in reality this post is just as much to raise awareness about amazon then it is to cry about the ban. i asked for it with the second post but deleting the first comment was downright shady. lol the thing that really pisses me off is they used my favorite canned ham flavored product as a scapegoat. :)
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Internet at all are playing as spoiled kid, "it's mine, you don't fit my culture."
I got a warn on Instagram because a girl reported me claiming that I called her a monkey and i did not. I said she was destructive as King-Kong because she gave a beat on her ex after he cheated. Damn, we were at a humor page doing references and them "BANG" warn on me!
I got pretty upset because like you, we weren't doing nothing wrong, but their culture is insane and we are just users or costumers that shouldn't be doing whatever they don't want us to do.
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Generally best not to offer humor in regards to emotional topics [regardless of if the individual in question is treating it as humor themselves], or to use references that are correlated directly to the individual in question for individuals you aren't close enough to to know their personal preferences for. It's hard to say "wrong or right" in that kind of context, especially without any details, but it does seem to be an outcome you invited, even if it wasn't one you "deserved". Do also keep in mind that comparisons to primates are a long-standing expression of bigotry towards those of african ethnicities, so references of that nature can be risky to make to begin with.
Social media sites tend to be pretty self-contained to begin with, given that they're primarily self-expression sites rather than social connectivity sites; ie, they're an extension of blogs rather than of forums, meaning that guidelines typically favor individual protections over furthering freedom of communication. I'm not particularly familiar with instagram, and they don't have any clear guidelines posted in regards to the behavior you mentioned or to what "warnings" entail, so I don't actually know how big a deal the matter is, either.
If all it is is just a "Heads up, this could potentially be bad", then it definitely seems to be warranted, given the elements I noted. If it's a "Do this again and we'll ban your ass", then sure, maybe just a bit overboard on their part.
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Strongly agree and understand that I may caused a misunderstanding after all.
I would never do a racial joke with someone, even if I had some affinity with the person in subject, but the fact that I was facing a white girl that complained about me because I said that, lacks of logic in my POV. I'm not ignoring the fact that I may have triggered some personal issue, so I'm more empathic than upset.
After that, I explained that I was referring to her destruction and I had no intention to hurt her feelings, I was only intended to make some funny reference. She'd answered that she doesn't tolerates "Dark Humor".
It's clearly that we were having some communication issue, so for the best I quit the mediation. Some parts of that causality did not make any sense for me. I thought many other things that could caused she to report me, but I have no idea how she got that interpretation and I confess that it got me really worried about how things are getting strange these days.
After that, I decided to be more reserved and restringe my opinions to my own circle. Sadly, we're talking about mass-minding. We can't go after them and it's worst to go against them. They all think equal inside their aquarium, I'm not better than they are and I know that I'm suffocating outside the water because it's hard for me to play some nonsense rules.
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lol. i was once blacklisted for telling a story about moderator abuse.
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Saw an article that said that they burn down a lot of books, toy and shit if they don't sell them, doing a lot of "favors" to the enviroment.
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If you get your message deleted, you do not repost it in angered town demanding answers. You should contact with the moderator of your game and ask why it was deleted, then regardless if you agree with the reasoning or not, respect it. I'd agree that your message was a spam, as it was completely irrelevant to the announcement, it was neither game-oriented or product-oriented, you brought up some internal third-party case that isn't even remotely connected with the people that have deleted your message.
And that doesn't go only for the stuff that is a spam itself. For example, today I posted rather negative opinion about one of the games I've played, and I'm fully aware of the fact that the devs can just delete it with no explanation and ban me from their discussions simply because they won't like it. Even if I wouldn't agree with that, I'd respect it and appropriately note in the review of their product, which you should also do if you believe that their amazon decision has an impact on your perception of their product/service that you've obtained. The community section is used by the devs for interaction with their community, and I do believe that they should have full say in who they want to interact with and how exactly, including banning 90% of people just like Digital Homicide did, if they want to. If you do not agree with their decision on running their community, state it appropriately in the place where it matters - as a review of the product, which community section is digital part of.
