I had several Greasemonkey scripts on userscripts.org to improve the experience here on steamgifts. Earlier in the year userscripts.org bit the dust so I moved my scripts over to Greasy Fork, giving them better names and a small upgrade in the process. Now it's Near Year's Eve and I realised that it would be terrible if 2015 came along and I still hadn't actually told anyone that these scripts are available again so here they are:

steamgifts.com thank filter improves the presentation of comments on giveaways by moving all comments saying "thank you", "thanks" or other common simple thank-you messages into a neat little summary so that it's easier to see all the other comments.

steamgifts.com sync tracker - when you visit the sync page here on steamgifts.com this script adds a list of all games and groups that have been added or removed since the last time you were there. (this script used to be called Track SteamGifts sync when it was on userscripts.org - I took the move to Greasy Fork as an opportunity to make the name consistent with that of the thank filter script and also add tracking for groups)

steamgifts.com username shortcut keys makes it easier to write the names of other users on steamgifts. When commenting on a giveaway or writing a post on the forum you can press Alt+O to insert the name of the original poster of the topic or the creator of the giveaway. While writing a reply you can also press Alt+P to insert the name of the user who write the parent post (the post or comment to which you are replying). It works in the support forum too.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by BarefootMonkey.