The event officially opens at 00:00 UTC, any playtime/achivements before that won't be counted.

Countdown until event ends

Congrats to everyone who participated in February! The stats are the following:

  • 5019 achievements have been achieved
  • 3287,1 hours have been played
  • 236 games have been beaten
  • 138 people have participated and beaten at least one game.

Hope to see you all again this month :)

Due to timezones/people not being online 24/7 I am still accepting any edits/applications for February for the next couple of days (till the February thread is closed).

The theme for this month is

Chart Toppers - The Box Edition

(Thank you to samwise84 for the suggestion!)

really long games 25h+ HLTB (any HLTB time)
games with 50P
games where someone is named Rodrick or Wayne *
games released in January, Februrary or March
racing games, games where you can drive fast cars *
sports games/ games where you can play basketball *
games where you can rob places/ play as a thief *
games with politics / where you can play a politician*
games with police*
games with hip hop soundtrack*
tags: action, combat racing, competitive, crime, destruction, diplomacy, driving, fast-paced, great soundtrack, heist, loot, looter shooter, lore-rich, political, political sim, politics, racing, sports, vehicular combat

* Please provide some kind of explanation/proof (screenshots or link to some proof) in the notes or it will be rejected.

No win that fits the theme or played them all?

Please use the "Note" section when submitting the game to inform me of this situation.

You can submit this months games you are going to play here:


Who can participate

Anyone who does not have any unactivated wins, multiple wins or a VAC ban. You can participate even if you don't have any SteamGifts wins, see the "Have already completed all your wins?" below as it applies to this scenario too.

Extra Rules:

  1. No comment on this thread? If there is something wrong with the game you submitted it gets deleted. With this many participants we can't chase after everyone.
  2. No comment on this thread = not invited to join/re-join the group.
  3. Any idle time (e.g. idleing for cards, answering the phone/door, looking up solutions, etc..while the game is still running) needs to be added to the time before the month. We want to have times that are as "clean" as possible for the leaderboard. Any time that is higher than 2x HLTB time will be considered as abnormally high and will raise questions.
  4. If we ask for proof that a game fits a certain category, please link the appropriate proof (e.g. screenshots, explanation, videos, etc.) in the notes section of the game entry on the event page. Same goes for the ending screenshots for games without achievements.
  5. DLC: I've won/bought a story DLC, can I (re-)play the game? If the DLC has achievements go ahead. If it has an ending achievement reaching that is enough. If there is no ending achievement you will need to complete all DLC achievements for it to count. If you have more than one story DLC then you can play each one as separate entry for different months as long as the main game fits the theme. Please only add the main game to the event page and note in the notes section that you are going for DLC achievements.
  6. I've won a game bundle. Do I have to play all games for it to count? If the bundle gives you several games with different steam ID's feel free to play them one by one.
    If it gives you one bundle of games with one steam ID then it depends. Do they each have achievements of their own (including an ending achievement)? Then go ahead and play them separately. Though make a note in the notes section, so we know what to look for. Non achievement games or games that play continuously (e.g. all entries play through without an ending between them) are not allowed atm since we do not have a good way to track them separately.
  7. The event officially opens at 00:00 UTC, any playtime/achivements before that won't be counted.

Theme for April

Once upon a time... in Austria
Chart Toppers - Blinding Lights Edition
April Showers
April and The Turtles

Theme for May

Do you think you have a good idea for a theme for May? Leave it in the comments bellow. If I get more than 1 suggestion I will list them in the poll next month and the one with the most votes will become May's theme.


Everyone who beats at least one win this month will get the chance to win:
Cat Quest by samwise84
Death's Gambit by samwise84
Little Witch Nobeta by samwise84
Trine 4 by samwise84
Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack by Gelweo
Think of the Children by escollo
The Ball by escollo
Trauma by escollo
Darksiders III by GabbyGabe
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind by Khayta
XCOM®: Chimera Squad by Khayta
Batman - The Telltale Series by Cece09
Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series by Cece09
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince by GuilDer90
Punch Club Deluxe - Includes OST and an exclusive Artbook by GuilDer90
Shuyan Saga™ by GuilDer90
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters by Naitas
Yakuza Kiwami 2 by Naitas
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition by Naitas
Shenmue III by samwise84
Total Tank Simulator by ithamore
Iron Danger by salemSamwise

Have already completed all your wins?

Then feel free to participate with your normal Steam backlog instead :)

Useful links:

Steam group - please don't bother requesting to join unless I told you to do so, you will get denied.
How Long to Beat
Do You Even Play, Bro? – kelnage’s script
BLAEO website - BLAEO application thread
Source code of the website.
Steam Library Filter

Previous months:

2021: January - February
2020: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October November - December
2019: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2018: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2017: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

4 years ago*

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Which theme would you like to see for April?

View Results
Once upon a time... in Austria : Tags:Cinematic/(Cult) Classic/Fantasy/Female Protagonist/Replay Value;Games with royalty;Games with a relation to Austria/Hungary;Games playing in the 19th century;Games based on historical events/persons;Game names with shortforms;Games where someone else can kill you;Games from a trilogy;Games based on fairytales/folklore;Games which contain mythical creatures/speaking animals;Games with Happy End
Chart Toppers - Blinding Lights Edition: games released in April/ with 30P/fast cars/a char dressed in red or with glasses/lasers/dancing/blood/80's music/soundtrack;tags: retro, racing, violent, 1980s, Blood, Classic, Driving, Emotional, Fast-paced, Gambling, Gore, Psychedelic, Rhythm, Walking Simulator
April Showers: Tags: emotional, nudity, relaxing, casual/Games that take place in the rain or in the bathroom/make you cry/released in April or have a 05 in the gifter or game's id/where you can take a bath or shower/ with the words April, Shower or Rain in the title/where you can grow flowers or other plants/with a weather mechanic
April and The Turtles: Woman as main playable character/Games where you can wear real-life clothing brands/with co-op mode of 4 players/where rats can talk/where you can be leveled-up in something by another person/where main villain wears an armor/from Rocksteady Studios/One of playable characters is journalist/reporter/Tags: beat'em'up, investigation, ninja, aliens, jazz


