its actually a terrible idea.
look at indiegals giveaways for the "Extra odds" giveaways... all it turns into is being forced into putting 100% of your points into a single GA just to get the same chance at winning as before... and your chances just drop more and more if try to enter anything else or miss a day
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Can you please explain what's terrible about the idea? I understand that this is just like "extra odds" giveaways on IndieGala, but I don't see what's so bad about it.
Yes, the scenario you described would suck, but that would only happen if literally everyone else also puts all 100% of their points into that one giveaway, which means that other giveaways would have near-zero entries and therefore bigger chance to win, if you enter those instead. So, that's a positive side of the idea.
In other words, if you want to "waste" all your points for slightly increasing your chance to win Hogwarts Legacy, but then I'll have a much better chance to win Cook Serve Delicious, that sounds like a win-win for me.
I don't have a strong preference either way, I'm just trying to understand both sides of the topic.
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Bots (Autojoiners) have more points available/can invest more of them because they never sleep, don't have appointments, are never ill etc..
And a Bot owner could maintain a wishlist of games for his bot, that he would prefer to enter/spend the points for.
Such "extra odds" GAs for like RDR, Baldurs Gate 3 etc. would have higher enntries as already.
IG have more bots as sg (and this was/is a hard task) + they don't care when you report multiaccounters to them
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I mean the bot would still have to run of a server so if the server goes down so does the bot, and likely the people you accuse of botting aren't each paying for hosting for a bot to be up 24/7 + I highly doubt cg or indiegala doesn't check for that at all like you suggest. Again your own accusations are jumbled up in your own words. Are these botters all using hosting service for their bots? Are they not because as I said it's way unrealistic? What are you claiming now? Why bot here when there's much more lucrative bot farms they could be running of a hosting service? TLDR: what I'm saying is it's likely running off their main pc and they have it do random checks whenever they play games or whatever with that pc on. That seems much more likely imo. I'd be interesting if cg ever had a bot farm here, like a single one. It would be faster to run a bot farm farming mats in a mmo and selling that and buying the games you want.
As for bots having more points because of that, I mean all you gotta do is login twice a day, one time in the morning, one time at night. I don't see how they accumulate more points. There's people here who have phones, what prevents them from going to sg and using their points while they wait in the doctors office?
And again, this still wouldn't be a problem, because people can use the giveaway levels to restrict people from joining at certain given thresholds.
Also, it's more than likely that bots already have wish lists and other presets to optimize for best % to win. So they already have the odds you are claiming, and adopting this method wouldn't do much except if the big games were low level giveaways and of course they were won by people who haven't given anything. Most of GA's for games like you suggest are higher levels, invite only and private groups. I don't remember the last time I saw a level 0 one of those. So it's not like it would affect you.
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Server hosting for a bot is either extremely cheap or free if you already have a VPS. I have a VPS for other things and it cost me $10 a year and I can easily host a bot script on it.
Bot doesn't need to run 24/7. You could write the bot as an AWS Lambda that runs every 10 minutes. Lambda is free.
You could just run the bot on your computer, or on your router/home server/pihole/NAS, for free.
The biggest expense is the waste of time developing it. Even if it's just a couple hours to write, there's no return on that investment. You'd get what, a bunch of garbage games tossed in the level 0 pool? And you can get banned. It's not a worthwhile effort.
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That's what I just said tho. It makes no sense to have a bot farm here. If you're going to pay for that, you're going to be botting an online game for resources and make multiples whatever you'd get from taking a few steam keys. Which assuming you'd want to continue your sg membership you'd activate on that account, rather than sell, which would eventually ban you, which would then result you in having to get another account which has to have spent what another $5 just to start botting again. Like the whole process makes no sense. Botters with servers aren't doing SG. They're doing it on their own machine and likely they're not even using a virtual machine cause that's unnecessary and pointless. Also like masafor suggests that they're on 24/7 or you suggest you could have it check every 10 minutes, all cg would have to do is track visiting times and see if it's humanly possible. If it isn't it's a bot. Like if someone is active every 10 minutes 24/7 for a whole week would you ever take the stance of maybe it's a real person? No of course not, even if they used some randomization in the 10 minute timer it's still impossible to be active 24/7. So that was a bit of a no brainer too.
That or maybe the botter just knows masafor gonna make another botter comment and they'd hurt their profits just for the fun of it. Otherwise there's no way anyone is doing this.
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I suspect there are a great many bots that visit every 10 minutes 24/7 for a whole week. And they are not banned because there is not oversight or moderation of them.
That I find the prospect of spending a few hours developing a bot to be a waste does not mean others do. I consider my dev time highly valuable. Not all do. There's developers on Fiverr.
