A shorter way is when he adds you, copy his steamcommunity profile link and input it here:
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What if he doesn't add you, and it's just begging, let's say... trough group chat?
Edit: hmm, nope. This doesn't work, it gives me a link: STEAM_0:0:Few Numbers
What's this link supposed to do? It doesn't give you the ID number, or i'm blind.
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That's your unique steam ID. Everyone has a steam ID that is completely unique to you. Just like those numbers are unique to your profile as well. So that still does give you that person on their own. And you should be able to google search that and get their profile. (As well as instances of them being banned from multiplayer games like tf2.
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No it's not, my unique Steam ID is the ID64, read my other the reply bellow.
It's useless if the sites are down, it's useless if you lose net connection and the SB changes the ID before you use the site. While this method doesn't need either sites and works even if you lose steam connection as long as you copy the the link i said either in the Steam browser or the web browser.
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Doesn't give ID number as well unless they're in friends list.
This way you can't report someone that is trying to scam/beg if you don't add them to friends list. Which is something you're not supposed to do if you notice he is a scammer, or he just's begging.
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Yes, didn't notice. Sorry.
However like me a lot of people don't know about that site.
Let's suppose your are contacted by a beggar, then he changes his account ID between conversations, your old link stops working. Or he notices you're being smart, he closes conversation and changes the ID. What do you do?
Also, what if the site is down?
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My ID is iESCUDO. Therefor: http://steamcommunity.com/id/iESCUDO/
If i change it to SteamGiftsFan it disappears from the search engine and the link doesn't work anymore.
It will become: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SteamGiftsFan/
So yes, i can change my ID, what i can't change is the ID number, but you can't get the number if you don't do the method i've explained or use the website, but the same questions for the Website stand.
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The issue here is symantics.
Using my account for examples:
You're talking about your custom url. (http://steamcommunity.com/id/psychotink) That is something you can change
Your Steam ID is (STEAM_0:1:24334984) You can't change it. Ever
Steam ID64 is (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198008935697) Again, something you can't change.
This is what Steam calls them. it's different from the words you've used and I think that's why you're getting into this confusing conversation where you're both saying the same thing, but using different words for it.
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You don't understand what i said do you?
76561198008935697 Is the unique code. This is what i'm talking about. What can we do with this: STEAM_0:1:24334984 if the site is down? Exactly.
Even if the site is up that code doesn't matter because it won't translate in a URL, the ID64 can be used, and that's what the tutorial is for. And like i said, if the site is down how do you know what's the code of the SB? You don't, unless you follow the tutorial.
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I'm not responding to what you're talking about. I understand completely what is going on here. I was trying to help the miscommunication between you and the other person in this line.
That person said "You can't change your ID" which is correct. You said you can. Which is wrong. Because the ID you're talking about is the custom url, or as that person called it the "nickname". What they're talking about when they said ID was the actual steam ID.
So I was just clarifying what each of the things are actually called by steam and using examples. To try to help you two understand you're talking about the same thing, but using different words.
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What i'm saying is that if someone changes the the user ID (which i use as a term for the custom URL (because the custom url uses /id/), it doesn't matter if if it's not the correct term, the tutorial goes to the point) then it's gone, if he only changes the name, you can still find them with the custom url. However if you have the number it doesn't matter which custom url and name he changes to.
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Wow, people don't read these days it seems.
What if he doesn't add you?
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1- Fakes account title and pic, then he asks you to send to a friend because he already has the game or some other reason.
2- He can ask in group chat for a trade, just needs to click anyone that's online there. Scam doesn't affect only those who are giving on SG.
3- He can beg trough group chat (which is against the rules, yet people do it sometimes)
There are probably many more other reasons.
So are you going to add those persons that you probably are certain they're scammers or beggars to your friend's list just to get him into your "history"? lol
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I was giving an example that you can get scammed without having the SB on your friends's list.
You want to know his code if he's on your friend's list?
Do the same but instead of add friend copy from "Block all communication".
After removing it's harder, i told that in the first post. You can check the "my history" and click the name to see if it works.
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EDIT: For site owners(s): Also a blacklist option to the site. So people could put those people in there, should have a link search function to check if the person is in the list. Yes it requires work, do you prefer people to stop giving because they got scammed? What's of this site if there's no Gifters? I think you get what i mean. =). Also donate button.
So i was looking at this giveaway: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/ugcsx/red-orchestra-2-heroes-of-stalingrad
And noticed that the Gifter was putting a beggar profile in the link.
I tried to open it and the profile was not found, the scammer might think he is smart.
Unfortunately this requires human factor to work. But what matters is that it works.
So... let's find someone that changed his ID.
First of all, remember that you'll need to do this right after you are contacted by the scammer/beggar. If you do this after he changes (unless you know he is in someone's friend list) his ID there's nothing you can do.
(I'll short scammer/beggar to SB)
If SB is not in Friend's List: Once in the SB profile, you'll find a button on the right named "Add to your friends list", right click on it and copy the link.
If SB is in Friend's List: Copy from "Block all communication".
This is the link you'll find if you head to my profile. It contains a number, which is the true profile identity.
And this is my ID link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/iESCUDO/
Let's suppose i change my ID to VincentValentine:
My "number" will remain the same.
This is just an example that by doing this you can report a SB no matter if he changes his Account ID or profile name.
Now let's "create" the URL of the SB.
Heading back to the link you got from the add friend link:
Copy the number to a text file, for example, and add it here:
Doing this you'll have the SB true profile link, again it doesn't matter if he changes his account ID or profile name.
Also,it doesn't matter if the profile is private, it will show Add Friend as well.
Hope this helps. =)
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