4 years ago

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SG username Number of achievements Hours of Playtime Games beaten
Cece09 539 174.7 23
samwise84 97 154.6 4
aquatorrent 228 122.7 10
Naitas 201 122 9
RiseOfValhalla 50 116.1 1
DarkRainX 112 115.2 4
arthur2652 49 101.1 2
lPyl 43 95.7 1
Lucifera 93 85.3 7
Noxco 114 70.2 5
Thexder 38 68.1 3
Fluffster 61 66.3 3
Zlia 44 66.1 1
RiderOfPhoenix 65 65.8 2
EyeofArrow 12 63.3 1
Khayta 63 62.9 2
krol7 143 56.6 5
SpiderDen 80 50.9 3
VicViperV 62 47.9 2
Moony1986 84 45.1 5
Gellax 64 42.6 3
driedmangoe 98 41.3 4
Bazilus 63 37.3 5
CharlesNonsens 47 37.2 2
DarkX 53 33.5 2
ngrazer 66 33.4 4
Greenule 33 33.4 2
JustDucky 13 33 1
Metalhead8489 47 30.9 1
Xeloses 48 29.4 2
amst4d 14 28.9 1
moemustaine 65 28.3 3
robocub 52 28 3
Radicalutopian 7 27.7 2
TheDruidNym 77 25.7 3
Millsshogun 37 24.7 1
KoRayven 6 23.4 2
Zelrune 63 22.5 1
Blueaquapearl50 11 21.7 1
mjy 33 20.9 3
LaVolpe99 40 20.1 2
andreeeeeww 37 20.1 1
JennDjinn 39 19.8 1
BarefootMonkey 0 17.5 1
juhaszandor 40 17.3 1
Ninglor03 89 16.9 4
itekin7 22 16.7 2
freshduke 50 16.5 1
PapaSmok 40 16.5 1
Zarddin 55 15.4 1
LupoSilente 0 15.4 1
Slide95 16 14.6 1
Rinocap 32 14.5 2
NeverOnline 44 14.4 2
Ellemby 28 14.3 3
JFMugen 28 13.8 1
Patzl 25 13.7 2
alayersoffe 0 13.7 1
escollo 37 13.3 2
Pinajet 42 13.3 1
sceypt 33 13.3 1
hallak65 12 12.6 1
Dux80 15 12.4 1
CallMeKap 18 12.2 1
Dzsoksz 33 12 1
doubleomurfy 12 11.6 1
ViddaX 12 11.5 2
EinAnderer 29 11.4 1
GauFF 39 11.2 1
Charlie22 17 10.5 1
JohnRyder 31 10.3 1
Aldcoran 46 10.2 2
Arthur13 5 10.2 1
z00rox 30 10.1 1
Filipi 25 9.9 1
Droj 39 9.8 2
Akuburanir 12 9.2 1
Cowoth 4 9.2 1
Adamiix 7 8.6 1
aonrao 8 8.4 1
alexan310 14 8.3 1
Pit0n 24 8.2 1
Nightshine 13 8 1
Ad4m 16 7.8 1
cassioht 27 7.5 1
BlackStark 28 7.5 1
Kyrrelin 0 7.4 2
GabbyGabe 53 7.3 1
heprer 26 7.2 1
GuilDer90 12 7.1 1
xMisiu 26 6.9 1
MandalorTheDesperate 33 6.8 1
Zinzinneke 15 6.7 1
murkotlyvo 35 6.4 1
0ldNick 17 6.4 1
CptWest 3 6.4 1
Roleri 20 6.3 1
Kokkol 7 6.1 1
nanji 25 5.9 1
goplayer7 15 5.8 1
JadeNic 11 5.7 1
Zarshir 14 5.5 1
scigant 0 5.5 1
LagiNatoRRR 21 5.4 1
EleonoraFalcon 24 5.3 1
tungmapu 8 5.3 1
Nightxar 12 5.2 1
digitaldictator 20 5 1
camplify 38 4.8 1
SolubleCrow 13 4.7 1
AbdAllahMohamedRefat 25 4.6 1
ghidy77 21 4.6 1
RikkiUW 24 4.5 1
GELeto2 15 4.5 1
Wildstorm 32 4.4 1
Whoosh 13 4.4 1
Strifeborb 6 4.4 1
Arcsurvivor 25 4.2 1
emymer 24 4.1 1
LordSpyMaybe 109 4 2
villagkouras 14 4 1
salemSamwise 17 3.9 1
Blando 7 3.7 1
Gelweo 32 3.6 1
PsychoApeMan 8 3.4 1
kinkami 17 3.4 1
DecadentHamster 7 3.2 1
Mikoy7 40 3.2 1
mulchand 23 2.9 2
Sylom 0 2.2 1
AnuPatel 6 1.7 1
ManlyMeatMan 8 1.5 1
quijote3000 0 1.5 1
YummySalami 6 1 1
Bakilas 5 0.9 1
86maylin 88 0.8 1
sweetcuppincakes 0 0.8 1
greengreen1 9 0.7 1
Waxlor 0 0.6 1
MouseWithBeer 998 0.6 1
Tristar 20 0.5 1
Total 6335 3165.9 257
4 years ago*

