A while ago I hacked together another Userscript to show me whether a game is banned when I try to create a giveaway.
Nearly the same time, cg announced that he plans to allow GAs free games someday soon.
So I decided to not release the script, since it seemed pointless. Since then, a few weeks passed and it turned out to be really helpful to me, while there were no news towards allowing free games, so I changed my mind about that. Long story short, here is the script.

Some notes upfront: I made this mostly for myself and release it because I think it is pretty useful. Nevertheless, it has some quirks:

  • The script fetches the list from shauntmw's great Can we have a list of games that cannot be created as giveaway? thread. That means, it is not complete and also not always up to date. It should be seen as a little help when creating GAs, but you should not depend on it.
  • I did not implement any kind of pagination. So when you start typing or just enter few letters, the list will be huge.
  • The list is refreshed on every page load on /giveaways/new. If you finish typing your game title before the list is updated, the results from a cached list are displayed. Meaning, that it may be that the new entries aren't in the list yet. In this case, try deleting and retyping the games name - as soon the list is updated, the new data is used.
  • I will provide basic support like fixing bugs which makes the script crash, but I won't add any fancy new features, especially if it looks like much work. As soon as cg releases the free games for us, this script will be useless - at least for detecting free games. I won't sacrifice my free time for something that may become obsolete tomorrow.


  • Shows banned games on top of the the list when creating new GAs


You'll need a scriptmanager like Tampermonkey in Chrome or Greasemonkey in Firefox to install this script

PS: Have a look at my other SG Userscripts:

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Thanks, this looks useful. Installed :)

8 years ago

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I don't think I'll have any use for it, but it looks like a nice feature to have so I added the userscript. Thanks!

8 years ago

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this is how sg should work.
no more excuses for "i couldn't find X game so i added the soundtrack".

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yep. The current system just leaves new users confused, it needs to be changed.

8 years ago

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+1 get this into this page!

8 years ago

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+1. Your script is super helpful, mahermen!

8 years ago

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Thanks :-)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks! This is a handy script to have enabled, I agree also that this is exactly how the listing should operate by default.

I think with quite little modification, this issue can be fixed also with this script:

If search for "Dawn of magic", make item "Time of Shadows" http://store.steampowered.com/app/33540/ appear and rename it to "Dawn of Magic 2" (probably also somesort of note should be shown , something like 'incorrect title in SG')

I think there are few more games with wrong title in SG database, but can't recall them right now (will let you know later or maybe someone else will)

8 years ago*

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It took me a while to understand what you mean. Now I get it. That sounds pretty useful. If somebody maintains a list with wrongly named games somewhere that is easily parsable (like the list of banned games that I use here) I'll add that.

8 years ago

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"Check vs Mate" is considered same as "Battle vs Chess" on SG
-I'd rename "Check vs Mate" to "Check vs Mate (aka Battle vs Chess)" so that it is found when user searches for "Battle vs chess"

The other ones I recall at this time have got fixed in the meantime, or they have been banned from the giveaway list.

So the list is really short at this time: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/tI4sK9a

8 years ago*

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Dawn of Magic 2
Check vs Mate (aka Battle vs Chess)

8 years ago*

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I don't think we should encourage people to create giveaways for incorrect games. Dawn of Magic 2 and Time of Shadows are two different products sold by two different publishers.

Dawn of Magic 2 https://steamdb.info/app/33540/ - not sold in North America
Time of Shadows https://steamdb.info/app/33550/ - Sold only in North America

If someone makes a giveaway for Time of Shadows but gives away a key for Dawn of Magic 2, the winner has the wrong thing and people who already own Dawn of Magic 2 would (rightly) still be able to enter the giveaway.

8 years ago

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this is really handy, thanks for the nice script, and welcome to my whitelist =p.

rofl turns out you are already on my whitelist you.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That's quite handy, thank you very much :]!

8 years ago

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You're welcome :-)

8 years ago

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Just so you know, your SG Bookmarks page links right back to this page.

8 years ago

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Thanks :-) Fixed it.

8 years ago

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Where can I change the color of the Banned test, currently it is conflicting with sg game tags script.

Nwm already found it. Thx a lot this is really helpfull.

8 years ago*

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Line 24, scroll right to the end of the loooooong HTML String


Replace :#d42929 with any hex color you like. But it will be otherwritten with the next update. Not that I plan to update it, but you should keep that in mind.

8 years ago

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Yeah already replaced it with black, so now it is surrounded in red :P

8 years ago

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Well in some way it makes sense this is not implemented yet... just typing some random words and this is kind of frustrating to see how many games aren't available to be given away anymore....

8 years ago

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What script are you using to show if game is bundled?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks ^_^

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Installed. Thanks for your amazing job!

8 years ago

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