
I was looking through my FaceBook, when I noticed the crap I put on there when I was young.

"everyone like my status please"

" send me some Mafia wars 2 stuff"

Another interesting thing I ran into, apparently half of my statuses on FaceBook in 2009 were all advertising for some website I made when I was 12.
Here is the website, made around 6 years ago

What funny things did you do when you were young, and you look back at it now and regret it?

11 years ago*

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I used to pull out the magnetic tapes of audio cassettes in my house ... my mom used to then sit down and reel them back in with a pen :(

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I did some really dumb stuff that I regret now. Light-to-medium vandalism like breaking car windshields, uprooting flowers and tp'ing and egging houses. I didn't do it too often, but whenever I hung out with the wrong kids. If I met the kid I was then I'd kick his ass.

11 years ago

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Jumped off a 9 foot wall during recess, I was 5 yrs old. Ruined my eyesight, had to wear glasses after that.

I was a total BAMF though; got up and dusted myself then went and showed my teacher what happened. She totally freaked out when she saw my injuries - nasty head bump the size of a fist and bleeding scratches. Class was cancelled early that day. ^_^

11 years ago

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Not a funny story but rather something stupid.

When I was 3-4, I used to drop coins or anything small enough down the air vents.

I liked hearing the "clunking" sounds it made when the coins went down.

My parents had to extract all of the shit I put in there :(

11 years ago

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The last thing i remember... i awake on the street behind a car with a big wound in the leg and a dude watching me like if i dead, before that i was doing some skate but a car just try to run around me, i try to avoid it and yay! :3

But this is sad:

I was looking through my FaceBook, when I noticed the crap I put on there when I was young.
"everyone like my status please"
" send me some Mafia wars 2 stuff"
Another interesting thing I ran into, apparently half of my statuses on FaceBook in 2009 were all advertising for some website I made when I was 12. Here is the website, made around 6 years ago
What funny things did you do when you were young, and you look back at it now and regret it?

you should regret you create this post :(

11 years ago

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On my 19th birthday (please count that as young) my friends were throwing me a party and we all got drunk.
They told me to run across the street and take my pants off in front of any random stranger.

I did that but found out that the "random stranger" who was screaming in front of me was the girl I was trying to ask out for over a month.
She never talked to me again. XD

11 years ago

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I used to repeatedly hit my head with a hard cover book.
It felt comforting.

11 years ago

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I'm 23 year old and I'm still doing funny shit.
I'll never be an adult.

11 years ago

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I shitted all over the toilet with diarrhea and there was no toilet paper left so I had to pick used sheets from the bin and wipe off all the nasty liquid from the seat, I was 8 years old or so by the way. This is literally funny shit right?

11 years ago

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Had a knife fight with my sister just for fun. She won and i still have a permanent scar on my middle finger

I also remember watching Star Trek as a kid with a friend and we were really into it to make a space shuttle and fly away to explore the galaxies. So two days later we build ourselves a wodden box witn some flag on top, said goodbye to our confused parents and just went behind the house and sat there for 2 hrs in a box waiting for miracle to happen.

Oh and i had this amazing idea to invent a skateboard which would have springs instead of wheels.

In a hindsight, i was either a genius ahead of my time then or not exactly a brightest bulb in the box. One of those two is certain

11 years ago

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My high school chemistry teacher inadvertently provided the information for us to make a liquid contact explosive. Once it dried / crystallized a significant amount of pressure would set it off with more heat than explosive force. My boy scout buddies got the bright idea to put it on peoples door handles of their cars. Eventually, someone caught onto them and called the police. As they were getting away they spilled ALL of the remaining liquid contact explosive on the pavement. A short while later the police cruiser comes down the street and drives over the spill. The result was one startled and confused police officer. Upon exiting the car, he found that the tire of the cruiser had been vulcanized to the pavement.

11 years ago

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Make a movie.

11 years ago

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Threw old tv's off the town bridge, duct taped my brother to a tree in winter, pretended to fall off a tiny red trike in the middle of the road forcing cars to stop and honk, Tons of prank phone calls, hid in the laundry mat dryers for no reason other then getting old people to wonder why a kid just popped out of a dryer, smashing pumpkins (one time, a women drove into her driveway right as we were doing it), lit my friends hair on fire with a bunson burner during science class, got kicked out of the mall for playing football, caused a couple school evacuations by writing "things" on the wall. Etc etc, do I wish I was 14 again.

11 years ago

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I slapped my teacher with no reason :D

11 years ago

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I gave $100 to a guy who claimed he missed an interstate bus.

11 years ago

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In Manchester (UK) I was walking along the street, and some guy started begging me for £3 so he could use the buses to see someone in hospital.
I said to him that was a nice thing to do, but the hospital is only a 30 minute walk along this very street, and I am walking past it to get to work. If you really were desperate to see someone, you'd just walk there.
He told me to fuck off :(

11 years ago

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I once looked at the sun through a magnifying glass...

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Good thing we have something called reflex XD
My eye could feel the heat :|

11 years ago

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I tried to be Daredevil, I got a bat and would have my brother throw things at me. I had to use my hearing to locate the objects. It lead to a broken window, a broken leg, broken TV screen, broken vase...

11 years ago

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"Sorry, no right-clicking allowed."

You are a goddamn monster. May all your bacon burn.

11 years ago

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I always laugh when I see that. I mean, it's not like there aren't ways around it. And it's even funnier when they aren't protecting anything special.

11 years ago

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Hahahahah, I know man, I know.

11 years ago

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Yeah, I thought I was pretty 'leet putting that up in grade 6.

11 years ago

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Ah, I wish I could remember my childhood right now. I'm sure I did a ton of nutty things.

As for your webpage, it could be worse. Much, much worse.
ETA Speaking of webpages, I made a really crappy one years ago. Though I'm sure it has been deleted a long time ago. Damn Geocities. ^^;

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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wow, that's bad

11 years ago

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I was pretty boring when I was a kid. That's the only thing I regret. But I'm doing weird stuff now. Oh and I regret throwing my sewing machine out of the window. The funny thing: The fucking sewing machine still works! Not even worse than before. Tho' I really wanted to "kill" that damn thing because it fucked up my chiffon skirt.

11 years ago

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just recently i looked back in to the magical time travel of the facebooks and from years ago I sounded like such an annoying and rude piece of shit

11 years ago

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Spat gatorade into the wind on a boat deck. I watched it stop in midair and fly right back into my face like a liquid boomerang

11 years ago

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i used to torture my sister. i had this toy called a wuvluv, and she was terrified of it. i'd hide it in places she'd find it, like in her wardrobe so when she'd open the doors it'd be sitting there waiting for her, or behind the curtains, on top of the stairs (ours had a corner at the top, so you wouldn't see it until you had gotten around the corner). at the time, it was pretty funny... still is.

i liked to stick things in fire too for some reason. first time, i stuck one of my mum's knitting needles into the fireplace, she freaked out and i dropped it onto the carpet. luckily, it was fire retardant. then i liked to climb up on a chair, onto the counter and reach the matches from on top of a cupboard on the wall, and steal some to go and burn stuff outside. neighbour luckily caught me and told me off for it, though. i don't even know what i was trying to do. i also threw a snail in a fire once and it made a squeal sound. like this

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Bards.