I made a thread about this about a month or so ago but my budget has changed, I now have $5000 to spend on the computer.

I'm looking for something thats gonna last me a while (specs) but im not looking to overclock

Hope i can get some good responses and thanks for reading

[UPDATE] I know i haven't really done much in this forum for like two weeks but i finally chose the computer im getting tell me what you think! http://au.pcpartpicker.com/user/EpicDemoMan/saved/3bfS

11 years ago*

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Make sure you get a good, quality motherboard that'll support new upgrades as they come. Don't blow all your money on the current fastest CPU or graphics, because you'll be able to upgrade later. RAM and Hard Disks are easily upgradable too, so just get what currently works and upgrade as the years go by.

11 years ago

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If you're not very knowledgeable about picking PC parts, take a look at this website. It has different gaming builds for different budgets with every part listed and linked. It's updated every month.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Thanks for these links guys

11 years ago

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I don't think you should really need $5k (USD) for a PC unless you are factoring in monitors, and you want a sh*t ton of them.

11 years ago

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Also, you're spending way too much money.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Not planning on spending all of it on the computer, im going to keep the rest for games and later on upgrades

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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2x HD 7990
1200W PSU

gg wp

11 years ago

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Guys Zirun Has helped me choose the computer Parts Monitor Will be closing this thread within a week

11 years ago

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dont want to be rude, but i think you should really reconsider that build..

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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With your budget it'd be better to go Intel.

Something like this

Doesn't include a mouse/keyboard like above but it does have the price of the video card in the total. Don't particularly like the mouse/keyboard in that build above either.

Also using a TV as a monitor...well some models are ok but most have very high input lag and other post-processing effects.

11 years ago

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Hey thanks for that i decided to go with something a little different but i've based this off what you gave me http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/2nFuv

11 years ago

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Looks good for the most part. I don't particularly like Razer products but if that's what you want, then go for it. Just a warning that the DA 2013 has insanely high levels of smoothing if you're sensitive to that kind of thing.

Also maybe consider a CPU cooler for overclocking down the line as your system gets older.

11 years ago

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Just buy an Alienware laptop with upgradable GPU, lightweight and play-as-you-go!

11 years ago

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why do people suggest you a 1000 $ system if you have 5000 $ at your disposal?

You should go with (at least( two 780 TI's, at least a Haswell i7 k processor( can also do six core ivy bridge e processor). 32 gigs of fast ram (because ram isnt that expensive and its better to get bigger modules in case upgrading is ever necessary).

In addition, I'd go with 3 1 TB SSD. They cost 400 € on amazon each but imagine a system no SSD's only..it's beautiful

11 years ago

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I may have a bit of money but i dont want or need to go overboard, that priceline is what i should be able to have depending on other things in life, plus $1700 is fine for gaming

11 years ago

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800 $ is fine for gaming, but you asked for a up 5 k $ system and insulting me for reminding people that you said "5k" is just stupid.

All I am saying is if you want luxus, then go for luxus.

All those people crying how todays best technology will be worthless in two years are stupid.

A SSD is fast and will remain fast.

A motherboard will remain the motherboard and do it's job, unless Sata 12G or something will be released what I doubt.

A graphics card can be taken out and replaced, plus the 780 Ti beinmg the fastest single core card is pretty how, but one 770 is enough for ultra gaming. But then again, you asked for 5k and a luxurious system, so I suggested 2 or more 780 Ti's accordingly.

It will take some time till those become outdatet, not as in they are still the fastest but as in they are no longer sufficient.

Most of the money you can spend won't be on CPU or GPU anyway, like I said, running multiple big SSDs is expensive but the speed you receive will make gaming and general PC usage great.

But why do I care writing this long message when trolls will come here and tell me "lol u wot m8 1v1 me irl feggit u n n33d 5k$ pc n00b" anyway, just because you said you had 5k$ and wanted a PC that will make you feel truly superior.

11 years ago

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Because of a thing called diminishing returns. Yeah, you can wave your e-dick around and tell how awesome your $10k machine is, but in reality it performs similarly as my 1k machine and then you'll start being called an idiot for wasting so much money.

11 years ago

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Not sure if trolling but...

With the pace of technology advancements, it's a much better idea to spend $1500 now and then maybe $500 every year or two to upgrade than to splurge on a system now that will be outdated in two years.

11 years ago

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for pc that can last at least 5yrs

do get sr2 (dual proc) can have up to 24threads for multithreaded apps. But even so...

3930k or Xeon E5 2650/Xeon E5 2690
Mobo (Asus Rampage IV/EVGA Classified SR-X Dual Proc route)
Ram (full populate)
HDD (corsair GTX Neutron) OS + a couple of 4tb black :)
VC (Nvidia/AMD user preference)

11 years ago

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Even if you have 1 million waiting to burn. I highly recommend that you purchase high mid range for specs and avoid pre-built systems. Why? For one a lot of early products are over priced and the prices drop fast. There is no value in purchasing high end when you will upgrade to new hardware in the same amount of time. This is why every 5 years or so, you should be dropping about $1000 on a new tower (in some cases you might only need to swap a few things out but a new tower always looks nice.).

I like to price check, but I tend to go to this nice hole in the wall place that builds PCs. I have been going there so long that they will build my PC for free. Saves me the trouble of throwing it together like I used to. You may find a place like that in your neck of the woods. But go in not trusting them. Double check pricing and if they are higher ask them to price match or go else where.

I hope that helps.

11 years ago

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Yeah thats exactly what im going for if you look at the part picker i already have mostly high-mid range specs and i will be building it myself

11 years ago

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I'm going to quote a 2 week old comment from a user called "eagleclaw6" that summarizes my recommendation for you:

Also, you're spending way too much money."

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by EpicDemoMan.