Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
She didn't like Stardew Valley when she saw it on YT, sadly (eventhough she liked and used to play Harvest Moon a lot).
Starbound is a platform game technically and since she didn't want to play Terraria at all, I am afraid she wouldn't try this as well.
Will try with Tropico but not sure if it will work... Is it any different than common strategy/management games?
She didn't want to try Portal games :( She said those look boring.
BattleBlock Theater and Castle Crashers are both sidescrollers (which I forgot to include in those she doesn't like) so she wouldn't like them as well. I think I've tried with them already before without success.
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She ahs never tried it yet. When she saw YT gameplay she was like "OMG, this game has terrible graphics! I would rather play Harvest Moon again than this!"
I might convince her to play it but not sure...
Thanks a lot for your suggestion!
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"Overcoocked" definitely looks interesting, lol :D Just joking but that gave me some laugh :)
I am 100% sure she won't like Isaac games since those are top-down. Same gies with Transistor :(
I am also afraid she wouldn't like Enter the Gungeon. About Recettear... Is it somehow different than other games? Why is it so good? I will also try with Cook Serve and Overcooked.
Thank You very much! :)
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That's nice. She likes games that are different than any other.
Thanks a lot for your suggestion!
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Transistor, bastion, d4, danganronpa, saints row series( mainly 2 &3)
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I'm afraid she won't like Transistor or Basion since those are games with top-down view :/
Will try with the other 2, thanks a lot! :)
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Psychonauts (platform-adventure mix)?
LEGO games? There are many: Star Wars, Jurassic World, LotR, superheroes, Harry Potter...
Saints Row 3 or 4 (a weird GTA-style game)?
How about some graphic adventure?
Also, one that I still haven't played but seems interesting and kind of odd is Viscera Cleanup Detail.
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I don't think she would like Psychonautss but who knows? I might try asking her later.
LEGO games might be nice, will need to try getting them sometime soon :)
Already told her about SR games, will see how it is.
Also, thanks for recalling Viscera Cleanup here, I've forgotten to put it in the games she played and liked :)
Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
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ABZU looks super-nice! That might interest her.
Haven't tried with FEZ but I don't think she would like it since it's kinda a platformer and she doesn't like those.
Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
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That's what I wanted to buy for her but... Are those as good as Life is Strange? I don't think she would like anything worse than that :P
Thanks for your suggestion!
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The walking dead 1+dlc / 2 are very nice, but still not on the LIS level.
Game of Thrones was terrible.
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And that's it.... Games of that type should be as good or better as Life is Strange to entertain my sister... She is constantly asking me if I know anything about Life is Strange 2 :D
Thanks a lot for important information!
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It's not a bad game per se, well, in terms of plot twists, story, etc... it's still weakest than twd (imho)
But it's a terrible got game, you don't simply use a few characters and make everyone die to make a got game.
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Yes and no.
Every death in got is quite "deep", consider twd (tv show):
It's quite common that someone decides to do something stupid and then someone dies for that, to me that's quite "forced"
meanwhile in asoiaf every death has its own "story", that story starts for a believable reason but in the game
The Ethan death: Hurr durrr I'm Ramsay and I'm a bad guy so I'll just come here and kill you
Also the finale is so... meh, it was quite forced to me
A few deaths in the game are quite "nice" like:
The girl, I don't remember if she was called sera or mira, whatever, she does a lot of things, that brings here to an hard choice, that was a "nice" and dramatic ending for example
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Hmmm... Might try getting those then. However, if those aren't as good as Life is Strange then she won't like them I'm afraid.
Thanks again!
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Despite not being a huge fan of the Borderlands setting, I found Tales from the Borderlands to be one of the best games of its type I've ever played. It's just so well put together. It's a comedy though. The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us are both excellent as well.
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Looks like Is hould convince her to play those games then :P I am just afraid she won't like those if they are not as good as Life is Strange.... Will see though.
Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
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Is it really a good game? I wouldn't think it is tbh but will take a look and let my sister know about it. Thanks a lot for your suggestion!
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Force her to try Stardew Valley, my girlfriend who don't like playing games don't let me to my own computer since she's tried it. Epistory was fun too, if she's into typing games (and you're riding on a fox in this game). My girlfriend also liked L.A. Noire, Banished and Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 but nothing as much as Stardew Valley.
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I will try to :P
I actually wanted to suggest her L.A. Noire but I think I forgot. Typing games aren't what she likes I'm afraid.
IS Banished different than other games of that kind? OR it's simply good? Also, will try suggesting her Rollecoaster games, thanks a lot for your suggestions!
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Thanks a lot for additional info! Really appreciated :)
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Banished sort of has a survival element to it, along with city building. It mostly comes down to ensuring you have a productive society in terms of gathering all necessities to stay alive. You'll need to have food, clothing, tools, firewood/fuel, etc etc etc. It's quite enjoyable and different than other city builders and rts games, and has some pretty decent mods that expand on the game quite a bit. Just note, there is no combat in the game at all, but being new to the game can result in a few premature failures trying to keep your society alive.
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Thanks a lot for additional info! Really appreciated :)
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Slime Rancher? Why?
Also, isn't Far Cry 3 mostly about shooting only? Does the game have any nice/unique features that make it different from other games of that type?
Thanks a lot if You decided to answer and thnaks a lot for your suggestions! :)
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Slime Rancher is super cute, easy, intuitive, relaxing and overall just a fun game. I'm pretty sure that she'll like that game.