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look up the definition of spam.
my post was:
irrelevant - yes
off topic - yes
spam - no
it was not spam, they could of given the reason irrelevant and i still would of told the story
like i said in the comment above "in reality this post is just as much to raise awareness about amazon then it is to cry about the ban. i asked for it with the second post"
in any case... did you look up amazon bad business practices, or was it more important for you to talk about forum etiquette? is someones online behavior more worth talking about then the world wide exploitation of the working class?
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So you are not using any products made in China or other Asian countries with slave workforce doing all the manufacturing? Or is it only bad when western workers are abused? I've only ordered once from Amazon and will not again, just because their service is crap, not because some Americans are treated badly because lack of laws to protect them.
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actually i do try very hard to not buy stuff from company's that are know for slave/child use.... dont you?
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did you look up amazon bad business practices, or was it more important for you to talk about forum etiquette?
I think you already forgot that you posted a thread on SG platform talking how wrong you were treated by the devs of your game, not sharing awareness of amazon workers. Yes, I usually care to stay on-topic if possible, and at this point it doesn't matter whether it's amazon and labor laws, starving children in Africa, or Japanese celebrity marrying a body pillow, all three are equally irrelevant to your case, and all three would be classified as spam by me.
I've also looked up spam definition as you asked me to, from Oxford dictionary:
Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet
Should I look up "irrelevant" too?
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funny how you used only the half of the definition that makes you look good. now why dont you post the other half of that definition? here ill Finnish it for u
Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.
a post on a forum is not to a a large number of people, it only to those who care to read. now if it was sent to a bunch of emails it would be different. nor was i advertising phishing or spreading malware.
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I don't get it. Why aren't you thanking the publisher?
Using nazi-related insults is the easiest way to get a Steam Community Ban [harassing developers is another basis for such, mind you] that I'm aware of, and they saved you from the risk of getting that permanent black mark. Given how generous that is, especially in light of your unwarranted behavior towards them, they seem to deserve nothing but praise on the matter.
While spam originally was closely matching in meaning to flooding [which is what you seem to be thinking of] and could thus occasionally be used as a sort of synonym for such, the term has since seperated into having a distinct, alternate application [as per Archie's examples above].
Anything that's non-constructive and/or off-topic to the point of causing disruption to the thread would qualify as spam. By modern application of the term, your unnecessary and inherently problematic initial post would qualify, and your final post, the one you finally got in trouble for, would not only easily have qualified, but would also qualify as harassment. Which, if that's also an option available to them to flag you for, only further supports the interpretation that they handled you with respect beyond what was warranted by your behavior.
Rather, if you'd looked up the definition of "spam" yourself, you'd see that the core definition consistantly is stated as being "irrelevant/inappropriate/disruptive messages sent on the Internet" or equivalent. Some older dictionary entries still haven't updated "emails" to a more versatile term such as "messages", despite that versatility of application being a long-standing reapplication of the term. Likewise, while it's left out of modern definitions, some older definitions do specify "to a large number of recipients", but anything put on a public forum is by definition sent to a large number of recipients, anyway. However, while those nitpicks exist and though advertising and malware have always been the highlights, the fact that spam can also refer to general disruptive/non-contributive content is a well-established and long-standing element of the term.
The flooding association correlated due to the similarity between dumping a lot of messages in one place and dumping a single message to a lot of different users; However, it was never an association that was properly a part of the core definition of spamming, and I can't recall seeing it associated with the term for a long time now (except as a potential subpoint when listing examples of what would qualifiy as spam for a particular medium).
Following on that, while automated advertising posts are the usual example of forum spam [just as automated advertisements can be considered the usual example of any method of message spamming], anything deemed to be similarly lacking in merits can also fit to the term, by way of their sharing equal form and valuation.
On that note, if your aim is to not have your posts be treated as spam, then you should probably add in some reliable sources for your accusations toward Amazon, and post supporting data that can confirm that Amazon is behaving in excess of standard industry behaviors. If you're telling others to look up the information on their own without even offering clear context, then your thread may as well not exist. At that point, at best it serves as an "I dislike this company for personal reasons" blog-style topic, rather than a proper conversational forum topic.
