Also tell me...
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This is easy to answer with yes/no, but hard to do so in any useful way. The truth of the matter is that it really depends on personal factors. Let me try to help you make that decision based on those factors instead.
I'll ask three questions. Pick from one of the answers below, and assign the respective value to each question:
Yes = 2.
Maybe / kind of / so-so = 1.
No = 0.
Did you like the anime?
Are you interested in knowing more about the parts that got cut from the anime?
Are you okay with spending game money on VNs?
Now add the answers and evaluate the result:
5-6 -> definitely worth buying
4 -> worth buying if sufficiently cheap to your standards of cheap
3 -> hard to say, probably not worth it, but might be worth it if even cheaper than on the line above
2 -> only worth buying in a bundle with more interesting stuff
0-1 -> not worth buying, move along
As a matter of fact, the same scheme from above applies to Clannad (I don't have it on Steam, so I can't vote), by and large. I'd consider Clannad overall a little less worth buying than S;G for any given result, but that's definitely a point of contention; others would say the exact opposite.
I hope this helps! :D
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Well... Its a 3, so Im at the same Point again ^^
Besides I'm more interested in STEIN`S Gate for myself, so I share your Point of view. Thanks =)
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The game is much-much better IMHO. I watched anime after playing, and while I've enjoyed spending more time with the characters it was a constant inside cry "how could you possible leave that very important part behind??". My biggest gripes with it, is that they cut out almost all the "sci" part of the "sci-fi", and mostly kept to the drama. I mean, I get it, they need to keep the story moving and the tension high, and all the relationship conundrums is better suited to keep people's attention than half an hour lection on time travel theories, black hole varieties or the way people's brain function. But I loved that in the game, how much they grounded fiction on real science, blending the line where sci turns to fi. All the theories, guesses and explanations they were coming up with, debates and discussions...
But even if you fine with more fast-forward storytelling and basic explanations, the human aspect is also greatly reduced. And if the main trio doesn't suffer from it too much, the rest of the cast comes out more flat and stereotyped than they deserve. You miss a lot of interactions, background and depth, not to mention their personal endings, which are emotional and diverse, and cover very different resolutions of the whole situation, both emotionally and scientifically.
Also I much prefer game artstyle.
Sorry for the long wall, and I don't want to be mean to the anime - I've enjoyed it. It's just that I love the game too much, it left too strong of impression on me. So now I can't shut up about it, and you provided a pretty good occasion for my affection-venting ^_^
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I edited it again, using ESGTools. So tell me if it works now. otherwise i will have to delete the rule completly and check it manually by terms.
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with a game like clannad that shouldnt be to hard. if you dont get them till the last 2 hours or so id make the thread title a bit more clear.
otherwise id leave it at that for better chances of the few lookin into. ^^
fun fact i actually won clannad on steamgifts. wasnt sure if id like it because of beeing drama.
one of the best games i won so far in my opinion.
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its still required, because it stands in the text above. I'll check the winner for that ;-P
Wich also means... The Wishlist Date of today might be suspicious.
dont want to mess around with sg to much.
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so if you enter and win, I've to request a reroll u guess.
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Thanks for the great chance, Little
I've held off on watching the shows until I've read the VNs first, so I haven't seen the anime
But if you really enjoyed it, I'd say it's totally worth checking out the VN later down the line
It can add a lot of subtle details and nuances to each characters' personalities/backstories, and the worldbuilding is typically much more fleshed out via the written word
Overall it enriches the story and the experience of going through it, and it may even altogether seem stylistically different from how it was presented in the anime, which is what'll hopefully keep your attention/interest (even though it's the same story)
To put it more briefly, the VN'll give you the story in its entirety, and it's worth it to see the creators' vision of it realized completely
At least, as long it's worth your time/money/effort/whatever you else you spend on it :P
Good luck to all!
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Dang. I wish I was level 8.xD I've had Clannad on my wishlist for awhile. The anime was amazing. So many awesome moments. XD Fuko will always be my favorite character though. Anyways here's a bump!
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I already own Clannad, but have a bump, and thanks for thinking of the 8+ers. ♥
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Have a BUMP :)
Highly recommend both, try watching both the anime.
CLANNAD : Good feel train.
STEIN GATE : Slight Feel train but good mystery :)
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With my last Anime Train a few days ago, some of you guys blocked me, because i excluded everyone with level 8 or higher, no matter that i've announced another-> THIS giveaway XD
Just leave the blacklist Drama away, because there is a reason for my GA-rules, wich will adept every time. Everyone will get something, when the time has come.
I'd like to send you the Stein's Gate bundle as a steam gift, then the Clannad bundle. But both failed, because i'm not allowed to gift them by steam purchase.
Since my Bank account is currently low as well, i thought...
"This might be a sign ^^"
So i give you at least the first Clannad Novel. I just know the Anime, so let me know, if it was worth buying ;-)
Its a steam gift, so i hope its not region restricted. If so, its ROW. Does a region restriction lower the send value for my level? This giveaway is also my Level 6 party XD
Please only enter the CLANNAD, when you desire for this game is so high... that you wishlisted it with no excuse =D
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