Farcry 3 is mostly about shooting, but it has hunting and crafting elements, stealth and open world exploration features like paragliding. Overall it has been the best Farcry game to me.
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I should definitelyshow her Slime Rancher, many people seem to recommend this game.
Far Cry seems to be something she may enjoy as well.
Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
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Mmm, my sister played Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag whatever, did she like it, I have no idea.
I do know however she beat it (while fussing with 2-3 kids running around).
I liked the Costume Quest games, even if only for the first time I played and beat them. (like zero replayability)
Does your sister get invested in the characters, story, and lore of a game? if yes, maybe look into getting top rated RPGS, maybe like The Witcher 3; if she is not, then avoid story rich/heavy games.
How about card games (not stuff like black jack, but ccg/tcg)?
My only heart filled suggestion: make sure to check any game you give/suggest to her before hand, TO NOT BE freemium/micro-transaction/engery based games.
They are all evil and those companies and all employees responsible for implementing said mechanic in that companies game, should all burn in hell.
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I wanted to suggest her playing AC games but forgot so thanks alot for reminder! I've heard there is also horse riding in game so she might indeed like it
Costume Quest looks pretty nice, will let her know about it as well.
I think she likes games with nice lore, characters, story and enironment. However, I'm nor sure she would follow the story and such. Thing I know she just wants to have fun. For example, she usually doesn't even complete a story in games like GTA but just run around, do some crazy things, complete challenges/quick misisons etc. She recently started playing GTA 5 but I am not sure if she ever finished the story mode :P Do You know any other games with nice lore and characters? Should she try Witcher 3?
No card games. Board games are also not what she likes.
Thanks a lot for all your suggestions and about the warning. I also never support companies that loves microtransactions, DLCs and paid things. Those should never get a penny from gamers!
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Wanted to try that but once she tried the game in single player and saw the graphics she said it's a very bad game and never wanted to look at it again :(
Thanks a lot for your suggestion though!
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What about Slime Rancher? I know I love that game, it has some similarities to Stardew Valley with more cartoon and cute graphics, she might as well
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Yeah, it might be a good game for her.
Thanks a lot for your suggestion!
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Not sure if she would like this game... Who knows though :P
Thanks a lot for your suggestion!
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Alice Madness Returns
and of course
Undertale - best game ever made, but if she's into good graphics then too bad, she'll miss the best adventure ever
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Bastion is top-down game so she won't like it
Alice mighta ctually be a good game! I thought it's a point&click one but apparently it' not. Will let my sister know about this one.
UnderTale... Many people recommend this game, even to me but I somehow can't even start it :P Not sure why... My sister would get scared right away when she saw the graphics here though... SNES/NES graphics usually scary her :P
Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
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Would be a nice one for her, thanks a lot for your suggestion!
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Rated with the best on top based on how much I enjoyed them.
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
Dust: An Elysian Tail (all the people in the game are animals. story driven, metroidvania, brawler)
Papo & Yo
The Banner Saga
Gone Home
A Story About My Uncle
The Stanley Parable
Mini Ninjas (has caged animals you can free and you can turn into any of the animals as a disguise, but neither is required or has much to do with the game) (not that unique and gets repetitive, but I thought it was ok)
Little Inferno
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Wanted to but she didn't even want to try. She likes puzzles and such sometimes but Portal is purely based on that and since she likes action more, she would get boring just like me (I've tried Portal 2 in coop and while it was indeed good, I didn't like it THAT much since I suck at puzzles, she would be the same I think)
Thanks a lot for your suggestion!
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Yeah, she liked Mirror's Edge.
Forgot to let her know about Sleeping Dogs, might be something she would play.
Is Batman any good? OR is it just a good/solid game where You beat enemies through the whole levels? I have never played it yet so I have no idea.
Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
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Try "One Night Stand. Pretty cheap at the moment and its a really good game. like it a lot. Good stuff. :)
think Stanley Parable mixed with a choose your own adventure book.
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Valkyria Chronicles on Steam is a pretty solid tactics game. You control every unit on the field and go into a 3rd-person perspective.
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Looks interesting to me but I doubt she would like it. Thanks a lot for your suggestion though!
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As far as I remember it's a strategy/tactical game, right? If so, it's not something she would like.
Thanks a lot for your suggestion though!
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I think she would like Retro City Rampage if she likes GTA, I've heard they're pretty similar. It's top down, though so she might not like it.
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Yeah, top-down isn't her thing. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like it.
Thanks a lot for your suggestion though!
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Hello everyone!
I'm creating this discussion to ask You for help...
TLDR: I need games that are unique, different and simply good and interesting. I will appreciate any suggestions.
My sister often asks me to find her some interesting, good games so she could play from time to time.
Some games she really liked are (in random order):
Some games/genres she didn't like (in random order):
The problem is that I have no idea what else I could suggest her since she dislikes most of the games I thought she might like.
It's not like she wouldn't play platform game or something. It would just need to be something different. For example: Super Mario Bros X (in which You can play both in the same time).
Basically, I'm looking for some games that are unique, different than most of the games. Every game she liked had something different, unique. That's what I'm looking for. Also, my sister loves animals and since there aren't many "animal/pet" based games, I consider them as unique as well :P
Every suggestion is appreciated!
Here is a little giveaway for those who visitted my thread:
Wanted to make it more hidden but since it's just a single giveaway, I gave up.
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