Is this feature you would find useful
I believe ESGST allows you to sort on the 'Received' column, otherwise you can apply a filter for 'Awaiting Feedback'.
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I don't plan on using ESGST so that's not an option for me but it might be useful for people that do though.
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nice suggestion, I don't use add-ons too so it would be good to have!
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I whole heartedly agree, especially since the new guidelines proposed put a greater burden on gifters. A reroll can only be requested one week after email and Steam contact - Not just one week after gift is sent:
If you contacted the winner of your giveaway on email and Steam over one week ago, and they have not yet responded or redeemed any keys or gifts you attempted to send, please contact support to request a new winner.
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So the 7 days are actually starting now?
I don't believe the new guidelines haven't been put into effect yet. This means that the old guideline (actually FAQ item) would still apply:
If you've been unable to reach the winner of your giveaway using email and Steam after one week of your giveaway ending, and they have not yet activated or redeemed any keys or gifts you attempted to send, please contact support to request a new winner.
So its 7 days from when your giveaway ends as long as at some point you wrote an email or attempted to contact them on Steam.
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E-mail and steam contact is a bit over the top in my opinion. I did not realise both would be required under the updated guidelines. I may think twice about doing open giveaways to the public if I have to do additional chasing up of people to activate games they've won on SG.
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Maybe support will just continue to accept one contact method like they do now - We'll see.
Both old and new guidelines say "email and Steam", so the only change was when the ticket can be filed.
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i don't think those are actually required though, more of a firm suggestion i guess. usually when i have an unresponsive winner, i can get ahold of them on steam, but i would rather keep my email private so i don't email them. i had one case where the guy didn't respond to any of my attempts to contact him on steam, a week or two had gone by and he had been signing into sg. i opened a ticket, support asked if i emailed him, i said i would rather not give out my email, and i still got a reroll. honestly i don't think we should have to contact the winners at all. they know they entered a giveaway, they get an email and a notice on sg if they win. if it isn't claimed with a week or two then there should be a reroll, no questions asked.
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Agreed, 100%.
I do not want to give my email out, even if it is a on-off email. It already gets too much spam crap.
But I also I do not want to need to add people on Steam to poke them over redeeming a key.
Not everyone has comments open. Me included. My comments are open only to friends, because trolls.
And I only add people to my friends list that I have gotten to know well from a games forum on Steam, for a game we both enjoy, and like to talk about. I do not add randos. I am 53 y/o. I don;t want or need a bunch of edgelord meme spewing teenagers sliding into my PMs or spamming my profile comments.
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And I do not send keys by email, I send keys directly through SG.
GA ends, I click "Send Key".
SG can easily see that I have sent it, and also see if the winner has looked at the key or not, and redeemed it or not.
And it still does not help to protect against people winning, looking at the key, and redeeming it on an alt account, or giving it to a friend, and then trying to claim the key was no god, to try to make me/us/whoever buy them another copy of the game. Because it can be difficult to tell who has alts and how many they have. There are people with 100 smurf accounts, just to farm items from cs:go, or TF2, or DOTA.
Guess I will be doing only group and whitelist GAs from now on.
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And it still does not help to protect against people winning, looking at the key, and redeeming it on an alt account, or giving it to a friend, and then trying to claim the key was no god, to try to make me/us/whoever buy them another copy of the game.
Duh? It's not meant to.
It's meant to keep people from rerolling winners they don't like winning their game.
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I use the blacklist to keep them from being able to enter at all. If someone I don't like enters one of my GAs and wins, they still get the key. And then they get the blacklist.
SG sends you an email when you win. Why should I have to expose my email to some rando on the internet?
And you seem to keep ignoring the fact that all forms of proof can be easily and relatively quickly photoshopped, email contact or Steam contact.
And Stevie's suggestion has nothing to do with "cheating the system". It has to do with providing a tool to gifters who do not want to use ESGST, give randos their email, or add randos to their friends list on Steam. A simpler way to find GAs that have not been given feedback yet, after a week, or weeks, or months.
And thank you. Your piss poor attitude, shown quite often in discussions here, has solidified my decision to not do public GAs any longer, only group and WL GAs.
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Why should I have to expose my email to some rando on the internet?
No one has said you have to. There are other means of contact, including leaving a message in an old giveaway or a comment on a Steam profile. Both of those are perfectly viable and I've used both myself to get re-rolls.
And you seem to keep ignoring the fact that all forms of proof can be easily and relatively quickly photoshopped, email contact or Steam contact.
It's terribly hard to fake a comment on a Steam profile or a message in an old giveaway. Support can go directly to their profile or the giveaway for verification.