That kind of thing is best left to social media; While there's no reason to necessarily begrudge users who utilize SG for such purposes, users doing so should also expect that posting on an unsuited medium won't necessarily garner them favorable results, and that they've no reasonable basis for responding negatively toward constructive feedback [because, again, this isn't anyone's personal social media page, and thus responders aren't likely to limit themselves to "You are SO RIGHT" level feedback.]
So far you haven't yet properly addressed any topic, instead arguing definitions or redirecting attentions. It's not really about forum etiquette, or even basic conversational etiquette, at that point; Rather, it's hard to take your comments as having any degree of value at all. In short, spam- as per its current utilization- seems to be a label your posts trend towards, and as such is a habit you should properly take under reconsideration. [Meanwhile, I'm working on trying to better condense my responses.. Maybe I'll do better the next go around, huh?]
Anyway, to address your round-aboutly presented topic:
Frankly, it's rare to find any American business that treats its employees with any degree of respect, with most employers stretching legal boundaries to their limits at every opportunity [As an example, and as only a tiny part of that company's low considerations toward their employees, HEB Pantry grocery stores will punish employees for going into overtime (even if it can't be helped by the employee), and are willing to run their employees on back-to-back 8 hour shifts (closing shift followed by opening shift just three hours later), thus bypassing laws that dictate that anything past 8 hours in a single day counts for overtime]. I've yet to work at, or know anyone who works at any non-government employment that isn't troublesome to its employees in some way. [It's more likely to exist than unicorns, but I have about equal expectations of ever seeing either.]
Hell, even on SG, you'd be hard pressed to find a single bundle site that hasn't had negative feedback. While Bundlestars and Humble can still be considered to be a bit niche in their criticisms [though if Humble truly is being as arbitrary with their bans as some have indicated, then they may be better moved to the next grouping], GMG and IndieGala have had plenty of significant misdeeds towards their users (and in the case of GMG, their developers), and Otaku and Groupees are pretty much considered shovelware sites that noone expects much from. Yet, G2A is the only site we really emphasize, and that's because, yeah, they've just worked that darn hard at making a standout negative reputation for themselves.
In summary, while it's fair to topically reference the specific misgivings towards a company or site, blanket "this company is bad" commentary has to be reserved for the few companies that are renowned in their infamy. Yet, even then, threads commenting on G2A make sure to point out the specific encounters or issues that are being criticized [eg, "another reason not to use G2A"]. As such, your thread doesn't match expectations even at a foundational level.
tl;dr version: Pie is delicious. Irreverent, irrelevant comments are not.
(Sorry for the spammy feeling of that wall of text- but hey, at least I'm being topical, right?)
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dude ya tldr. but from what you said in the first-second sentence let me refer you to a comment i posted that was there b4 you wrote your novel.
"in reality this post is just as much to raise awareness about amazon then it is to cry about the ban. i asked for it with the second post"
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poor spam such a yummy treat getting such a bad rep
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If i had a fair and polite negative review removed, I would really want to make people know about that, but if I'd realize that I was wrong at some point, I'll want to apologize because I wasn't being neutral. That said, I think a "neutral" option beside Yes or No should be very welcome to Steam reviews because there are things that we know that are not the same for everyone and should be more honest to leave a "see with your very own eyes, taste it yourself because it may be partial at some point".
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The lack of ability to leave a neutral review is frustrating, especially in those circumstances when you want to provide constructive feedback to the developer without leaving a negative review, but definitely don't feel a positive is justified (that being a consideration one might have with Early Access games, for example).
I also have several games that I've reviewed that are decidedly niche, that I'd like to inform people of the niche appeal on (or warn them of the nature of). It's a game that's great if you're the intended audience, but most gamers wouldn't enjoy it in the least. As such, it's hard to give it a "recommended" or "not recommended", since that's an association that'd vary according to the audience.
