It is always the same with me whenever the doctor regenerates. I always hate them for the first few episodes, but after that i start to enjoy them. Their character usually develops more and more over the series.
Although this doctor at the moment does seem to be significantly worse than its previous successors after the first episode. The problem i see with this doctor is that he is not funny at all. The comedy value helps make doctor who much better in my opinion.
The fact that the episode seemed to have a fairly boring plot probably didnt help with me liking the doctor more though.
Well i really hope i begin to like this doctor more, but i'm skeptical at the moment.
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God, I hate them so much. I wish they'd go away and never come back.
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Every time he regenerates, it's like we get a new pilot for the series, and if you've watched quite a few series out there, you know that most of the time the pilot is either the worst episode, or it's just plain "meh", The Walking Dead being the only inverted example. It always takes time for a series to find its own voice, and that applies to every Doctor as well.
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So yeah, one episode into the new series, but the entire series already sucks, because apparently we now live in a pocket universe where the pilot episode is representing the entire season. Interesting.
I liked it. And Capaldi shined with what little he had. Poor script? Sure. Could have been a lot better. But it was different than the entire New Who and I liked it.
I don't consider comedy a major thing in DW. As a matter of fact, I was starting to get sick of it. It's time to get darker and more serious. Besides.... just wait. We're talking about a single episode. Let's just freaking wait until there's at least five.
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It took me until almost his regeneration to accept Matt Smith and to actually like his Doctor. I was actually happy when it was confirmed he was leaving. Over the summer to fill in the gap I rewatched all of the reboot series and I have to say I liked Matt's episodes better this time around than I did when I watched them on TV. I agree, David Tennant is still the best one so far, kicking the long time champ Tom Baker out of the seat in my opinion.
I have to say I did not like the new episode, not because of Peter Capaldi, but because it was a pretty bad episode after such a long wait for a new one... it was likely the hype I had built up over this month that the new one is finally coming that it fell flat for me. Probably when I rewatch it some day once Peter's Doctor has been around a while I will enjoy it then. Perhaps when he is regenerating to the next one... like for Matt.
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Ok, so you start off talking about how you expected to hate Smith but grew to really like him, but then immediately write Capaldi off after a single episode, way to contradict yourself.
The episode itself was just meh and Capaldi did great with what he had. Frankly I can't wait to see how this goes. While I love the previous seasons and Doctors I'm looking forward to being rid of all this romantic entanglements with companions to be gone for awhile. I think Peter is going to kill in the role and bring the show back to a more old school Who feel.
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No, no, no, no. I said I WANTED to hate Matt Smith, not that I did. I loved Tennant so much in the role, I just couldn't see this show without him. But Matt Smith was great. From the very pilot of season 5, he was The Doctor and he was pretty damn awesome(obviously still not Tennant level, but let's face it, that's damn nearly impossible). Looking back on it, it was a great episode, hell of a lot better than this one, that's for sure. Back then I said to myself it was because of how awesome Amy Pond was, but there's no way she could have carried it all by herself. I was just so blinded by sadness and fan-boy-ism, I couldn't see what an awesome Doctor he'd be. Can't really say that about Peter Capaldi. Especially since this time around, even though I liked Matt Smith, I was in no way sad to see him leave(and just to make sure you don't misunderstand me again and accuse me of another contradiction: I wasn't sad to see him leave when he did, but after seeing the new Doctor, I sure as hell would want him back :-p). I was actually enthusiastic about a new Doctor, so I had none of the prejudices from almost 3 years ago.
Hope it gets better in time. Miracles have happened in TV, like the second part of season 1 of the initially dreadful Agents of S.H.E.L.D. Will keep watching it, but not really holding my breath.
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I quit watching after Tennant quit, it wasn't the same ever again
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Och come on, in the beginning I didn't like Matt either but with time I loved him... when he called Clara, I cried. Right now as I am writing this I am tearing up ;) And I do believe that the same thing might happen with Capaldi. Although just like you I didn't like that episode so much I hope that it will get better. It has to, it's Doctor Who for Gods sake! :D
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There's the famous "Regeneration Cycle" of course:
(Repeat to Regeneration)
That said, I completely agree with how he's neither witty nor charismatic. We'll see I guess...
