Obligatory Poll Question
Q7 seems so obvious, but I can't get it right (or any other one, actually)
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Yeah, I guess having english as a second language makes it difficult
Edit: I have 3 questions where the answer is obvious as well (also in q7) and they are wrong.
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Got only question 2. fairly sure I know what 6, 7 and 8 are as well but there not accepting any answer I put.
edit: Got number 1. Haha that one was awesome! :D
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Just missing #6-#8 now. Ponder, ponder...
ETA: Got #6.
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Got Q1, Q2, Q4, Q5, Q6 here, like others said 7 and 8 only seem obvious. Totally clueless about 3...
(Edit: OK, got 3 too, had the word just slightly different before ;>)
(Edit: Done! I never thought I'd ever be first at one of those :))
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Unfortunately, this reminds me of old text adventures where you know exactly what to do/say, but you have to guess how the parser wants you to type it. Either that, or the obvious answers are deliberately eschewed in favor of an obscure interpretation. Oh well-- was fun to try. :-D
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Only one solver after 6 hours. I guess not too easy. ;-D
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Only solved 1, 2, and 4. The rest seem easy except for 5. But I can't seem to get the right answer anyway.
Edit: Lol, just hit on 5. It -was- easy, I just wasn't seeing it.
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My first Puzzle Giveaway!
CV needs to be 1+, so most people should be able to have a go
Sorry about the really bad image editing, I used MS Word because I think it's actually better then MS Paint for this stuff, believe it or not.
If it's too difficult then just let me know and I can add hints here
Ends sometime on the 28th of April for most people :D
Here is le link: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/1SttOB7Z
(P.S.) as it's my first puzzle, please let me know if I fudged up :D tyty
Alrighty so it was getting a bit difficult at the end; I knew the last ones were going to be more of a challenge. I don't think my answers are written strangely but obviously I understand now that I need a bit of variation and I've added it to the answers for 7 and 8. Oh and 3, 4, ---EDIT--- 5 ---END EDIT---and 6 are only one word (that might help)
Seems I'm learning more about this puzzle business as we go along!
Added more answers for the few at the end so you can be less exact again - if you get the answers by now you'll understand what I'm trying to do
My next puzzle will have much more answers, don't worry :D
(if you're having issues with 3, ignore the cushion and the strap thing and focus on what the baby is actually doing, the answer is a compound word)
Added even more answers :D glhf
The poll results make me feel less like I'm the only one... Thanks :D
Someone suggested to me an answer for 6 that isn't what I had but was pretty sweet so I added that answer too; they're both really similar but if you were having problems with 6 you might find your previous attempts could be correct (same as most of the others really; I added a lot of answers)
Added another few answers for Q7, as well as adding to the hint for Q8. The closer we get to the GA ending, the more hints I'll give.
I'll stick to one/two word answers next giveaway haha :D they seemed to work well. All about learning I suppose...
Ok so this thing is ending in about one day, so I'm gonna add some hints here that should steer some people in the right track. I'd also recommend looking through the comments because there are some hints in there too (somewhere).
1) Google 'Futurama' if you don't know it, because you'll need to know who this character is to understand the pun here. The answer also includes a European country.
2) What's the man doing? What's he catching? If I'm fishing for dolphins, I'd be dolphin fishing. If I'm fishing for -- ...
3) The answer is also a verb for something teens often do for parents who'd like a break from these little buggars. Don't add 'ing'.
4) Where's the arrow pointing to, in regards to the word? It's pointing to the -- of the word, making the answer week--
5) The end of the word 'potato' could be extended to include the name for the appendage this potato has grown. (It's a simple matter of adding one letter to the end of the word)
6) What is the light replacing? Add that + 'light' (There's also another answer but I think this hint will be enough)
7) What's the cat on? 'Cat on a --'
8) Where's the ball? It's at some type of function (something you might do in your last year of school) - 'Ball at a --'
Okay, those hints should make this puzzle as easy as 1 2 3 (4 5 6 7 8) :D
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