Ever since Dbz Abridged, i cant watch dbz without hearing it in the abridged version and keep expecting Vegeta to say: Goddamnit Nappa.
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Goku will win. Grabs Hulk then teleports away...leaves Hulk under the sea or to space.
Teleport away and charge some imba attack like Super Spirit Bomb then Teleports to the face of Hulk.
even on a fair fight...how DBZ fight can't be compared how Hulk fights.
in DBZ punches are countered by punches. They fight so fast that it's translated as flashes in the anime.
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That's the thing about the Hulk though... adaptive regeneration. If the threat is great enough his body will evolve to counter said threat. You may be able to temporarily trap him or render him unconscious, but you simply can't kill him. Dumping Hulk in deep space is a good method for dealing with him, but he wouldn't die. At most his body would go into a kind of hibernation mode until he drifted near a habitable planet or someone came along to pick him up. Now as to Goku's energy attacks... the adaptive regeneration will deal with them as well. The more an energy attack is used on the Hulk, the less effective it will be over time as his physiology adapts to it. Eventually Goku's most powerful energy techniques would have no effect forcing (a probably somewhat weakened) Goku to get in close and continue the fight hand-to-hand. Even in hand-to-hand Goku's speed and flight still give him a bit of a leg up, but what good is that if you can't deliver a killing blow. Yes, the teleporting him into space and then running the hell away is really the best method here.
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I think Goku would win.
In the recent movie (not that I watched it) he turns into a Super Sayian God and could fight equally against a God of Destruction.
And I don't think Hulk's brute force would be useful against the Ki techniques in the DBZ universe.
I think that Goku alone may be able to fight against the Avengers and win.
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impossibru both have no known weaknesses=never ending fight
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except when The Hulk gets too tired of being angry
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Well, since i watched Superman:Doomsday, i know that Superman would beat Hulk (as there is similar creature) and from Dark Knight Returns part 2 i know that Batman would win against Superman in 1 out of ten chances (which is btw most epic fight ever).
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Hulk gets his strength from anger => cut the part of brain responsible for anger and he has no power.
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I was thinking the same, then I realised that I had willingly opened this thread and in fact had given a fuck. Fuck.
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This isn't even a fair fight... Goku would beat the crap out of Hulk before he could even make a move.
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I'm not sure what you mean by that. Frieza destroyed an entire planet in a few seconds at his lowest power, and Goku makes full-power Frieza look like a common ant by the Android saga which means he's much faster. He could disintegrate Hulk in like .000001 seconds. When DBZ fighters are going at it, you can't even see them move. They attack so fast it's completely invisible.
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That's Dr. Manhattan. You have to go to school quite a while to drop the honorific "Mr." and gain "Dr." ;-)
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AFAIK Hulk strenght can match whatever the oponent has. So Hulk would win.
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And also AFAIK you cannot kill him in his Bruce Banner form as he would instantly transformate into Hulk and regenerate any damage. I think that in some volume he tries commiting suicide and he shoots himself in the head. He instantly turns into Hulk and survives.
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Here is Goku vs Superman, pretty good analysis.
And DC/Marvel comics systems make their characters be as powerful as the author wishes, so it's always pretty hard to compare them. There was plenty of Hulk comics, so it's pretty possible that one of the authors made him powerful enough to beat Goku. I didn't really read much comics, so I'll leave it to people more "educated" in that stuff.
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Here's a post that rips apart that video and it's "good analysis".
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It depends on which iteration of Hulk we're talking about. If we're talking World War Hulk version, Goku's paste, plain and simple, regardless of which Goku you throw at him, and the planet they're standing on is reduced to an asteroid field with an angry Hulk beating chunks into powder while floating in space. Note, that this is assuming he has a source of anger (WWH had a pretty defined, perpetual, internal source and Goku would be set as a "response" to Hulk to make any sense at all in this situation). Any other form, I'd say it's a crapshoot. Hulk has adaptive regeneration that keeps him surviving regardless of situation, damage, or environment, while Goku can simply "take his halo off" and keep living :P
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From what little I understand about the hulk, his strength is a variable based on his rage. Goku's strength is also a variable, but it's base could be higher than the hulk's initial strength. Now this being only about strength, I would say they are fairly even, but it is kind of a grey area. If it were about a fight, it may have to go to the hulk, even though Goku could pretty much use the power of the planet he is on. Every hit Goku deals to the hulk, would only make him more angry and stronger, further increasing his ability to withstand Goku's attacks.
