Worth buy that game pre-order? :]

10 years ago*

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No game is ever worth a preorder.

10 years ago

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except if you want it and it has a pre-order bonus.....

10 years ago

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Still no.

10 years ago

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Unless it's your favourite game of all time and you can't fucking afford to wait for it any longer. -cough cough-

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Sorry, Dragon Age.
Sorry again, Mass Effect.
No regrets.

10 years ago

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got both for 10€ 6 months after release. No regrets, low cost and i didn't need to gamble.

10 years ago

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Yup. I've pre-ordered Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and i'm satisfied.

10 years ago

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Those "bonuses" (Sorry, but what is it? Vanity trash with an imaginary 5$ price tag?) are the very reason people buy games without any knowledge of their quality.

Instead of outright burning your money like that, give it to someone in need. Wait for reviews, wait for actual footage, spare yourself those terribad blunders and get the games worth buying two weeks later.

Don't reward publishers' press tactics and marketing coups eating up the resources that could've been used to make the games actually worth their price instead of ensuring they would sell by using shady preview methods.
There is really no reason to have a game on release day unless you like being unable to log into offline games and realizing those were really bad 5 hours of play time.

10 years ago

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you are funny, your post/response makes me laugh. its like with BF4, preorder for the first map pack free. many people buy the map packs anyways, so why not preorder to get first one free??

10 years ago

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I agree. Why not just preorder first and save a few bucks. You'd get to enjoy more value for sale like when we preordered Aliens Colonial Marines.

10 years ago

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In case of BF4, you're kinda-stupid if you pre-order BF-games just for free map pack. You need to buy additional Season Pass called Premium to have full game, and that free map pack will be included.

So you're actually losing money this way, as you're:
-losing money on sale that WILL happen in next month or two (both BF and CoD series has at least those -15% sale in few weeks after release)
-losing money on Season Pass, as it's priced in such a way you're buying 5 mappacks in price of 4, but since you already have one you're only buying 4 mappacks, with price of 4 mappacks.

And all you're buying is knowledge that BF4 is buggy and CTD all the time...

10 years ago

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So I assume you laughed after you realized you either cannot read more than two lines of those pesky letters and words things.
I pretty much made clear why you are the reason for blunders like the latest Aliens game. PSA: how much is a map pack worth if only a fraction of players has it? Exactly. Which is why you will be able to get it later anyway. Since games tend to get cheaper fast, you may as well wait, reassure the game is worth its price and use the saved money for the map pack, less risk, same reward.

Oh, another "wall of text", sorry I can't find any simpler words for your attention span.

10 years ago

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Ignore these idiots. They are the reason why companies walk all over us consumers without a care in the world. They know they can walk all over us because people like these idiots that embrace pre-order "bonuses" spread their ass for these companies and their scumbag marketing tactics.

And it's funny, because they are the first ones to cry when they get burned on a game that they pre-ordered. They cry more than anyone else because they bought a shit game, that anyone with a brain could have seen how shit it is, just by waiting a few hours to a day for reviews to pop up.

And if they are going to bitch at someone like you who is trying to inform them, then they are clearly not worth the time or effort of trying to help.

I miss the days when developers actually had to make a good game to sell, not put half their budget in marketing then split up half the game into pieces for seperate sale.

10 years ago

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At least some games have good preorder bonuses.

BioInf had shitton on of other games thrown with it, so it cost me less than 3€ for game and season pass.

10 years ago

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And it would have been any less or worse two weeks after release?

10 years ago

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Would've been around 50-65€ two weeks after release?
that's 20x more than preorder after selling extras!!

Hell it still hasn't been anywhere near that price over year later.
Lowest it has been after that is 12.50€, using lowest prices, one of which was pricing error.

10 years ago

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Entirely artificial pricing, anyone?

10 years ago

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Unless its worth it to the person to play it as soon as possible, honestly I see it both ways, its kinda like paying 10+ dollars to see a movie on release night...sorta, ehh, people do all sorts of things, no reason to judge it really.

In the past I have pre-ordered games but that was when they were not infinite(Playstation 2/Xbox days). I rarely made poor choices though and they use to come with nice bonuses, not shitty in game items, stuff like shirts, posters, watches, etc...These games use to not drop in price so rapidly also...

10 years ago

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The thing about pre-orders is that you have to understand that it is a risk. You have only seen very curated sequences of the game that may or may not be a good representation of the whole game. The game may have issues at launch etc.

If you know and understand the risks of pre-ordering before doing it, then you just have to weight in the pros and cons and evaluate if those pre-order bonuses may be worth the risk of getting a dud. At that point it is all dependent on each and every person. Some may see pre-order bonuses as nothing more than worthless fluff while others may seen it as a worthwhile addition to the game.

In the end it will all depends on the person. Are you willing to pay for something that has the possibility to be a bad game?

10 years ago

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Collector Edition extras sometimes are, and they're often only available as preorder.

10 years ago

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except batman arkham knight

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Except BoI: Rebirth.

10 years ago

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I was tempted to, but the last game was kinda disappointing.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

10 years ago

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Like all new Bethesda games, no.

10 years ago

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can't stop watching it...

10 years ago

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Not worth for me as a German since there is no legal way to play the game uncut.

10 years ago

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I pre-order for €20 but I want to instant play, but never give 50€ to pre purchase as I pre order Rage and then was a sucked console port. Look at others webs, that have cheaper than steam ;)

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Console version have leaked :)

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Yeah, A LOT of people already have this.

10 years ago

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Don't pre-order. When it releases, you can buy.

10 years ago

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I would say pre ordering the dark soulds 2 was worth your money because the pre order gave you digital soundtrack and digital art book. I like pre order like dark souls 2 which gives your OST and concept or art design. Wolfenstein the new order's pre order bonus is crap...and I watched the official gameplay video days ago, I think I am gonna have headache while playing it, so I will wait to see the actualy gameplay on youtube and read some reviews before buying it.

10 years ago

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Only 1 major issue with it at this time, and that's the stupid requirements. It's more likely that the game will be unoptimized rather than "revolutionary". One does not simply choose to be the next Crysis.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Voidolt.