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false. For Tennant I loved him from the moment I've seen him for the first time and never changed my mind, while for Smith I disliked him from 1st seconds and never really got to like him even a little bit. Companions and plot saved Matt Smith's era for me, but it doesn't change the fact that I never started to like him as a doctor.
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I completely agree with this. David Tennant didn't follow this trend though. I loved him immediately and throughout the whole season.
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He flirted with a T-Rex....I'm pretty cool with the guy.
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I liked Capaldi in new episode. I love the fact that he is creepy weirdo and not funny/romantic (boy)friend. It feels much more Doctorish this way, especially if you consider classic Doctors. Doctor should be an excentric weirdo not a cliche action-adventure hero. So it's much better for me, especially compared to Matt smith.
The only thing I disliked about season opening was a boring villain. Idea was nice, but villain itself was so underdeveloped it hurts...
Still I'm looking forward tyo seeing how will Capaldi develop as a doctor. Also I believe it's not fair to judge him just because of one episode. Ecleston 1st episode sucked major balls, but he turned out just fine as 9th Doctor.
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Remember serial 23 and how the Seventh Doctor started? And that turned out pretty good in the knbesides cancelation.
There's definitely moreto the story coming with Missy and the clockworKS I mean 803 is Robots of Sherwood -- they'll be "fleshed" out.
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I'm kind of curious:Have you seen any of the classic Who? Capaldi and Moffat have both said all along that this Doctor will harken back to the more classic Doctors, especially the unforgettable Number 4 played by the excellent Tom Baker. His outfit is already being seen as a reference to Pertwee's Third Doctor, in fact. If your only experience with DW, and this is to everyone reading this board:I strongly recommend you find the Classic Who episodes on netflix or whatever and watch them. I got into DW with Number 9 myself, went back and watched the old episodes and am glad I did despite the hokiness and low-budget quality of the show much of the time.
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it seems like that so far. Classic Doctors used to be eccentric weirdos most of the time. Less or more likeable, but always strange and not much human-like. And at least in this ep Capaldi seems to follow this classic theme instead of previous funny / friendly / romantic / easy-going / your pretty much average advanture hero cast we were mostly getting in rebooted series.
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Eccentric weirdos yes, misanthropic douche-bags with absolutely no humor? Hell No. I mean, don't get me wrong, House M.D. is my favorite show EVER and Greg House is one of my favorite characters ever, BUT, he worked in a CONTEXT. The Doctor needs to be The Doctor, not Greg House or Sherlock Holmes. Plus, Hugh Laurie played the misanthropic douche-bag with A LOT of humor and it worked. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive. Just because he's not the same jovial Doctor that Smith played, it doesn't mean he can't still make us laugh. There is such a thing as dark comedy. This show could really use some, for it is an adventure series, first and foremost.
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I've only seen the new Doctor Who, so I was a bit skeptical about an older doctor, but Capaldi won me with just his regeneration scene. For me, the episode was ok and I'm excited to see how Capaldi's doctor develops as he seems to be a much darker but also more humane and in need of support from his companions as he is afraid of what he might have become (at least that's the impression it gave me, specially after the phone call.
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Meh was a time there was talks it could have been Helen Mirren. Which is a shame, Rule 63 would have had a field day.
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I don't think it was all Capaldi's fault. He wasn't good at the role but I don't think he's found his way to play the Doctor yet, so he might get better. The big problem is the writing was appallingly bad. I don't want to go into a rant about it because I'd need to write an essay (or two) to give it any justice and I'm too tired to do that now. I'd just like to say that they wrote him terribly, the episode was dull, the references to old episodes and doctors were forced and it was just dumb. It felt like someone found a first draft of an idea and put it straight into production. The overall writing has been going down hill since Moffat took over, he's written some great episodes (maybe the best) but he seems to run out of ideas fast and drag the other writers down, I don't think he should be in charge. I don't want to stop watching but I don't really enjoy Doctor Who anymore. Matt Smith and some great companions kept me watching. I hope Capaldi finds his way soon and hope he can push past the terrible writing. Most of all I hope for some decent writers to have some episodes.