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Er... the fact that Vegeta's Galactic Gun can destroy the earth I really doubt Hulk will be able to withstand living in space. Superman has a pretty bad weakness and anyone can take advantage of it provided that they can find Kryptonite (Oh wait, Bulma + her dad is like a scientist so that is like so easy). Batman is more realistic, but sadly realism doesn't win you fights when Goku can teleport, fly, use ki-blasts, turn super saiyan, transform (combine), and has many able comrades.
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Banner has multiple personality disorder. While it's true that there is no upper limit to the Hulk's strength, any fight would depend greatly on which personality was in charge at the moment. The childlike rampaging Hulk is too easily distracted. Mr. Fixit is weakened by sunlight. The Professor would put up a good fight, but can be overconfident and arrogant which causes him to make mistakes. World War Hulk could probably kick some Sayian ass. However, there is another personality briefly mentioned in the comics that they call the "Devil Hulk." This is a Hulk so powerful and so evil that all the other personalities are terrified of it and work together to keep it locked up in Banner's mind.
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The earth would be destroyed mid-fight, so everyone loses.
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has hulk survived disintegration at a molecular/cellular level?
if you tell goku hulk's strenght is based on rage then he's toast, as goku is known to look after finding out if he can beat the enemy at their max level, so he won't attempt to kill it right off the bat.
if hulk is a terrible villain that must be stopped at once while weak, think majin boo or gero, then goku could vaporize him, assuming like i said hulk can't regenerate from total disintegration, after all, goku can certainly vaporize cell, and cell's body is most likely stronger than hulk's at base level
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According to this, Frieza in his first form has a power level of 20,000. As we saw in the Bardock movie, Frieza in his first form uses only a fraction of his power with only his index finger to destroy a while planet. From this source, we can guess that SSJ4 Goku has a power level around 1.5 billion. Even disregarding the fact that Frieza was using just his finger, Goku is 75,000 times more powerful. He could probably nuke a solar system in one go if he wanted to. Now, as for Hulk...I've heard in some of the other universes in the comics that he destroyed a meteor with one punch or something like that, which is impressive, but still nothing compared to Goku. And to add to that, Goku is infinitely faster than the Hulk.
As for this whole "Hulk regeneration" argument, has he regenerated from being completely disintegrated before?
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Why everybody is comparing hulk and some anime guy? This is shit coz they cant ever meet each other...
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Yes you're right! Goku is in India and Hulk is somwhere in Spain i heard, they travel all the time around the world and have so much other stuff to do!
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1,203 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by canis39
So, I know the comics since ever and "lived" with them trough cartoons 'n all, but am not much interrested nor aware of all the different stories and explanations about the power of each of supah heroez, or simply all the power they've got.
I read here and there that Hulk can become invincible as his anger has no limit and the more angry he is, stronger he is, so, unlimited pawa. Here there is a weak point because of the fact that his normal human form is so weak and could be taken down by a 8 yo girl. Already there : can Hulk be indefinitely angry ?
And now Goku, as for example of one of the most powerful characters ever made in that kind of story (manga, comics, ..), even if Bejita is way stronger than him, but this is not the question.
And then, what about Superman ? I see there is another thread talking about Thor vs Superman but I have this in mind since a while..
So, asking to people who knows well Superman & others, who's the best between Goku, Hulk, [troll]and Batman ?]/troll] and Superman ?
P.s. : just remember that superman is a faggot so weak and slow, so just count with Goku and Hulk
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