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where do i opt in? i already use geforce experience though it doesn't seem to put an icon in my tray anymore.
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in settings > general there's a checkbox near the bottom left under “desktop notifications” that says “reward is available” -- maybe it’s that? i already had it checked
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I think you have to opt in for the NVIDIA newsletter in your account settings.
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Given by what it says in its description, I suppose that this is everything you need. Still, if you find out anything more, then please let us all know about it.
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I didn't tell them myself to put caps - they chose it. ;_;
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Do people really complain about the game being in all caps? ^^
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Just looking through my library I found lots of games with unnecessary caps:
DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin
(okok I stopped looking here but there are plenty of games in all caps)
etc etc
Hell, every STAR WARS™ game is in all caps along with a trademark (™). Never heard anyone complain about their names being in unnecessary caps before.
Is it pretentious? Sure, I guess it could be. In fact, the name PLAYERUNKNOWN BATTLEGROUNDS is kind of a stupid name to begin with. But really, it is more pretentious to judge a game simply because of its name, imo.
To each their own I guess. ^^
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It is not exactly the same. It is not called SHIBUYA'S DARK SOULS II, or BLENDER'S aMAZE. The all-caps is still rather annoying in general. It can be excused from Japanese publishers, since normal capitalisation on games does not pop out at all from kanji or hiragana, but even there luckily it is not as commonplace.
But my real problem is with how ITWASTOTALLYMEALONEWHOMADETHISGAMEWITHOUTANYHELP loves to shout his name all the time and seems to expect everyone else to do it as well.
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Fair enough. I get your point.
From what I understand, Playerunknown put his name on the game because some people would recognize the name from the Arma mod or the H1Z1 collaboration. His name is in all caps in H1Z1 as well, not sure if that is just how he puts his name out there, but it doesn't matter to me.
Just trying to understand- is it the caps that bother you or the creator name plug? Or both? Have you tried the game, and if not- does the name actually prevent you from trying it out?
I just wonder, we all know how popular the game is, and while I enjoy the game I still think the name is stupid. As do most people, we all pretty much call it PUBG. In my opinion, it is no more pretentious than placing a trademark symbol (™) in the name; which is something that never bothered me either.
Maybe it is just counter culture to rail on the (current) most popular game? With how much money the guy made on the game with a stupid name, he gets the last laugh anyway. ^^
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Both, frankly. But the creator name plug bothers me a lot more. I found it pretentious with Sid Meier, but eventually it became sort of his catchphrase. Here, a guy who abandoned two similar projects already plasters his name all over the place and people flock there like with some sect.
This also points out that I generally have negative feelings towards the game in general. Its endless beta status that will never be removed, the lie and the sheer volume of microtransactions that shamelessly copy-paste the CS:GO system (which is abhorrent on its own), the small but perpetual controversies like streamer-requested bannings, but especially how its lead creator parades around in his announcements.
As for © and ™ symbols, they are often used as a legal protection, especially when the game title is something that could be a common word by itself. On some others though, it really is flaunting the "yes, we slapped a copyright on it" aspect. Then again, Enhanced Steam removes these, so I rarely see them.
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Thanks for elaborating.
I agree the name could be a bit pretentious. In fact, the name is horrible. It still doesn't dissuade me from playing it, though.
Not trying to be argumentative, but I am not aware of the two similar projects that were abandoned. The arma mod was just a mod which was complete, H1Z1 was just a collaboration. Or were you speaking of other projects? Just wondering.
The endless beta aspect I agree on, but we'll have to see. Nothing tops DayZ with 4 years of early access or H1Z1 with nearly 3 years. PUBG has been out for 8 months now, so we'll have to see if full release comes sooner rather than later; but with so many games in early access for much longer periods of time- well the argument gets less compelling.
The other stuff? Well, I've never seen or heard of anyone I know being banned (about 50 of us play), and the micro-transaction controversy seemed blown out of proportion. Those crates that you could buy keys for were optional skins and were limited time. In fact, those crates that I hoarded I've been selling for $9 each lately. So, the controversy to some was a win for me. ^^
Still, I'm no fanboi, the game has some issues that need to be addressed- like optimization, vehicle physics, climbing and certain other movements; but still the game has been a lot of fun, especially with friends.
About the copyright stuff- I actually studied law so I know how little the © and ™ symbols can mean in an actual legal context. I still find it pretentious myself. Did you know, the cereal brand Cheerios tried to trademark the color yellow on their boxes? Talk about pretentious! They lost their case, obviously. But, a lot of people don't know what the actual copyrights and trademarks do. I could write a book and call it Dark Souls, and I would win in court if I got sued. Unless, of course, the book was related to the actual video game and fell under intellectual property legislation. ^^
Hard to believe an old hipster like me is actually defending the game; but I was genuinely curious where the negative feelings come from. Thanks for explaining! =)
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Pretty much myself and everyone I know already has the game, but thanks! ^^
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You could remove the game from the giveaway list and it still wouldn't stop them.
"This is actually a giveaway for PUBG, not XCOM Enemy Unknown. Winner will be given the key. Have fun!"
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I won the previous giveaway (RIME); just signed in to Geforce Experience and received a notification like the drivers updates one.
If you miss it the notification remains in the popup from the top-right bell icon with a green dot if not viewed.
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You don't have to opt in for the NVIDIA newsletter too? :/
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This might be a stupid question, but I assume you need a NVIDIA GPU to participate?
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Awesome thank you OP! Just logged in and redeemed it added to my steam account, i didn't need to enter any draw.
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So, the lucky shamrock was indeed with you! Bravo! Enjoy! :D
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Congratulations! :O The lucky shamrock was indeed with you. :3
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I've just opened the Geforce Experience to check for updates and found the "1" green badge in the notification bell icon: it was PUBG.
I've not received the notification, or probably just missed it, so check if you won it too as the code is marked to expire on 5 December.
This is the second giveaway I won from NVIDIA, they know I have to buy a new GPU. ;)
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2 times? Teach me, master. I want to be the luckiest shamrock around, but I always fail doing so. ;_;
Congratulations! :D Enjoy the game. I hope you'll get some expensive items. :P
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Lucky you, i got nothing:(
Anyway i hope you enjoy the game and keep on rocking on these giveways:)
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On 21st November, NVIDIA will be giving away 5000 codes for PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS to GeForce Experience users! Log in and opt in now to be eligible:
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