I have recently got the elder scrolls online and enjoy playing it and i was wondering if getting the plus membership was worth it for its G2A price of about £10 for 60 days.

It includes:
Access to all DLC game packs
Crowns to spend on the in-game store
10% bonus to experience points gain
10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain
10% bonus to trait research time
10% bonus to gold acquisition

You can find more information about it here http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-gb/esoplus

Say why in the comments bellow.

9 years ago*

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Is it worth it

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I purchased a one month membership when I played ESO.

If you want the DLC, but want to test them out first, it is worth it. If you want crowns, it is definitely worth it as it's pretty much the same price as the crowns.

If neither of those interest you, then it's not worth it.

9 years ago

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I don't own it so I can't say for sure, but in my opinion, mostly any game where you pay monthly is probably not worth it.

9 years ago

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Caught you :o

9 years ago

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eeev? You've...changed somehow. Your voice is deeper.

9 years ago

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I always think about these MMOs as a service, like cable, Netflix or mobile phone. For me it's worth it if I enjoy the game.

9 years ago

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Is the game itself worth it? I've been considering giving it a shot but I'm really not sure about it :(

9 years ago

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It's free so you might as well try it if you're interested.

9 years ago

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Whaaa? I was pretty sure it costed money :O I guess i could take a look sometime!

9 years ago

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Wait wait wait. It might still cost money to buy the game just no subscription costs. It's been a while so I don't remember. Sorry >.>

9 years ago

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Hah, yeah. That's just it! Ah well :P

9 years ago

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If you enjoy elder scrolls games get it even if you are not a massive MMO fan. Just don't get the steam version as it costs more for the exact same game.

9 years ago

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Ahh i see, thanks for the input !I didn't know steam was pricier...
I'll have to think about it :P

9 years ago

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Its not necessarily pricer you can just get much better deals for the non steam version.

9 years ago

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I didn't play it until level cap so as far as MMOs go my opinion isn't that useful but I really enjoyed what I played and I've played a lot of MMOs. The quests felt just that little bit more interesting that kill/fetch quests even though that's essentially what you're doing anyway. Being able to steal was a really cool feature.

I just realised you only wanted to know about the DLC though. I played before it went F2P (or B2P whatever) so I'd say it's worth it :p

9 years ago*

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