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0ldNick - 76561198050850033
86maylin - 76561198142746975
AbdAllahMohamedRefat - 76561198128785478
Ad4m - 76561197997125483
Adamiix - 76561198111843367
Akuburanir - 76561197992752428
Aldcoran - 76561198062660320
AnuPatel - 76561198345906612
Arcsurvivor - 76561198107078391
Arthur13 - 76561198023788861
Bakilas - 76561198025942284
BarefootMonkey - 76561198025461537
Bazilus - 76561198065957241
BlackStark - 76561198415650031
Blando - 76561198116517331
Blueaquapearl50 - 76561198211520780
CallMeKap - 76561198073694096
Cece09 - 76561198140547710
CharlesNonsens - 76561197990245665
Charlie22 - 76561198119519665
Cowoth - 76561198053301065
CptWest - 76561198073881948
DarkRainX - 76561198967999484
DarkX - 76561198104124095
DecadentHamster - 76561197997410612
Droj - 76561198162768792
Dux80 - 76561198113664675
Dzsoksz - 76561197995708376
EinAnderer - 76561197969044990
EleonoraFalcon - 76561198138675700
Ellemby - 76561198022783458
EyeofArrow - 76561198030464920
Filipi - 76561198009106967
Fluffster - 76561198116544343
GELeto2 - 76561198038566087
GabbyGabe - 76561198001080350
GauFF - 76561198225895948
Gellax - 76561198352939969
Gelweo - 76561198118982727
Greenule - 76561198155944727
GuilDer90 - 76561198135241383
JFMugen - 76561198061066055
JadeNic - 76561198034339992
JennDjinn - 76561198141135467
JohnRyder - 76561198021903646
JustDucky - 76561198035865655
Khayta - 76561198101776626
KoRayven - 76561198064274333
Kokkol - 76561198128535425
Kyrrelin - 76561198036297204
LaVolpe99 - 76561198376046355
LagiNatoRRR - 76561198069635016
LordSpyMaybe - 76561198001148159
Lucifera - 76561198049840570
LupoSilente - 76561197999386018
MandalorTheDesperate - 76561198095168726
ManlyMeatMan - 76561198012473463
Metalhead8489 - 76561198069420656
Mikoy7 - 76561198054907249
Millsshogun - 76561198075996214
Moony1986 - 76561198249392362
MouseWithBeer - 76561198063952731
Naitas - 76561198054939035
NeverOnline - 76561198122258825
Nightshine - 76561197999330959
Nightxar - 76561198371329974
Ninglor03 - 76561198007224367
Noxco - 76561198047132749
PapaSmok - 76561197982447568
Patzl - 76561198079289651
Pinajet - 76561198020728219
Pit0n - 76561198048088552
PsychoApeMan - 76561197994025244
Radicalutopian - 76561198031335027
RiderOfPhoenix - 76561198886227993
RikkiUW - 76561198129771193
Rinocap - 76561198044604507
RiseOfValhalla - 76561198146147354
Roleri - 76561198184693922
Slide95 - 76561198444127759
SolubleCrow - 76561198423956440
SpiderDen - 76561198050400321
Strifeborb - 76561198038433039
Sylom - 76561198028338018
TheDruidNym - 76561199000078579
Thexder - 76561197989280149
Tristar - 76561197982136630
VicViperV - 76561198071754116
ViddaX - 76561197989187753
Waxlor - 76561198116836855
Whoosh - 76561197966778988
Wildstorm - 76561197989463326
Xeloses - 76561198163759050
YummySalami - 76561198078116551
Zarddin - 76561198078894531
Zarshir - 76561198028027215
Zelrune - 76561198201613371
Zinzinneke - 76561197972799925
Zlia - 76561197999536618
alayersoffe - 76561198141834738
alexan310 - 76561198283330113
amst4d - 76561198012567993
andreeeeeww - 76561198023327915
aonrao - 76561198082864110
aquatorrent - 76561198132503739
arthur2652 - 76561198064851272
camplify - 76561198080347710
cassioht - 76561198094715296
digitaldictator - 76561198025473646
doubleomurfy - 76561198041749780
driedmangoe - 76561198837489101
emymer - 76561198185481023
escollo - 76561198071731888
freshduke - 76561198034335591
ghidy77 - 76561198022271809
goplayer7 - 76561198040715710
greengreen1 - 76561197988492827
hallak65 - 76561197970560724
heprer - 76561198046535688
itekin7 - 76561198419226853
juhaszandor - 76561197998619018
kinkami - 76561198237246036
krol7 - 76561197998466535
lPyl - 76561198005968075
mjy - 76561198026492008
moemustaine - 76561198025889911
mulchand - 76561198028260044
murkotlyvo - 76561198153300136
nanji - 76561198027120088
ngrazer - 76561197993897227
quijote3000 - 76561198014144429
robocub - 76561197992633946
salemSamwise - 76561198078006018
samwise84 - 76561198100730699
sceypt - 76561197964092131
scigant - 76561198451823771
sweetcuppincakes - 76561197970536949
tungmapu - 76561198426034921
villagkouras - 76561198063536376
xMisiu - 76561198082091554
z00rox - 76561198313415063

4 years ago*

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Reply to this comment with the games you are going to play this month.

4 years ago

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Game Theme Status
Injustice: Gods Among Us* Competitive Tag Beaten
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition* Crime Tag Complete

*Not a win, but I have already played all my wins.

4 years ago*

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Injustice beaten. I know I'm not quite the fighting game proplayer, but this game reaaally lacks on proper controls. I never got to do any combos at all, I could barely use special moves, the only reason I guess I beat the game is that the AI is not really all that intelligent either. Well, that, and unlimited continues, I still got my ass whooped a few times due to how much controls suck.

So since Injustice didn't last much, I think I'll keep adding games for now.

4 years ago

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Sleeping Dogs complete. Quite enjoyable overall, DLC some of the DLC was a bit lacking though, but considering the price I got it for, I think I really got worth my money.

3 years ago

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Name Subcategory Win Type Status
Tales of Berseria™ really long games 25h+ HLTB (any HLTB time) Group Beaten
The Low Road Crime tag Group Completed
Little Misfortune Great Soundtrack tag Whitelist Completed
Pixel Car racing tag Public Completed
Spin Rush action tag Group Completed
The Town of Light games released in February Group Completed
The Shapeshifting Detective games with police Group Completed
Redeemer: Enhanced Edition Fast-paced tag Group Completed
Manipulator of Figure 3 games released in February Whitelist Completed
4 years ago*

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All done bump!
Just noticed that Tales of Berseria is now my most/longest played SG win (92h), it surpassed Cyberpunk (91h).

3 years ago

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let's see how this month goes.. ;)

Game Link Hours of Playtime Subcategory Status
Shenmue I & II Achievements - 20/55 16.9 25h+ HLTB (also action and driving/racing -from store page-) playing..
maybe soon™ --- --- ---
Total: 20/55

-30/03 update-
yep, I'm going to fail this month... :C
(pretty sure I won't be able to complete even the first Shenmue)

4 years ago*

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My month. <3

4 years ago

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Game Subcategory Achievements / Screenshots Playtime Status Notes
RAD action tag 17/37 25.0 hours Beaten 3.0 prior hours
Broken Age Great Soundtrack tag 36/45 16.0 hours Beaten 4.6 prior hours
4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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Coma Recut
Coma 2
Henry Stickmin

Great Soundtrack
Kidnapped Girl
Little Inferno

Broken Age
Path of Giants
Crooked Man

Frisky Business
Sleeping Dogs

4 years ago*

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Done a game already super fast!