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The main issue is that SG has "banking" system where you enter 4-week long giveaways, then quit them when they "ending soon" then enter new 4-week long GAs (if there's nothing interesting to join, that is).
So assuming there would be no interesting GA for them, that's 12000 points every month.
That's 240 multi-entries for 50 points GA.
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An easy way to fix this would be to cap the extra entries. "You can get up to 5 entries for this game", for example.
There's a similar issue with Gleam giveaways where some people could get hundreds of bonus entries by sharing their reflink to tons of accounts... I mean "friends". This is easily prevented by capping referral bonuses, like "get bonus entries by sharing up to 5 friends".
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If you want better odds, join groups like TalePlay or Masafors or Mini Jedi Training or NVPG. Then you get exceptional odds.
The other way to boost odds is to level up!
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and it's still better than gifting to leechers, idk why reigifts is propagating to feed rats, who see this site as a magic vending machine and which is highly unhealthy for the wellbeing of the site and we already see the decline in GAs, which i have predicted 2 years ago
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You've been provided with the tools to make invite only giveaways, wishlist giveaways, group giveaways, extensions for additional restrictions and you're still not happy. You want to take down the one thing you joined for, public giveaways. I don't see it as a vending machine, you want it to become a vending machine for you and your fanatics, I understand that among some very few bad leechers there are users who can't afford these games and are not in a position to realize the income to obtain some of the things they'd like to try out. Even if in some cases that's just farming cards to then sell/trade to get other things they want.(that being ok with me as well). You're on a crusade to shut down public giveaways because of a few bad actors and because you win more in a group with 30 users vs a giveaway with 3000 entries(math was not even once in your life obviously) and to shut down everyone else willing to partake in steamgifts as you joined it, with public giveaways, and I'm on a crusade to make sure you rats don't brainwash anyone else in your cults before they understand your mechanism.
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I see you're in the stage where I say something and you try and copy and me back. I say you're in a cult and I point it out you say I'm in a cult but can't associate me with no one. So additionally you accuse me of multi accounting too. Maybe a mod can answer this question for you or cg.
Do you ever check how many of those people on your blacklist have been banned, how many are still active, and how many have you linked together? It's a no, you don't check and you don't know because you got no data and no clue but nice try. and you just accused a bunch of innocent users like you always do.
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I see you're in the stage where I say something and you try and copy and me back.
And you totally didn't do that, nono, you have moral high ground, not, haha
Do you ever check how many of those people on your blacklist have been banned, how many are still active
Yes, my blacklist is well curated, which took me a lot of hours and still does, because I check all users regularly, i rarely get free spots (user banned or deleted) so i can add someone from my soon to be blacklisted list, even 1000 spots for lvl 5+ users aren't enough, but it's only a few, right? Are you able to extrapolate some data with this information?
It's a no, you don't check and you don't know because you got no data and no clue but nice try. and you just accused a bunch of innocent users like you always do.
blah blah blah unfounded accusation BS rant rant rant
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"And you totally didn't do that, nono, you have moral high ground, not, haha"
I turned your insult back on you, you just copied my insult. Slightly different.
"Yes, my blacklist is well curated, which took me a lot of hours and still does, because I check all users regularly, i rarely get free spots
(user banned or deleted) so i can add someone from my soon to be blacklisted list, even 1000 spots for lvl 5+ users aren't enough, but it's
only a few, right? Are you able to extrapolate some data with this information?"
Well no wonder you feel like you have a hard time winning public GA's. Even if one of those so called "leechers" made a giveaway you've just cut yourself from the chance of winning their giveaway.
"blah blah blah unfounded accusation BS rant rant rant"
Typical response.
V to address your bs below simply, you never provided any data to be analyzed, you just made fade claims that you had something. Aka you lied to pretend you know something. The rest is just nonsensical garbage like you always produce, so it isn't worth even going over it. Try again next time.
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yawn, your posts are getting lame fast and i'm really bored of them, it's like talking to a 12-year old
And you're funny as a fart at best, seems you're having a real discrepancy between reality and self- perception, bro get some help, like seriously or just go on and make a joke out of you even more
I turned your insult back on you, you just copied my insult. Slightly different.
You're talking about the one where i cited you? Of course there aren't any other examples, nono wink wink
Well no wonder you feel like you have a hard time winning public GA's. Even if one of those so called "leechers" made a giveaway you've just cut yourself from the chance of winning their giveaway.
You performed as expected, congratulations, you're not able to analyze any data. What makes you think i blacklisted people, which i could win from?
Also great you'd proven me right at the same time in you having problems drawing the right conclusions, i never said i feel like having a hard time winning public GAs.
Is it just another lousy attempt to distort the conversation or is it based on your impairment?
Typical response.
Well, what should i answer more, when i refuted your accusation of not checking my blacklist.