I also feel that Steam users gravitate towards "recommended" when they're on the fence, which leads to Steam's inflated review scores [compared to other user-review sites, for the same games] and from that, the fact that 60% positive on Steam more often than not means "complete trash" rather than the more intuitive "6 out of 10 users genuinely like this, that's a majority, it's still worth some consideration!".
So yeah, that lack is only hurting us right now.
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I'm sure in some circles that'd be a compliment. ..not any circles you'd ever want to be around, but, y'know. :P
Honestly, if it was me, I'd be more irked at the laziness of the attribution than with the intended insult. I mean, if you're not going to put the time to at least think your insults through, then why should I do anything other than delete your post? I totally feel the moderator on this one. ..nevermind having to work through that formatting and grammar, geesh.
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"in reality this post is just as much to raise awareness about amazon then it is to cry about the ban. i asked for it with the second post"
comment that was here before you posted
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It may not be a spam, but you really think that they'll add hundreds of terms just to specify something that will have the same finale? I mean... They don't need it, they don't agree with you and you were just spamming them with your unasked opinion about something that nobody can change.
I'm talking serious with you, look me in the eyes when i say that it was immature and very pretentious from you to want to be listened about something that are stamped all over the mainstream. Unfortunately nobody cares about employees being abused, they do care only about their profits and own good. Ouch! That hurts. I know, right? There are more of them than us and it's just happening because people like us are getting more and more tired of that fight because we're fighting because of people and people always disappoint those who are fighting for them. I'm talking with subject property.
I think that you really had a consideration about the 7D2D devs and it may have hurted you a lot, but this is how the life looks like... Nobody cares about you if you aren't paying their salaries... Even if you were. Don't do such thing anymore, they don't deserve your mankind-commitment. Nobody does.
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The game has been pretty much going down hill at an increased pace ever since A14 or so. (and I think I have the hours to have an opinion)
They got real pissed at me on their forums for suggesting they should try to pay attention to a few of their customers outside their fanbois, way back then (when it started falling off the cliff)
I actually need to figure out how one stops even following a game on steam, as I'm just not interested in their announcements anymore. It's sad, cause I used to love the game, I expect I'll never play it again (or try it, then quit, and delete it from my drive after 30 mins like last summer)
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I actually need to figure out how one stops even following a game on steam
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I was always taught not to ever start an arguement and to speak on a persons level, and the reason for my constructive feedback and generousity in the community, i would say has paid off at least from my own point of view.
It is always a privilege to get the chance to chat with developers and Valve as well because its great to reason with them despite a situation going down hill or not and it doesn't really concern you but you worry nevertheless and when you face the community in general though, you have to watch every single one of your words.
There are times when i just have to back out completely or not even enter a conversation due to the toxic nature some of the community has evolved into. Like they post for help and it will backfire when they cannot comprehend and then you wonder, what the hell was the point, i wasted my time and generousity for nothing so if the person querying wants further assistance, they can fetch for it, nobody else won't help them.
So this gives me a reason to completely back off but whether i join in a convo ever again, ugh.
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I just took a huge dump and my bathroom is all stinky.
And yes, that is a way more interesting story than yours.
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well what did you expect? it's the fun pimps after all.
taking literal ages to make even the tiniest progress on their eternal early access cash cow which is still in alpha after 6 fucking years.
that game will never be finished but until people realize that they are trying to suck as much money as they can out of new players and old supporters.
easily one of the most pathetic developers I've ever seen.
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How exactly are they sucking money from people who already own the game? I have not noticed any incentives to spend money in game or out of it.
Anyways, I, on the other hand, think it is kind of admirable that they are still further developing the game and adding new stuff even after all that time. I have picked it up last year and it seemed like pretty much full experience to me, all be it with some bugs here and there, yet they still worked on a huge update that reworked big part of the game, drastically changing parts of the game (IMO for the better).
Is releasing patches like that gonna bring them more people? Definitely some but I don't think that it will bring enough to make a year of development worth it (I have no idea how many people have worked on the update though).
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