4 years ago

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2 games done today, gosh that last game in henry stickmin was longer then all the others combined

3 years ago

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new week new bump I guess. Updated all the games I done finally

3 years ago

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bump. surprised by how many i've done

3 years ago

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I got lazy typing this all in. So just a bump without the update

3 years ago

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  • Wulverblade
  • JackQuest: The Tale of The Sword

Both released in January.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Game Subcategory Status
Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom 25h+ HLTB time Unfinished
F1 RACE STARS Racing tag Unfinished
Mr. Shifty Action tag Beaten
4 years ago*

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Name Subcategory Won From Status
The Norwood Suite Great Soundtrack tag BlueLightning42
Sonic Adventure DX Fast-paced tag Notil78
Injustice™ 2 games with 50P TerryTril
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition games where someone is named Wayne HappyCakeday
4 years ago*

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The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach - games released in January, Februrary or March

4 years ago

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Beholder - Political Sim Tag - Unfinished

4 years ago

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Master Spy - Hip Hop soundtrack/Action tag - Unfinished EDIT: Game wouldn't open again.. sigh

Void Bastards - Action tag

4 years ago*

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Brutal Legend - Games released in February
The Hex - Crime tag (Kinda)
Lethal League - Action tag
A Story About My Uncle - Action tag
Path of Giants - Games released in February
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - Great Soundtrack tag

4 years ago*

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New month, same backlog.

Game Subcategory Notes Status
Alekhine's Gun 1. Games released in January, February or March - 2. Tags: Action 1. Released March 11 Unfinished
Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series 1. Games where someone is named Rodrick or Wayne - 2. Games with police - 3. Tags: Action 1. Batman is Bruce Wayne, spoilers! - 2. GCPD and Commissioner Gordon have a role in the game, also seen in the official screenshots Completed
The Final Station 1. Games where you can rob places/ play as a thief 2. Tags: Action, Great Soundtrack 1. Steam Page says "Scavenge for loot at stations and craft useful supplies" so I guess that counts as robbing :D Beaten
4 years ago*

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Batman Completed! It's a good game, but 23 GB is a lot for it :P Although not very necessary, I would like to see another season.
Now it's time for Alekhine's Gun, which likes to crash a lot for... reasons!

3 years ago

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Bump! Added The Final Station.

3 years ago

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Another bump! The Final Station done! Got all main game achievements, rest of them are for its DLC, which I don't have right now ^^"
Short, but great game overall! I like its lore and story. It's also inspired by Roadside Picnic and Strugatsky Brothers' works! They have a giant statue in the game. It also happens in 2059, just a fun fact :P
Belus-07 is now my favorite train waifu UwU

3 years ago

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Picked out some tags that compliment each other quite nicely for this month, let's see where that gets me. ;P

Game Achievements Hours of Playtime Subcategory Status
Do Not Feed the Monkeys 16/33 6.1 Political Sim Beaten
Not Tonight 11/15 14.6 Political Beaten
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition 34/59 20.6 Crime Beaten
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes 31/32 11.1 Crime Beaten
Yakuza Kiwami 22/55 18.1 Crime Beaten
114 70.3 5
4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago*

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Greetings everyone, I'm back :p
Looks like I missed 2 or even 3 previous months (shame on me), so I intend to fix it now :) Not sure about the games right now, but I hope I can find some, which fit the theme

4 years ago

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How could you leave us hanging -_- (in case you could not tell that was sarcasm)

And because I am nice here are some games that would fit:

combat racing:
Heavy Metal Machines

The Corporate Machine

story rich:
This war of mine
Shining Resonance Refrain

The Signal From Tölva

Darksiders III
Iron Danger
Party Hard 2
Velocity 2X

Driving :
American Fugitive

Battle Chasers: Nightwar

4 years ago

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And because I am nice...

Huh, I always knew that ;)

Thank you for your time and suggestions about games (so many to choose from) <3, but I guess I'll start with "The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan" - tags: action. This game is not very long, so I think I will have enough time to also play something from what you suggested.

4 years ago

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No worries. There are many more to pick from. Just skimmed the surface and only looked for tags ;)

4 years ago

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Fiendish Thieves - games where you can rob places/ play as a thief *
Dragon's Dogma - really long games 25h+ HLTB (any HLTB time)

4 years ago*

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Game Theme Status
Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection really long games 25h+ HLTB (any HLTB time) Unfinished
Lethal League Blaze Great soundtrack tag Beaten
Secret Little Haven Released in Febuary Beaten
4 years ago*

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Congrats on beating a win for March is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.

3 years ago

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Requested, thank you very much :)

3 years ago

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The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game

Since you play as a detective and crime is among tags, I'd think it fits, because it's crime investigation afterall.

4 years ago

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well the tag categories are exactly for that, games that have the tag. But the game has the tag great soundtrack, so it fits nevertheless.

4 years ago*

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Detective implies investigation of crime/-s (as well as being similar to police detective work). Surely that would be considered a match?

Besides, tags are frequently not attributed or misattributed.

4 years ago

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We usually have categories that are open to interpretation (e.g. everything that does not specifically state that it is a tag category) and we have tag categories. For the first one you can add something like in your example, for the latter we check the tags and it it is not there it does not fit. It's pretty straight forward.

And sure we can discuss all you want about not attributed tags or some that should not be there (it's a system with some flaws), but that changes nothing about how the themes work.

4 years ago

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I have a question: do I have to post a comment here every time or entering game on the website is enough?

3 years ago

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From the rules in the OP: No comment on this thread? If there is something wrong with the game you submitted it gets deleted. With this many participants we can't chase after everyone.

Basically if we find something wrong with your game, e. g. It does not fit any category, has abnormally high times, is not a win when you still have wins to play etc... then your entry on the event page simply gets deleted. If you have a comment on the thread we will contact you here and try to resolve the issue.

3 years ago

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Thanks. Sorry, I skimmed over it.