You're throwing so much mud, hoping something sticks, which in the end is BS on just more BS, i wonder, if someone still takes you for serious
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Full disclosure, I don't really have complaints with most of the game-swapping groups. They're pretty upfront about what they are, so I'd argue calling them "predatory" is maybe a bit much. I think the idea of them is largely antithetical to the premise of "gifting", but at least most of those groups are upfront about their expectations.
That said, my biggest gripe with Masafor's cult is the constant crusading. The "everyone outside the group is not to be trusted and should be assumed to be bots, leeches, multi-accounting, CV manipulators, etc." rhetoric is genuinely sickening. At a time when there's a lot of shit going on in the world, a lot of people just need a place to hang out, play games, and make friends. Meanwhile their cult is out here sowing distrust and calling for witch hunts. They claim to be protecting the site and its community. There are plenty of positive ways to foster a community via events, puzzles, and polls. But you won't see them advocating for that. Nooooo.
And I wouldn't be surprised to see them come crawling out of the woodworks to spout more of the typical "We have the data bro. No, you wouldn't understand it, just trust me bro" garbage
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IDK. I'm not in Masafor's group and he has always been very friendly and respectful to me.
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Others made me aware of your comment and after reading your comment i regret that i took you down from the comment block list for it.
Please stop to write idiotic stuff about my group or you look like a complete idiot (feel free to appear however you want to be seen...). I am sure it will not happen, X are X... (set the fitting word for X by your own)
I will not see a comment of you to it and the people that made me aware got told to not make me aware again to a stupid comment of you.
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Blah blah blah your cult members something something. I could care less how you or any person you associate with sees me, you already know what opinion I got of you and your group, so I don't know why you'd think I'd care if you or your zombies would dislike me.
PS: Next time they could just paste you the message and you could just move on if it didn't trigger you and you thought it was so dumb with your extensions and whatever, but it did trigger you enough to disable it, so stop the cap no one is falling for that.
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Honestly every group I ever joined with monthly requirements, I ended up winning as much or more than I was gifting so it's not really predatory either. Just a way to keep a group active and make sure there aren't members just cruising along but I've seen groups like these called "circle jerks" and "1:1 trading groups", which tbh is also a very broad characterization.
Regardless, I agree Masa's group doesn't fall in either category.
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Ratio-enforced groups tend to have people thinking more about whether they really want to play games before entering.
I honestly don't have a problem with that, on the contrary. Did it screw my "real CV ratio" though? Oh yeah XD but whatever.
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But if you malign a group by calling it 'predatory,' you should be using the community's sense of the word. If not, you should offer a definition that helps us understand your criticism. And if you realize now you spoke out of turn, maybe you didn't appreciate that there is no regular obligaion, say so. Don't leave the label 'predatory' to stand like it's a matter of opinion.
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he's just FUBAR and it shows again, that he has no clue about groups and can differ between them, they are all bad for them, because their agenda is "unrestricted public GAs" delusional and as mentioned above, highly unhealthy for the site, idk why they want to bring the site down, with their weird agenda
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I'll be nice with you once since someone told you're on meds and you're super depressed and asked me nicely to ignore you so you don't get worse than you already are(not that everyone isn't depressed join the party) or if you'd like we can proceed with this useless toxic rant you went on and see how you feel. You know I don't mind.
Promoting users to make group giveaways hurts the site more than promoting people to make public giveaways. I don't think that even needs explaining but let me know what part of it you don't get and I'm here to explain it in detail if you'd like. It's not even a question if this was a group giveaways only site this would die instantly because you yourself didn't join here for the group giveaways and to give in a group to be able to win something. How do I know? Look at your first won, and first sent giveaways. At the same time, CG has provided the options for group giveaways as well to satisfy you people, and it still isn't enough for you guys.
PS: I'd be curious if CG would be able to provide a % of how many users won their first GA from a group giveaway. I think it would be informational although it seems self explanatory as well. I estimate 99.9% public wins for a users first win and a 0.01% first win from group ga's. I don't think I can find a single user in masafors group, that won their first GA from a group but I'd like to be happily surprised(maybe I shouldn't count unlucky 7 here but I will, why not, I"m confident my % stands even with that).
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Great you're making this personal and revealing my situation in full, which I told very few people about in confidence, and without my consent, not even trying to circumscribe it, shows something about your character and which is an lousy attempt to deflect from the original topic
But to clarify I'm on meds against PTSD, the high tension makes me just short-fused and I'm not depressed, my nick has other roots, that's why it's written with an s
It's not even a question if this was a group giveaways only site this would die instantly
You're talking BS, i heard that stupid argument a thousand times and it's highly unlikely to assume there would be no public GAs.
