10 years ago*

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I really hope so

10 years ago

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Hopefully its based on the PSP Complete version, and not the GBA or DS versions.

10 years ago

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I hope they do that but my guess is that its the android version like FFIII on 3D.

10 years ago

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That was the DS version, and only remake version made. IV got a lot more, so its a toss up as to which will happen.

Anyone know if mobile phones got IV?

10 years ago

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Mobile versions got the DS one.

If we get The After Years as well as the main game though in one package (which the DS and mobile versions don't have), I think we'd get the PSP one.

10 years ago

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If mobiles got the DS version, that is the one they will port to PC, not the Complete Edition.

Bloody shame though. I want After Years and Interlude without replacing my PSP.

10 years ago

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The PSP version would have been much nicer since the 2D graphics are timeless while the 3D graphics look blocky and ugly.

10 years ago

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I was thinking more about the extra content. Sure, DS version has its own extra content, but I'd prefer The After Years and Interlude.

10 years ago

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I don't have PS3 nor Xbox360 due to the lack of exclusives I'm interested in (PC + Nintendo FTW) so this is the best news ever for me.
Yeah I know FF XIII is not so great but it's one of the few console games I truly wanted to play (some others were Heavy Rain and The Last of Us)

10 years ago

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The FF13 trilogy probably will go to Steam...but whether or not they let us buy individually or we have to buy the trilogy as a whole remains to be seen, as so far all FF titles on Steam have been individual titles only.

Man, I can only imagine a main series Kingdom Hearts title (eg. KH 3...or even the HD Remixes) coming to PC. Dragon Quest has already come to PC (in Japan only, but it still counts for something).

10 years ago

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It's sad that they resort to this. I feel for those who used to be enix developers as they get to watch this circus .

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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ff13 was fucking dreadful. really and trully dont bother. the worst thing about the game (aside from the heinous plot and babyish gameplay) was that when you finally get to the one vaguely good point in the game where you get ultimate weapons and limit breaks (i cant remember, the mediocrity has blocked it out) as a reward for defeating certain enemies, there are certain enemies that you cant possibly kill. what they expect you to do is complete the game, then run through the entire thing again using your old save file, which is the only way you cant beat these enemies, to get to complete the game. so the designers created a shite game, then demanded you to trudge through its doldrums again, to get to the point where you can best certain enemies and fully complete the game. the hubris was what pissed me off the most

10 years ago

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Let's not forget the lack of open world freedom seen in other ff titles.

10 years ago

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thats what was awful about it. the one point you get to the vaguely open world and get to fight badies as you wish they block the good stuff off. i honestly cant remember if i completed it, cant remember the characters plot or any details, only the hatefulness.

10 years ago

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I like XIII. My favourite after X and V.

10 years ago

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I agree with you. I had FFXIII on Xbox 360, and that was my last Final Fantasy... it was that bad, never wanted to spend money and time on that series again. Epic fail (>_<)

Prior to that, I played and had almost all the games in the series (and still do). My favorite is Final Fantasy X.

10 years ago

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Everyone listen to this man and wait for 75% sale at least

FFXIII was atrocius, i thought they couldn't do worse than FFX but they really lowered the bar with this one

10 years ago

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I find it strange how they aren't releasing final fantasy titles in a particular pattern but at least they're releasing them for pc at all.

10 years ago

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they are drip feeding things, as they realise that ff7 was the best game they are ever going to make, so they release things slowly to sate the cravings for a ff7 remake, as they also know that once they remake ff7, the interest in the series will disappear.

10 years ago

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Was about to make this thread.

So that means TYPE 0 might come on PC eventually?
Man, if FF15, and KH3 come to PC. It will mean the only games I want for PS4 are Infamous SS, Bloodborne, and Uncharted 4.

Also wonder if this means PS4/Xbone compelete edition.

10 years ago

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I just want FF7 and FF10 both in HD Versions and the new FFXV on Steam -.-

10 years ago

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I hope that FF IV is on Steam.

10 years ago

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I just wish they would release the SNES versions bundled with an emulator, like Sega did with Genesis games. No remakes/HD/3d/reboots or other crap. Only the brilliant 16 bit versions. (and not only for FF games, but for at least the top 100 best SNES games)

10 years ago

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Same here, but I'm not gonna pay more than 2€ for that. Hope it'll have a fair price

10 years ago

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this makes me sad that dragon quest isn't getting this treatment.... (yet I hope it does)

10 years ago

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I want FF VI not IV :(

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

10 years ago

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I want VI too!

10 years ago

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As long as it's not based on Android version...

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I player FF XIII and I really liked it. I hope they bring the hole trilogy to PC.

10 years ago

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I just want Final Fantasy 5,6 and 7, Chrono Trigger (Cross sucked), Secret of Mana and Star Ocean 2 and 3.

Those are the main RPG's I want from them.

10 years ago

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(Cross sucked)

I guess we can never be friends now

10 years ago

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I may be spoken a bit harshly. It might have been decent if it didn't have to compete with Chrono Trigger, but the name and play style change had it making a claim that it couldn't hope to match.

I still have it on the PSX, it was just a game you played once and put down, unlike the others you ended up beatings 2 or 3 times.

10 years ago

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I still think the OST for CC by Yasunori Mitsuda was something out of this world, it even surpasses most of the things done by Uematsu

10 years ago

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Cross' OST is usually considered one of the best soundtracks in videogame history.

10 years ago

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I really want a Final Fantasy IX HD remake, to be honest. It's usually considered the best game in the franchise.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Final Fantasy XIII Complete on Steam?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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According to people in the Steam discussions IV runs awfully: 30 fps in cutscenes and walking around, 15 fps in battles, 24 fps for cinematics.

10 years ago

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Woot! I need to get this. Brings back some childhood memories!

10 years ago

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Just checked on steam, now I am a big fan of the Final Fantasy series, still have Final Fantasy 1 on the NES with box, instruction booklet, map and strategy guide.

But I am not paying $10+ for the old final fantasy games just ported to PC, not happening. I still have my PSX Final Fantasy 7 discs and they are just fine. I would sooner load up a PSX emulator and play those discs before I pay $12 for a port of it to PC with the exact same graphics and all. Yeah, if they updated the graphics to something closer to Far Cry level while still keeping the same style, sure, but not that, it is just a plain rip off. Not bothering with these things unless they end up doing a gifting tool similar to what was done on Borderlands 1.

10 years ago

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