3 years ago

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Rainyday - games with police

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Game Subcategory Status
8-Bit Adventures: The Forgotten Journey Remastered Edition Games Released in March Completed
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition Games Released in February Completed
Millennium - A New Hope Great Soundtrack Tag Unfinished
Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime Games Released in March Completed
4 years ago*

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Playing through 8-Bit Adventures and I have to say that it's pretty sad that only 11% of people have even gotten the first story-related achievement. It's like, 30 minutes in ಠ_ಠ

Then again, I think Steam counts achievements based on game owners and not game players and that feels flawed to me...

3 years ago

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It has taken way too long to finish an 11 hour game, but a bump for doing it

3 years ago

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Game Theme Status
Avalanche 2: Super Avalanche Fast-paced tag Completed
Bombshell released in January Beaten
FRAMED Collection Heist tag []()
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom really long games 25h+ HLTB (any HLTB time) Beaten
4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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Congrats on beating a win for March is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.

3 years ago

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With pleasure thank you. =)

3 years ago

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  • Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (Action tag)
  • Youropa (Action tag)
4 years ago*

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The Detail - Great Soundtrack tag + crime tag + games with police

4 years ago

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Game Subcategory Status
Secret Of Magia action tag Completed
Cat Quest action tag Completed
Cyber Manhunt games released in February Completed
Aegis Defenders action tag Completed
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse action tag Completed
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day Great Soundtrack tag Completed
Broken Age released in January Completed
Minoria action tag Completed
Path of Giants games released in February Completed
Cover Your Eyes action tag Completed
4 years ago*

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The Beast Inside
Tags: Action & Great soundtrack,

4 years ago

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Gachi Heroes

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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Darksiders Warmastered Edition - Action and really long HLTB - unfinished

4 years ago

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Guess I'll go with Western FPS.
EDIT: finished . Yeah, that was quick. I'll probably add BlazeRush since I had to finish it for a former event.

4 years ago*

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Game Achievements Hours of Playtime Subcategory Status Note :
The Secret Order 8: Return to the Buried Kingdom 32/32 5.6 hours released in January Completed
F1 RACE STARS™ 0/64 0.0 hours racing games Unfinished
Blacksad: Under the Skin 3/39 1.2 hours crime Unfinished
4 years ago*

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Iron Danger - Release date: 25 Mar, 2020

4 years ago

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Game released in March:
Epistory Typing Chronicles - finished
Action tag:
Valfaris- finished
Games with police/politics:
XCOM chimera squad - finished
Game released in January:
Lovecraft's Untold Stories - finished
Racing tag:
Grip: combat racing - unfinished

4 years ago*

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Payday 2 (Heist tag)
Super Cloudbuilt (Fast-paced tag)
Thanks for keeping this going!

4 years ago

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Game Theme Status
Frozen Synapse Prime Great Soundtrack tag Unfinished

I began playing it in February event, but campaign is still in progress:
Fortunately, I noticed 2 other people asking if it's okay to play game already started, so I'm not gonna ask the same thing ^^

4 years ago

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Mmm, I guess I can join in this month with my latest win (The Next Door). It's really short but I'll be starting work soon so that's actually a plus. I'll be honest, I'm not optimistic about it, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised! Maybe I'll even have time to finish up my Age of Wonders III.

edit: as suggested, now adding in This is the Police to my lineup. Just won it today!

3 years ago*

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Never freaking mind. Game began with me clicking on a door on a black statue's a** and never got better, the controls felt like walking through jello, and the game has no credits. They only thing there was a room filled with random comments like 'i like cenary' and 'its okay' followed by a prompt booting back to the title screen. Also walking simulators tend to give me headaches, and pseudo-deep walking simulators give me double headaches. wtf was this game?

3 years ago*

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Name Category Status Notes
Cook, Serve, Delicious! Action tag Completed -
Dead In Vinland Really long games Beaten This one is taking waaaay longer than it should, it doesn't help that I've had three game overs... but I should be able to finish my current unfinished run from February, I hope...
911 Operator Games released in February Completed -
Crazy Machines 3 Really long games Beaten Completionist: 33½ Hours
3 years ago*

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Path of Giants – Games Released in February

(and maybe I'll finish LEGO DC Super-Villains if I have time after playing 6 HBM games for CJcomplex's event 😅)

3 years ago

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Path of Giants completed 🙂

3 years ago

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I'm going to play Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter, it has the Crime tag.

I have a question about the event in general. Sometimes I win a game through the Playing Appreciated group and it fits the event's theme of the month. Is it okay to add that game to the event, even though I need to play it within a month anyway because of the group requirement, or is this looked down upon?

3 years ago

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as long as its a win it doesn't matter why you want to add it.
Good luck with sherlock holmes, everyone seems to own it

3 years ago

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Exactly like Cece said. If it is a win and it fits the theme you are welcome to play it. I always try to add wins that I "have" to play to the list ;)

3 years ago

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I keep winning great games so it's getting harder and harder to pick but here is my starter list

Well, looks like Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered will have to wait until I can fix whatever the bug is that makes the game crash on my potato laptop every 5 mn or so. Bummer. On a month with a destruction tag! Boo!

On the other hand, that did give me more time for Immortal Redneck and boy, did I need it! I don't know how HLTB calculates their times sometimes because with only 6-7% of players beating the game and some of them sinking up to 70 hours to beat it, I have no idea how they even get something like 18 hours. Tbh, I almost gave up from the number of times I ended getting my ass handed to me by the final boss after having to start the whole last pyramid all over again and again. It's a very fun game though if you don't mind the endless mode type of gaming.

Game Category Playtime Achievements Status
Ghostrunner tag: action 16.6h / HLTB (7h) 19/34 Beaten (Achievement: Finish Line. Screenshot)
Immortal Redneck tag: action 43h / HLTB (18h) 30/44 Beaten (Achievement: It's a conspiracy. Screenshot
Outlast 2 tag: action 7h / HLTB (7h) 12/24 Beaten (Achievement: Born Again. Screenshot)
Truberbrook tag: great soundtrack 5h / HLTB (6h) 26/34 Beaten (Achievement: Hans Tannhauser's Final Repose. Screenshot)
Still There tag: great soundtrack 6.9h / HLTB (6h) 17/23 Beaten (Achievement: Still There. Screenshots)
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard tag: great soundtrack 1.8h / HLTB (1h) 6/6 Completed (Screenshot)
3 years ago*

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Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York as a politician/political game. I'll copy my notes from the submission: "This isn't a joke, you play as a politician under the Sheriff of a vampire sect with no power until you get thrust into a political murder: . I've only started the game this month."

