Okay, I will go to my uncle's weapons shop and I'll take all the guns he has also the bullets, I'll hide in my house because we have iron doors, like three of them before you enter the house and we can see everything happening upon 3 miles from our roof, simply my house is already a base! About how I will live, don't worry I'll eat my cat(just kiddin) I'll actually eat fruits a lot now, and vegetables too!
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Destroy the stairs..... and we'll take it from there.
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i would go to the army.
i think i would make a job for them and they would protect and arm me. No, for real- i and my family would go to the army- is there a safer place to be?
also i would start buying everything i can get to get much food.
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This are my plans for the zombie apocalypse:
First I would wake up (I usually wake up 1h and half earlier than my family) and check to see if my family had become zombies, if they were I would go to kitchen and grab some big knifes to chop off their heads.
If not I would check the windows for some walkers outside and if there weren't I would start preparing rations (food with lot's of carbo hydrates so we can have the energy to move on and water). After preparing I would debate with my famly what we should do and what I know about them through my knowledge (games, movies, etc...).
We would gear up with what we had (kitchen knifes, sickle, molotov cocktails, metal pipes, and dressed with lot's of winter clothes for the time being, in case someone got attacked, they would have some kind of protection against bites.)
We would turn on the car and drive until the nearest gas station (which actually is 100 meters away), after arriving and of course alerting the zombies due to the car noise, one person would be in charge of getting the oil inside the drums and the rest would protect each other until at least 10 drums of oil were full and then we would escape from there to the police station in the center of the village.
(While in the gas station, my sister that actually has Down Syndrome, was caught and bitten by the walkers, so we left her behind even though my mom was screaming and crying that she wanted to be left behind too.)
In the police station, we fought the zombie cops and stole all their weapons and we drove to the fisher's lounge in order to steal a fishing boat and then we sailed to the docks in order to occupy a cruiser.
After clearing the cruiser, we would live for a while there, eating fish and drinking the river's water.
For now that's what I would do.
Thank you for the giveaway :)
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Eh... I really want to make a story but i dont know how to translate it to english ;d. I think i dont have words to tell about it. But its great idea anyway ( for giveaway of course).
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Of course i wouldn't know when it would happen, the most sure thing is that i get surpriced by a horde or a few zombies trying to get inside, but my first idea would be to climb to the roof of my house, we don't have any kind of weapons, maybe some "blunt" objects, i guess my family can climb to the roof too, so there, going from roof to roof, we could go far enough to look for a better way out, if i could choose, i'd like to get weapons first, so before looking for family and friends i'd better look for a nice club/bat/or something like that, i don't like guns btw, i can't trust in my aim, and it wouldn't be that useful to have such a noisy thing. Then i would try to get to our family and friends, after that (if we are still alive or scared enough to stop looking for more friends/family) the best thing to do (to me) is to get to a boat, go to the sea and eat a lot of fish : D!, making fast stops every now and then to get water/fuel/pretty stuff (without getting spotted by zombies or survivors if possible) it could be cool to improvise some kind of "armor" like you know, some gloves so your skin cant be cutted that easily XD well, that's my plan.
PD: bless the Edit button XD
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Read everything below please, it's unorganized, has bad grammar and is probably damn confusing, but before you do anything wrong, read it.
This time I'm not gonna lie, I bought 4 gifts, one DLC for a not so common game, two games (currently) worth less than 1$ and another game that's (currently) worth less than 2$. I will give them away here, these are no Humble Bundle Keys, they are gifts. Sorry, it's not much, but I'm just... Well, not really wealthy.
So, to get the links to these giveaways (they're private!), you just have to post something here. It's easy, probably not a thing for everyone, I want to hear your plans for the zombie apocalypse. It's the 21th, but it has nothing to do with it. Unless the zombie apocalypse starts today, that'd be awesome.
Would you try to save your family? Friends? Just yourself? Do you have a bunker prepared or will you build up an empire? Be creative, but stay realistic, the most realistic and be st plans or stories will get the links to the 2$ game, the really good ones for one of the $1 games and every plan will receive a link to the DLC. But you can get only one link, so if you already got a link you wont get another one. Sorry.
I set up an email address so I can send you the links. You have to post your plan in this topic AND send me an email, be careful, I will pick the first email sent to me, so first send your email then post it here. The email will be deleted after the giveaway is over. You get the link directly after I read your mail.
Please participate, even if your plan is shit, you still get a link to the DLC. Don't post the link anywhere, I can't do anything against you doing that, but I just... Well, please don't do it. I really hope at least one person participates in this.
The email is: bobgle@liebt-dich.info
Okay, you can stop reading here now, I'll just share my plan with you now.
I live close to a shop, two schools and a forest, it's pretty far away from the "big" city and it wont be too full here, I could just pick a house or live in the forest, but instead I decided to try and take my school. I shared this plan with a lot of friends, all of them would contribute something to the community, weapons, food, whatever they can. When we're able to defend the school we can loot the nearby houses, they will provide enough food for at least 100 people. I think we would be around 30 or just 10. Not many people, but a loot of food. Our school is not big, we have around 15 class rooms and 3 storage rooms, and a few random rooms. All of them would probably be used for whatever they've been used before the apocalypse, except for the class rooms, we'll sleep there. The doors open to the outside, makes it more secure. We could try to expand a bit into the city, a pharmacy is really close. My guess is everything will be looted, so we have to do squads, some that defend the school and some that go into the city and search for food, water, survivors or medical stuff. It's pretty damn easy, we can make bows and arrows inside the school, when we need food for barricades we can go to the forest.
When it begins I'll try to get to the shop, get stuff and then get away from there as fast as I can, I'd use my bike, it's safe, fast and quiet, I want them to be the main transportation thing. I will meet with friends at the school (at least if we all survive), then we'll barricade it, on the next day (or even the same day) we'll scavenge, when the school is protected enough we'll continue expanding to the pharmacy, clearing all the houses and make them able to live in. We'll probably start recruiting by then already.
Well, my Plan really isn't good, I could explain it better on German, I think it's safe and idiot-proof, but I don't think enough friends will make it to the school, and if they don't, it's impossible.
Now let's hear your stories. I hope the email is working.
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