stuck on inserting the keys...
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Seriously? Why is everyone getting the mosaic but me?
I've tried everything aquatic I can think of, and even some land based things.
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So you decrypted the quest? I'm only missing the quest and the mosaic.
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yes, but to go on with the quest you need the mosaic solution at least that is my guess
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So I just discovered this today. Wonderful job, Erdbeertoertchen. <3
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I feel your pain. Nine-Toscha and the Throne Hall (after the chest) are giving me trouble.
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so are hints comming?
I still have no clue what else to try with the mosaic
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they are a week before the event end - still some days until then
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by the GAs it says 1 week remaining, so I thought there is only a week left
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The remaining time is truncated instead of being rounded to the nearest integer, so 1.9 hours becomes 1 hour and 1.9 weeks becomes 1 week. Right now the remaining time seems to be about 1 week 5 days and several hours, so we're in for a long wait...
... which is a bummer, 'cause I can't insert those damn keys into that damn chest, no matter what I do! I'm not even sure what exactly I should be inserting there! Oh, well :)
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Yeah it's kind of weird. If you hover over the time remaining you should get a floating tooltip that tells you the exact Day & Time the giveaway ends.
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Hello ^^
Before you can start on your great adventure here are a few things you should know:
Let´s all have some fun together and please ignore my non existing storytelling skills and any spelling error you may find :D
Totally not a bribe to like this
So now let´s start:
You wanted to be a hero since you were a kid. Each night your mother would read you the stories from the great Adventurers that explored the continent of Aferon; how they collected all the treasures that now are stored in the Castle City, fought wild beasts and destroyed evil after the big calamity that changed all and everything.
And now after years of staying in adventurer school you re fianlly ready to go out and become a hero. That was some bad news when you heard you had to go to a school for that. Worst part of school was when they made you do actual thinking and learning how to read. Who needs that in the face of monsters – should you bore them to death with math? But there were the fun times as well; smashing papermaché giants or running around hordes of vegan zombies (well yes, they couldn´t actually use the other ones for obvious reasons).
But today is your big day, your first day as future hero, your first day as an adventurer – and you get to visit princess Adlez in the castle for your very FIRST QUEST. You can´t keep still while you think about it.
As soon as you get there you see people running around inside the castle and you get ushered into a room fast. There the Princess is already waiting for you. "I´m sorry", she says, "but we can´t give you a celebration with handing over your first quest. The keys to the rainbowchest we would normally open for this got lost. And well, we don´t have any more spares it seems. So we kinda need you to go out right now try to find them. She hands you a old and dirty looking map."
"I marked down all the places that the royal Key Keeper was visiting on his last vacation, so could you kindly go and look for them? Bring them back and meet me in the Throne Hall when you are done." After that she leaves you alone.
Now where will you start?
Go north towards the X-Death Curse Bay
Go north west to the City Zalgha
Go west to the excavations of Eszazate
Go east through the Slubinl Jungles towards Wad Medabat
Go south to Pal Maba, the only Outpost in the Angry Prairie
Go straight to the Throne Hall
removed for obvious reasons :D
I hope you all had fun while trying to solve the puzzles and i wish you happy holidays.
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