3 years ago

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All done!

3 years ago

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Flashback beaten / Action tag
Proof: Rookie agent achievement

3 years ago

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Grow Home - Game released in February

3 years ago

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I already tried a previous month with 911 Operator, but didn't beat it. Can I try it again - as it fits the Games with police category?

3 years ago

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Sure fits perfectly :)

3 years ago

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Great! :D

3 years ago

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we could not find Vikings - Wolves of Midgard under your wins. Is it a game from a bundle you won? Otherwise we cannot let you take part with this game since you still have enough unplayed wins that fit. - sam

Hi, sam.
It was a mistake on my part. The game is not a win and i just deleted my entry. Sorry for the trouble.
I will participate with another one. Cheers.


Game Category Playtime Achievements Status Notes 
This is the Police Games with police 23.7 hours 6/10 Beaten (Sinking Pequod achievement) -
Fight'N Rage Action tag 3.8 hours 1/20 Beaten (Child's Play achievement) -
3 years ago*

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No worries :)

3 years ago

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Painkiller Overdose (action tag)

3 years ago

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First two, already beaten:
Flix and Chill — release date: 27 Feb, 2017
Velocity 2X — great soundtrack (and it's true)

Sniper Elite 3 — really long games
Little Nightmares — action tag
Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Heart of the Forest — games with police

3 years ago*

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Hi samwise :)

I wasn't able to complete last month's pick, Bulletstorm (I'm sorry I let you down!), but would I be able to carry it over to this month, as it has the "Action" tag?

I've played 2.3 hours out of howlongtobeat's 7.5-16 hour playtime

3 years ago

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No worries 😊
You can play games that you started before, as long as they are not mostly finished. . Just make sure that you add the time and achievements you've gotten to the time before the month.

3 years ago

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Just finished it... with just a couple of hours to spare. Whew!
Now can I kidnap you so that you can cook for me, based on your pics in the food thread? :P

3 years ago

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Why does everyone want to kidnap me O_o

3 years ago

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Game Subcategory
Hard Reset Redux Fast-paced tag
3 years ago

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Black The Fall / Politics (tag, theme)
Sigma Theory: Global Cold War / Politics (tag, theme)
GRIP: Combat Racing / Racing tag
Void Bastards / Action tag

3 years ago*

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Wow I didn't realize, i had so many games with great soundtrack tags ^_^. Let's tackle some Unfinished JRPGs.

Great Soundtrack
Fairy Fencer F
Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition

3 years ago

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Name Subcategory Achievements Hours of Playtime Status Notes
Splasher Games released in february 28/47 7.5 Beaten -
3 years ago

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Retro City Rampage DX as an action game.

This is an old win of mine I hadn't touched yet, so this is a good opportunity to finally play it.

3 years ago

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Beholder (Political Sim tag)

3 years ago

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The Adventure Pals - Great Soundtrack tag

3 years ago

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Game Category Status
Ballpoint Universe: Infinite Action Tag Beaten
Neon Space 2 Action Tag Beaten
3 years ago*

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I'm going to play Redout: Enhanced Edition, which has the Racing tag.

3 years ago

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Party Hard with the action tag

3 years ago

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Game Subcategory Achievements Playtime Status Notes
Road Redemption Racing tag 0/55 0h Unfinished -
The Shapeshifting Detective Games with police 20/21 6.3h Beaten The game's annotation in Russian mentions the possibility to shapeshift into the chief of police: "Попробуйте превратиться в начальника полиции". That spoiler is not present in English though.
3 years ago*

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Bump! Beat Escape Goat 2. Also cleared some of the tough achievements, proud of it!

3 years ago

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I Won Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf few days ago and start to play it. I hope i beat campaign until event ends.

3 years ago

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Um, would Prey (2017) be ok? HowLongToBeat lists its Main + Extras (and Completionist) time as over 25 hours.
I won't be able to 100% it though, since it turns out it has a DLC and I don't have that. <.<

3 years ago

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The game has tags action and great soundtrack so it definitley fits.

3 years ago

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Ok. Thank you. ^_^

3 years ago

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Done. I "Beat" the game. (Achievement for getting the... "best" ending is called "I and Thou".)
Sorry it took me till the last day of the month. :X

Probably won't be able to 100% the base game before tomorrow though, since I need to do another playtrough from scratch for that and it's pretty long. ^_^'

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

3 years ago*

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Metro 2033 Redux - won this month - really long games 25h+ HLTB (any HLTB time) - Unfinished

3 years ago

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I beat Oriental Empires, it's got a great soundtrack! :D

3 years ago

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I started playing World's Dawn two weeks ago and finished it just yesterday. From FAQ it seems that I can use it even though I didn't submit the game beforehand^^ (If that would be a problem then I'll delete it.)
(Your Dry Delight is f2p so I dunno if that also qualifies.)
(Note: Since the only game I won is World's Dawn - I went with it and with other games from my library.)

Game Subcategory Achievements Hours of playtime Status
World's Dawn really long games 25h+ HLTB 30/30 31,5h Completed
Wildfire tags: action, great soundtrack 12/60 1h In progress
Your Dry Delight games with police 3/3 1,9h Completed
3 years ago*

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Welcome to the event.

The games look fine to me. I have added it for you to the current event on the event page too. We use that to track all the achievements and play time and to distribute the invite only GA links to everyone who qualified. You can log in there using your steam account. When you are finsihed with your games just change the status on the event page to beaten/completed (done that for you for the beginning). Then we can check it and approve it.
If the game has no achievements, make a screenshot of the end credits or finishing scenes so we can verify that you've beaten the game.
The comment here in thread is basically so we can contact you if something is wrong with your game entry or if we have questions.

