I'm open to any suggestions to help legitimize it.
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Only the first time it shows up, then any other time its for anyone.
That said is there a better way for me to do this? I'm open to suggestions.
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You were doing fine until you said "And I'll keep the game if it's one of the ones I want." Because at that point you're taking the game, as it were, in taxes for being the one to organize the coal-gathering, instead of treating it the same way as the other games.
Try this: When a game that you want comes up, you get to add yourself to the random draw for the game. Otherwise, it's hands-off for you. Lot less slimy and shady sounding. random.org will be your friend in determining a fair winner.
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Once you get 7 coal, you craft it into a game. If it's not a game you want, you give it to one of the people who gave you coal? There's no guarantee that someone giving you coal would get anything, then.
This is nothing but begging with a twist.
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This is the list of games I want:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Sonic Generations
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Batman: Arkham City
LA Noire
Dead Island (I want 2 copies of this game so I can play with my friend)
Once I have them, I won't keep any other copies of them. Six games out of the entire Steam Library doesn't seem that bad to me, especially if the people entering the raffle do not want those games. EVERYTHING ELSE is fair game for those who enter.
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Yeah. This raffle is meant for people who don't want to go through the effort of collecting and trading coal for themselves.
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I don't think you understand Cinderwild. You want all the most wanted games, but when they pop up from the craft, you will take it for yourself and people have to regather coal again. This is just a really dumb way to get what you want, semi-scamming.
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Let me translate what everyone here is saying to something you'll understand:
"Fuck Off".
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Okay, sorry guys. I didn't really think this through. I feel pretty bad about this and in retrospect I was asking for a lot for doing nothing. I just figured it would work well for people who only had one or two coals and didn't want to go through the effort of trading for more, etc.
I really did think it sounded like fun and I would do it for free but I don't think anyone would trust me at this point. Janrok offered to though, hopefully he can take it up and make it something fun.
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Yeah, I understand. I really didn't think it through that well.
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Hahahah it was a good idea, just too bad that you were too greedy to put yourself Equal on the Win a Game, you should have the same option as everybody els you fucking tard, you shouldn't get Extra Credit and the little thing where you just Take the Game if its a good game you like, then mainly you Cheat some guy for his Prize, because you wanted it instead, Seriously Sir, Fuck you i hope you will be driven over tomorrow morning by a truck, because we don't really need anymore of your kind in this world and I'm already suspecting you for buying 100x humble bundles for 1 Cent Each, so you can Stack up points and get all games for free, because thats how low it seems you would go, you don't deserve shit and should have your steam account banned so you could start over again. yea i'm a hater, shoot me, this is a guy who takes peoples trust and flush it in the toilet so he can get what he wants
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haahah xD yeaa some things came out pretty hard, but that kinda happend, when i read his Apology which doesn't seem like a Apology at all, because it sounds like he just says sorry, because everything didn't go as planned, but still tries to justify it, its quite simple, its hard to give trust to someone who desires the same thing himself, because it normally ends up bad, its hard to give out something you really want yourself ^^
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lol, I love it when threads become hate factories. But seriously, get over it.
And learn to use periods in a sentence instead of having them in real life
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Hey guys, I'm trying to get a raffle started to help everyone get the games they want.
Entry is only one coal for a 1-in-7 chance at winning whatever gets crafted.
The only time I will keep a game is when its one of the six (in the entire Steam library) that I want, and that is only the first time it shows up.
First raffle resulted in the game Pound of Ground, which was won by Lale [Aplpheridies].
Full details here: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=27117918#post27117918
I'll be posting ALL WINNERS in the Steam thread, and of course contacting the winners through Steam ; D.
On a side note, besides wanting to get a few of the games I want, I really do think this will be a lot of fun if I can get it going better, and would really appreciate any help in getting it started. I know I have no history of giveaways or anything else, but I've been on this site for awhile and I would like to be able to give back in some way.
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