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First of all Christopher Eccleston was the best (new) doctor.
Secondly Matt Smith sucked pretty bad imo.
I like Peter Capaldi, finally a new character not constantly flirting with the pretty "girl-companions". The guy is a badass who doesn't seem to give a f**k and I like it. The pilot episode was fuzzy and confusing, you shouldn't base your opinion on it anyway.
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Best new and possibly best ever. I really wish we could have had another couple of seasons with him.
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Loved Eccleston, hated Smith, but for me Tennant was the best anyway. Just because due to his nostalgia/melancholy and his constant inner fight with his past it felt much darker than other two modern Doctors. Like with his every "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." that would sent shivers up my spine every time. And as Moffat said Capaldi's Doctor gonna be much darker than Smith I have my hopes up high.
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I started to like David Tennant from the moment when he said "I don't give second chances" before pushing that backstabbing alien out of the spaceship. That was an epic and probably the darkest moment of Doctor Who.
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and what about the time Wilfred knocked on that door? When you were happy that it's finally over, with Master gone etc, and Tennant managing to escape his fate, cause c'mon - we just got rid of all the bad guys, what may even happen? Then you hear "KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK." my heart literally stopped that moment ;p
But as for favoritue scenes/phrases - like I mentioned, Tennant "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I mean I've been watching a Doctor for a long long time, with a lot of classics as well, so I got used to the fact that doesn't matter how hard/grim episodes may be characters usually don't die on behalf of a Doctor, and even if they do he will do whatever he can to save them. Then we see any of the scenes with these sad sad eyes of him, this phrase and he walking away leaving someone to die... Pretty hardcore especially considering how family friendly this show used to be since 4th Doctor ;p
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I was disappointed that he wasn't saying "fuck" all the time. I think he needs to be even darker and grittier and swear more; then I'd like him. :P runs
That aside the episode itself was kinda meh, the villain was uninspired and I will have to wait a few episodes to see how the actor grows in the role and how the role grows in the actor because in the first couple of episodes he has to find himself all over again essentially. I want to like him, especially after Matt Smith who I never really warmed up to ( especially after David Tennant, I kept tearing up for the first few Matt episodes, thinking of David in his place), so we'll have to wait and see.
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If you don't watch it, you shouldn't care either way.
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Hear me out. Just because you don't watch a show, doesn't mean that you don't get to hear about it from every Dick, Tom, and Nancy at work, or when you go to a party, or blabbing into their cellphone on the street, or that couple at that nice bistro you like to hit up for lunch every now and again... or, you know, blogs and chat rooms and forum posts on gaming websites on the internet... I think that is the point of his comment. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Yes, I guess what you're saying is true, more or less. And although it's true that David Tennant's amazing good looks and boyish charms attracted a lot of viewers to the show from a previously unexplored demographic, which is that of the idiot female tweens, one still cannot deny what he did for this show and for sci-fi television in general, despite him not eying the visual ideal of The Doctor that hard-core fans of the old show wanted. Plus, look at it this way. As much as the fans might hate to be mixed in as a category with dumb-ass fan-girls who understand nothing of this show and just watched it to fulfill their Tennant/Smith wet dreams and fantasies, the producers don't give a fuck. As long as the show gets ratings, that's all that matter to them. It's all about how many people watch the show, not about who. They made a gamble here with Capaldi and I'm very curious to see if it pays off.
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Unless you are bombarded by the fans, seriously this show has the worst fans, head to head with shit like Twilight.
I mean I literally never watched it because of how people act about it, oh god its cringe worthy when the fans say shit like "This show is gonna change the world" or "If you don't like this show you're an idiot" or "Omg this show is so intelligent, smartest show evaaaar" etc...
Actually, no, Twilight fans are not this bad. Show might be decent for all I know but honestly if I tried to watch it all I would be thinking is the horrible crap people say about it, the fans ruined whatever chance I would like it.