And as long as you do not have another fitting win, you can take part with your backlog :D

Other than that, have fun with your games :D

3 years ago

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Thank you, I logged into the website. It looks easy enough so hopefully I'll do everything right.^^

I hope that I can also have a question :D I'd like to ask.. what is the difference between beaten/completed game? I honestly have no clue which games I should mark beaten and which completed. Its probably a dumb question but I want to mark them correctly. :D

Thank you for help and for these events, they look really cool (and will probably motivate me more to play specific games).^^

3 years ago

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Beaten means literally beating the game, so if the game has a story with an ending achievement then it means getting that one or beating the final endboss. If the game is an endless one then simply ask here what will be considered beaten. If the game does not have any achievements then getting to the end credits and a picture of them or of the ending scene is enough for having the game being considered beaten/completed.

Completing the game means getting all available achievements.

And you are welcome 😊 we host these events mainly to get people to give their wins a chance, but if it motivates to play your backlog it will be probably very happy 😉

3 years ago

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Thank you for your answer, now I can see the difference between these two 'cause I genuinely couldn't tell, hehe :D

If I get more wins then I'll definitely play those for next events, but I usually have some hidden 'treasure' in my backlog since I'm the type of person who buys a BYOB with "yeah, these games look really interesting, I'll definitely play them" and then sticks with new f2p catchy games. Guess I should start doing giveaway stuff to let other people have it and not sit on it with "yeah, I will play it one day.. definitely" :D
But these events look like they will really help me with finding that "one day" ^^

3 years ago

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Congrats on beating a win for March is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.

3 years ago

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I just realized I forgot to write my list for this month. A bit late but here it is:

  • RiME
  • Not Tonight
  • The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game
3 years ago

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Game Subcategory Status
140 Great Soundtrack tag Beaten
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong Released in January Beaten
3 years ago

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Name Subcategory Status
SkyDrift Combat Racing tag Beaten
3 years ago

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Game Achievements Playtime Subcategory Status Notes
The Shapeshifting Detective 21/21 6.4 H Games with police Completed 62 mins played before current event, 5 achievements earned.
3 years ago

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Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, Heist tag, Beaten, 15/58 ACHs, 4.4 hrs playtime
(The win was the Kane and Lynch Collection which included Kane & Lynch: Dead Men and this game.)

3 years ago

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Reply to this comment with your ideas for May theme. (500 characters or less please, deadline March 29th)

4 years ago

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Crime is common. Logic is rare

  • Tags: Adventure, (Cult) Classic, Crime, Detective, Education, Heist, Hidden Object, Investigation, Logic, Mystery, Psychological, Puzzle, Science, Strategy, Tactical, Violent
  • Games with: Two protagonists, wearable hats, dogs, doctors, violins, waterfalls, drugs
  • Games playing in the UK, in the 19th century
  • Game name contains protagonist
  • Participants >=2000 or <=50
  • Level: 0 or 8+
  • No CV or Full CV ¹
  • Games which have been bundled >= 10 times ²
  • Games which have been bundled last time 2 years or more ago ²

¹ at the time it is submitted to make it easier to check
² According to

Poll format: Crime is common. Logic is rare - Tags:Adventure/(Cult) Classic/Crime/Detective/Education/Heist/Hidden Object/Investigation/Logic/Mystery/Psychological/Puzzle/Science/Strategy/Tactical/Violent;Games with:Two protagonists/wearable hats/dogs/doctors/violins/waterfalls/drugs;Games playing in the UK/19th century;Game name contains protagonist;Participants >=2000 or <=50;Level: 0 or 8+;No CV or Full CV;Bundled >=10 times;Bundled last time 2y+ ago

4 years ago

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How do you always come up with these 🤔

4 years ago

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Funnily I had to do a new one this week as my first one has to be moved to another month 😅

4 years ago

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May the 4th be with you - three times is a charm

  • Star Wars games
  • games with aliens
  • games with princesses
  • games with robots/androids
  • games released in May or December (release months of the films)
  • games where someone is named Luke
  • games that you can play Solo, e.g. singleplayer games
  • games from a franchise or game series
  • games with hairy main characters or NPCs (hairy like Chewbacca or Bigby from The Wolf Among Us)
  • games that costs 4 or any multiplier of 4 points to enter (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48)
  • game id's that contain 4 or 9 (number of episodes of Star Wars films)
  • tags: 1980's, Action, Action-Adventure, Addictive, Adventure, Aliens, Atmospheric, Choices Matter, Choose Your Own Adventure, Cinematic, Combat, Conspiracy, Cult Classic, Destruction, Diplomacy, Drama, Emotional, Epic, Exploration, Fighting, Futuristic, Hack and Slash, Lore-Rich, Reboot, Robot, Sequel, Space, Space Sim, Spaceships Story Rich, Sci-Fi, Shooter
4 years ago*

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Haha I was curious if someone would suggest it again ;)

4 years ago

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We can't go without it O_o

4 years ago

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Hey I'm new so it looks great to me!
There should be something in there about games with characters that have a lot of hair though. Chewie is the best character in SW and nobody can change my mind.

3 years ago

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Yeah I was breaking my head thinking about a good thing for Chewbacca though it needs to be something that is general enough that it can be applicable to other games too. The hair idea is not a bad one though. Need to think about it a bit more 🤔

3 years ago

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Could be something about games that feature characters who do not speak. Even though Chewbacca speaks I guess but not a very clear language.

3 years ago

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Games that you play as a dog or have a dog as a companion? :P

3 years ago

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Ok first time I try this so please any feedback/help is appreciated

May or Might

  • Games where you can randomize your character (appearance, stats etc)
  • Wins where you beat the odds (Level 0 Public GAs / over 2500 entries)
  • Games that use dice
  • Games featuring Casino / Poker / Coin Flip / Other games of chance
  • Games with unusually or unnaturally large/strong characters (Giants, Gods, Obelix, The Hulk, etc)
  • Tags: Alternate history, Choices Matter, Choose Your Own Adventure, Multiple Endings, Nonlinear, Philosophical, Procedural Generation, Quick Time Events, Roguelike, Surreal, Beat 'em up, Combat, Fighting, Hack and Slash, Superhero, Character Action Game, Magic, Mechs, God Game, Military, Class-Based

Poll Format: May or Might - Tags:Alternate history/Choices Matter/Choose Your Own Adventure/Multiple Endings/Nonlinear/Philosophical/Procedural Generation/Quick Time Events/Roguelike/Surreal/Beat 'em up/Combat/Fighting/Hack and Slash/Superhero/Character Action Game/ Magic/ Mechs/God Game/Military/Class-Based;Games where you can randomize your character;Wins where you beat the odds (Level 0/>2500 entries);Games that use dice; Games featuring Casino/Poker/Coin Flip/games of chance;Games with unusually or unnaturally large/strong characters

3 years ago

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Peter Tingle

Games with aunts.
Games with characters who are named after months or days of the week.
Games with strip-comic in them (like Max Payne) or stylized as strip-comics.
Games with spiders.
Games with blind characters or with blindness in general.
Games with cringe humor.
Games with teenage protagonists.
Games with orphans.
Rhythm games and games where hearing is an important mechanic.
Games where you can craft your own clothes.
Games with elements (fire, water etc).
Games with monkeys.
Games that take place in Europe.
Games with drones.
Games where the game/narrator makes fun of you or trolls you.
Lego games.