It has to do with providing a tool to gifters who do not want to use ESGST, give randos their email, or add randos to their friends list on Steam.
Perhaps you should re-read his suggestion. He wants to be able to sort his won giveaways. It's quite literally in the first sentence of this topic.
Your piss poor attitude
I've been nothing but respectful to you, or at least as respectful as you've been to me. But no worries, I'll do 10x as many public giveaways as you'd ever do to make up for it. :)
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You can delete your own comments on a Steam profile. You can delete other people's comments on your profile. So... how can SG make sure that a comment was left, or not left? Real easy to photoshop it, and then tell SG that you left one, but the other person must have deleted it.
Though, that's true, you can pop a comment on an old GA. But you can't prove the person read it or saw it.
And how do you leave a comment on a profile like mine, that has comments disabled or set to friends only?
And the point that he wants a tool to sort his won giveaways is exactly why I said it has nothing to do with how we are supposed to contact someone before asking for a re-roll. He is asking for a tool to sort won GAs.
And have at the public GAs. Not sure why you think "making up for it" means anything to anyone but yourself. My ratio is good, I have done more than the leechers I want to avoid contact with, since I joined this site.:)
And you have an odd definition for "respectful". Not just here, but all over the forums. Must be why you aren't a moderator, even if you seem like you think you are, or should be. :)
Are we done now dearie?
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i was allowed to get a reroll by screenshotting this (censored here cause i don't wanna put the guy on blast). though obviously a pic like that, or even an email or any other type of "proof" could be faked if you reeeeeally wanted to. but i don't care who you are, if you take 10+ days to claim a free game i'm trying to give you, then it's gonna go to the next in line.
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Yes, I read your previous comment.
It'd be very easy for someone to wait 7 days, click the Send button, screenshot it, then quickly "Unsend" the key, thus getting a reroll, should they get rolled a winner they'd rather not gift to. This is why support typically asks for additional contact with the winner. I'm surprised support didn't bother in your case. (Edit: unless this person had a rule break you didn't know about, in which case your'e granted a reroll automatically.)
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i don't know, i just don't see why someone would want so badly to not gift someone a game that they would go through that kind of trouble. if you don't want to give someone a game, you blacklist them and that stops them from entering in the first place. either way, any kind of screenshot can be faked.
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i just don't see why someone ... would go through that kind of trouble.
You vastly underestimate some people, perhaps. I've seen all manner of things in my time here.
Blacklisting someone after they've entered your giveaway makes no difference for that giveaway. Their entry is still valid, and you're still expected to deliver the win, should they win.
Edit: There was a fellow here a while back who absolutely refused to deliver wins to users with prior (and already punished) rule-breaks, or bad ratios, despite the rules stating that he should deliver the win. If no contact were required, he could do exactly as I stated and always get a reroll. Instead this fellow is now perma-suspended for breaking the rules numerous times himself. The site is meant to give everyone who is eligible to enter a giveaway an equal chance at winning that giveaway.
any kind of screenshot can be faked.
Yes, that's why other means of contact is required.
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you're right. sometimes i can forget how high the spectrum of assholery can go, and stupidity. typically if you do group/whitelist giveaways then your winners should be all good. if people wanna be picky about who wins their game then they need to restrict who can enter in the first place. that still doesn't change the fact that you can fake screenshots. that means emails and whatever steam contact. the only way to be absolutely sure that contact was attempted is to confirm it with the winner, but, ya know, that's dumb. i'm surprised there isn't a way for staff to just see if/when the 'send key' box is/was ticked. that would lift the burden off the gifters, and expose the liars.
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i'm surprised there isn't a way for staff to just see if/when the 'send key' box is/was ticked
Sorry, I missed this comment earlier in my notifications. But you're right, this would solve the issue, and I've wondered myself why it hasn't already been implemented.
typically if you do group/whitelist giveaways then your winners should be all good.
Agreed, but I actually prefer public giveaways, for reasons of my own.
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Is it possible on the Giveaways won page to list all the games which have no feedback marked in (good or bad) put at the top of the first page.
I have had a few situations where games have been rerolled weeks ago and looking for the giveaway in question was a bit of a pain to find. Its also useful for people who have activated the key but forgot to mark it as received and will help remind them that feedback needs to be given. This I suspect may help reduce the number of support tickets from people asking for feedback from giveaways they have created. I also have one giveaway in question where the sg mods have not dealt with it and I forgot it is pending and was wondering what it was for from about 3-4 months ago.
Its not a major issue I suspect for a lot of people but does make life easier for us to make sure feedback is provided more promptly.
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