This is a very good idea. I have trouble with a lot of games I either bought lately (some of my wish list games where on sale, got a bunch of them) or I won them here. And for almost all of them I can still enter the GAs. Each time I had to double check if I already owned the game before entering a GA.
And I did not know hidden games could still be entered when accessed via train.So now I still have to look out even though I hid all the games.
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I never knew the eye button disappears. Thanks for the info, this will come in very handy in long trains where I can't remember what all the games are :)
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I always do this too, but still it would be REALLY nice if this suggestion got implemented :)
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I don't like the idea of not being able to enter games that you have filtered, but I think it would be a great idea to display a little notice next the the enter button or just change the enter button to a different color and write "blocked", "hidden", or something similar to let you know that you have hidden the game. I have over 8000 games hidden and when going through trains, especially long ones, I can sometimes forget what a game is and have to check it on steam or search my filtered games list to see if it's there. It would be much quicker to just have some kind of notification on the giveaway page.
Edit: I just read Vilksar's comment above and it is very helpful. I didn't know that the eye to hide a giveaway disappears if you have the game hidden. It would still be nice to have a better visual to let me know, but at least I now know of a quicker way of finding out. Thanks Vilksar :)
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I would suggest using ESGST, it has this option!
I don't use it however, because I hide games I don't want and also games I am unsure about, like for instance games that look and sound really good but they are in a genre I usually don't like (like point and click) or have features I don't like (like pixel graphics). That means I sometimes want to have the ability to enter hidden games in trains and so on because I have points to spare that I don't have a use for at the time and something that I'm not sure about is being given away.
And no, going through a list of thousands and thousands of games to find that particular one to unhide it is not really an option. They would have to add a feature to be able to unhide a game from the giveaway page for that to be anywhere near a good experience.
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I like those suggestions but i would prefer that users start to using their brain instead of entering anything blind or via autojoiner... :B
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284 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Fluffster
The recent update to prevent people from entering giveaways for stuff they've won is great, but part of the underlying problem is that Steam's API can't detect certain kids of things, like DLCs. I suspect a lot of the accidental situations where someone enters a giveaway for a game they already own come from those - especially for games like Sam and Max (which are sold episodically as DLC), it's easy to forget which ones you already own.
Now, in normal giveaway lists, users can avoid this by hitting ignore for DLCs and the like that they already own. But it's easy to make a mistake and enter those giveaways when viewing them via a train, a forum link, or something like that. (Especially since, well, if you already own it it's probably something appealing to you.)
Therefore, I suggest that when you have a game set to ignore, the enter-giveaway button for giveaways for that game should be disabled and red (with something along the lines of "game ignored"); or maybe just show a red warning but not be disabled.
If the user wants to enter that giveaway, they can just un-ignore the game and then enter - it's not intended to be punitive, after all, it's just there because 99% of the time a user isn't going to want to enter a giveaway for a game they ignored, and very often this will be because they already own it, the API just can't see it.
You can see that this is a problem just by looking at trains - they have lots of comments warning people to check before entering on any DLC giveaways.
Obviously it wouldn't totally solve the problem (users would have to manually ignore giveaways for stuff they own), but it would help, at least, and would hopefully reduce the number of support tickets you get from users accidentally entering giveaways for DLC they already own.
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