3 years ago

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This might be a dumb question/ one that has already been answered, but can we enter with a game we are in the middle of, but haven't finished yet?

4 years ago

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Yes as long as its not about to end, so nothing with like 30 minutes left to it
As sam puts it nothing 95% complete

4 years ago

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Cece is completely correct, as you can also see in the FAQs (even though we have to update those someday).

4 years ago

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Thank you! I knew it was probably answered somewhere. Sorry for being a bother.

4 years ago

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You aren't a bother :)
we are here exactly for that ;)

4 years ago

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(Thank you to samwise84 for the suggestion!)

View attached image.
4 years ago

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ROFL well the other option would have been to take it out and forget about it the next month^^

4 years ago

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Enjoy your games everyone ^_^

4 years ago

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you too :)

4 years ago

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Is it okay to enter with a game I got on the blaeo secret santa? I don't know if I'll ever finish the only SG win that I have yet to finish :D

4 years ago

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From what I can see you played all your wins, so feel free to join with your normal backlog games. Unelss of course you win a new game ;)

4 years ago

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Great, I wasn't full sure it was ok if I hadn't beaten one of them!

4 years ago

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All we want of people is to give their wins a good try before going to the backlog games 😉
You have time and achievements in all games that I could see so you fulfilled that requirement 😊

4 years ago

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Have fun 😊👍

4 years ago

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Thanks, Witcher 3 was an easy fit in the "long to beat" :D.

3 years ago

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what is a lore-rich game? isn't it the same as story-rich?

4 years ago

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Lore-rich is a tag on Steam which is why it is under the tag category. I have not invented the tag so no idea. Subthemes under the tag categories are only for exactly that, games that have that tag on the steam store.

But here is are a few examples of games that have the lore-rich tag but not the story rich one:

Space Trader Merchant Marine
Faerie Solitaire Harvest

If you are unsure about which games of yours have which tags you can use this usefull site

4 years ago

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A lore is a story which is told from generation to generation, so it's a little bit more specific than just story-rich

4 years ago

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Link for past month's is broken

4 years ago

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Thanks for letting me know. Fixed it :D

4 years ago

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I'm still finishing up Brothers for February, but here is my list for March:

Burnout Paradise
Europa Universalis

As always, I am participating unofficially for the purpose of pushing myself through my backlog.

4 years ago

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I...I played The Next Door again. It had no credits and the end of the game literally just had you in a room of reviews and watching random images before booting you back to the start. This time I took copious screenshots because I was not expecting there to be that much nothing at the 'end.' They're available on my profile, I guess. The experience felt even worse the second time around.

I'm...not even sure this should count. I don't feel like it counts, and if this disqualifies me somehow, I'm perfectly fine with that. I just don't know anymore. The fact that you have to click on a door on someone's ass to start... The glowing cross launching into space to fly around the earth... The literal alien at the end...

I'll pencil this in as beaten but would like to clarify it was less 'beaten', and more 'beaten (me)'.

3 years ago*

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We will let that one count, but you still have other wins that fit this months theme:

Mind Zero
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville


Great Soundtrack:
Age of Wonders III

Fast paced:
Dustforce DX

Action :
Prison Architect

3 years ago

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Oh, I got a recent win that should also fit. I'll try to do that one, if and when they finally send the key.

3 years ago

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Hey, quick question, I'm playing Kingdom Come Deliverance and I was wondering what counted as being it. I just got the firestarter death where you die in jail but that doesn't feel like an ending. Is there a specific ending I should be going for?

3 years ago

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Well there is an achivement called :

The End
Complete the main story line.

I would guess that to be th ending achivement shrug

3 years ago

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Got it. Thank you! Sorry for the dumb question.

3 years ago

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Added the first 12 GA's. Caution : the first 3 end on March 31st.

3 years ago

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Added a few more GA's

3 years ago

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Bumf or smth

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I'm giving my favourite thread a bump because I feel like it and after a week I swear im gonna beat sleeping dogs (at least the main game). Everything is done except the missions

3 years ago

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For a minute I thought you were tempted to animal cruelty but I was quickly relieved to see if was about gaming instead :P

3 years ago

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yep no actual dogs were even seen

3 years ago

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I finisged The Beast Inside, the game delete the save after the end of the game. :(

3 years ago

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I got a few new achievements in Brigador Uparmored Edition
I also completed the main campaign there, but it does not have a specific achievement (only for all missions, including bonus ones):

3 years ago

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Last day bump

3 years ago

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Oh no, totally forgot I need to prepare everything new O_o

3 years ago

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Oh poor you

3 years ago

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You could've just made a discussion tomorrow with "sorry we no longer do this" and a day later "April fools!" :D

3 years ago

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I think I would have quiet a few mad people then

3 years ago

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Some people are just no fun ;)

But jokes aside, take your time. We all know you are a hard working person, especially in these crazy times

3 years ago

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considering I came out of nightshift this morning I should be in bed, but thread and event needs to be prepared and stuff needs to be approved so awake I shall be^^

3 years ago

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Wow, one month already passed. I 100% failed this time, I don't think I even started up the game in the last 30 days. Actually, I didn't play quite at all - not in the right mood, if that could even be possible.

3 years ago

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Shit happens. No worries. You can try again next month.

3 years ago

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Sure! :D

3 years ago

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Don't let it get you down, tomorrow is a new month and a chance to try again!
I hope you get feeling better~

View attached image.
3 years ago

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So kind, thank you! :D

3 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by samwise84.