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I like the show (but I'd also started on the "old" episodes before the new stuff and... new fans... came around), but I avoid the fanbase like the plague for the most part. I keep hearing the horror stories, and I just don't want to know any more. lol I mean, like I said, I like the show, but I don't see how someone would be an idiot not liking it, how it's going to change the world, etc. I don't even get how things like that started. It's just... a show, not the end of the world. >_>
Actually, I think I avoid most fanbases for things I like since they're typically terrifying and can't seem to handle that the show/game/whatever is just a show/game/whatever, and that they seriously need to calm down. lol
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Someone on my facebook was doing this, he use to be pretty chill in HS but he is odd now, I think I made his head explode, I compared it to Aqua Teen Hunger Force and basically made a stance of why thats the more intelligent show...he got mad.
People are odd, I mean when I like a show, I might post something like Dude you gotta check out this show, its brilliant, and then I leave it at that, speaking of that Silicone Valley is actually quite amazing as far as new shows go...thanks mike judge :-D. I kinda bragged about that one recently.
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Well yeah, there's nothing wrong with talking about shows you enjoy or anything like that of course; I'm more referring to the cuckoo ones (the ones that can't seem to understand the world doesn't revolve around their fandom lol).
Also, that conversation must've been pretty funny. I've made the mistake of visiting forums and such for other shows and games with similarly obsessive/creepy fans... yeah, no. Never again. lol
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I'm a long time Doctor Who fan, Tom Baker is my favorite.
The episode was very interesting. Like most other regenerations you're really not going to know what hes like for at least a couple more episodes. This regeneration is gonna be even more interesting because if you go by Doctor Who lore its not suppose to have happened. So the regeneration might be rougher then all the previous ones meaning it might take him longer to find himself.
There is also the fact that Peter Capaldi has been in Doctor Who before, but had a much bigger roll in Torchwood (which is in the same universe as Doctor Who). If people didn't catch it, he kept going on about seeing his face before. I do believe this is a reference to the character he played in Torchwood. And I do believe its some sort of message to himself.
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No, he was referring to the episode The Fires of Pompeii when the kept going on about "seeing this face before". The Doctor only had a very brief (audio only) cameo at the end of Torchwood's first season but was nowhere to be found when aliens did manage to conquer the earth in the Children of Earth mini-series.
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Tom Baker was hands down the best Doctor. I've watched the leaked episodes of Capaldi and he reminds me a lot of Pertwee's Doctor (a snide asshole who knows he's the smartest person in the room and makes sure everyone else in the room knows it too...)
Frankly, I think the people complaining about Capaldi are just sad that they can't touch themselves to an older guy.
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Matt Smith was far and away the worst Doctor ever. Capaldi shows promise that they may be taking the Doctor back to his roots, though I don't have faith that Moffat can pull that off. Hopefully he takes a back seat and lets some of the other writers shine.
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Never watched it, never cared for it. Seems to campy/cheesy for my taste.
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When the 10th Doctor regenerated, I almost cried my lungs out. I wanted so much to hate Matt Smith and see him as the worst actor to ever play The Doctor. But I just couldn't. I gradually started warming up to him more and more, even though there was no way I could ever see him as a worthy successor to the absolutely magnificent David Tennant. I looked forward to his eventual regeneration since season 5 and now that it's happened, I'm in shock. I never would have thought back then, I'd ever miss him. BUT I DO!!!!
Because Peter Capaldi SUCKS. Really...he's not witty, he's not funny, he's not charismatic, he's just an annoying douche-bag.
I don't mind The Doctor being a lot more dark and not a flirty, charming pretty boy. It was actually about time for a darker tone. But I do fucking mind him being boring and uninteresting. And I sure as hell mind an episode of Dr. Who which couldn't even make me smile...
For the record, I have nothing against Peter Capaldi himself. His character is just badly written, I blame Steven Moffat. So who else thinks The New Doctor Who sucks 20 levels of ass? Hope I'm not the only one. That would make me even sadder..
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