Your second assumption with an instant death is also wrong, even in the rare case there would be no public GAs, there will be a shitton of group or invite GAs
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"I'll ignore you, since I didn't replied to you."
This isn't what ignoring is like.
"Also great you're making this personal and revealing my situation in full, which I told very few people about in confidence, and without my consent, not even trying to circumscribe it, shows something about your character"
I mean I made nothing personal first, I just treated you like you treated me, so not sure why you're upset. You called me out first didn't you? Also I was wrong I didn't even remember what you had right, you could've just said that's not it. But you seem to take the stance it's totally cool for you to call others FUBAR, delusional and other things, but if someone calls you out you're offended. Boo hoo? Ever thought about anyone else in your life other than yourself you selfish brat?
"and which is an lousy attempt to deflect from the original topic"
You could have discussed the original topic if that's what you wanted. But you wanted an argument with me instead. You could've tried to debate where most users win their giveaways from if you thought it was wrong. But you didn't. Like always.
"You're talking BS, i heard that stupid argument a thousand times and it's highly unlikely to assume there would be no public GAs.
Your second assumption with an instant death is also wrong, even in the rare case there would be no public GAs, there will be a shitton of
group or invite GAs"
Wrong. There's a reason it hasn't been done and that should tell you enough about it already. My second assumption is also correct, because if that's the case it would be a trading site, not a giving site, and good luck with any new users signing up to be here when it's already a struggle to get them to sign up. If you take certain factors in consideration of about a 2k users registered each month, about 30k active per month, and 1.2 mil accounts made, when it's free to sign up and join public giveaways, I'm really curious what the signups are in your mind when the user has to give something first to continue using the site. Or you're just imagining some sort of group system that works like the public system case in which whats the point of groups.
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I mean I made nothing personal. You called me out first didn't you?
Calling out and throwing names isn't the same as revealing personal situation
Ever thought about anyone else in your life other than yourself you selfish brat?
Easy one, i worked as a Paramedic, loser
because if that's the case it would be a trading site
But a lousy trading site, with trading your game against an unknown game, there are better options for that and completely ignoring the existence of invite GAs, because that would make your argument invalid, right?
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Calling out and throwing names isn't the same as revealing personal situation
Still it's not personal to me, I don't know you, nor do I care to, I was trying to be nice to you cause I wanted to be understanding of your situation but honestly you don't seem to care, but rather you seem to use that your advantage to get people to pity you. Everyone has it hard in their own different way, no reason why you're acting like this and you get special treatment from me. So I'm not letting it pass if you don't understand how to treat others.
Easy one, i worked as a Paramedic, loser
What does this have to do with anything? It's a job, it pays well, great benefits, and you know what you sign up for. Based on how you treat others, not just myself in the forums, it's demonstrated that rather than try to argue for your point of view and try and reach an understanding of what is right, you'd be happier to derail to something like this with insults and stupidity. What you want praise for being a paramedic? You think you're above others cause you were a paramedic? Even a McDonalds employee is necessary and can treat others with respect. There will be a day when neither will be essential and robots will replace both duties. Doesn't mean you're special. Think about how many jobs other than yours were essential during Covid for instance, since you mentioned that in a different comment. You aren't special, there's a million positions that make this world turn and we all engage with each others, and for the most part we do it respectfully. If that's how you come at me, that's how I come at you. I don't discriminate everyone gets fair treatment. Big loser behavior detected?
But a lousy trading site, with trading your game against an unknown game, there are better options for that and completely ignoring the
existence of invite GAs, because that would make your argument invalid, right?
Regardless you'd be trading it for a game you guaranteed don't have, so it would be a win, it would be simple effective, and time efficient vs using a trading site where you gotta talk to the person, set up the trade, etc. Not sure what you're trying to say with invite only giveaways, but they make what 25% of the current site's total giveaways per month, so they work as intended. The point is the larger majority will always have to be public giveaways.
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be nice in revealing personal information, haha, get lost, I heard enough of your BS for today
but rather you seem to use that your advantage to get people to pity you
Where did I do that?
Not sure what you're trying to say with invite only giveaways, but they make what 25% of the current site's total giveaways per month
Can you follow the discussion through all your BS? It seems you have problems.
It's not a trading site or something like that, when there are invite GAs
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"be nice in revealing personal information, haha, get lost, I heard enough of your BS for today"
I didn't even remember right, you went on ahead and corrected me and revealed it yourself. Then you went on to reveal even more without anyone asking.
"Where did I do that?"
Trap question? I have respect for other people so I wont go in detail, but take the above for instance, I was wrong, but you went out and did it yourself. Like why else other than pity? I wont care and you should've already known that from our previous convo. You could've just said that's not it. At the same time, you're not exactly being discreet about it either. I mean look at yourself for a second and if you can put two and two together which anyone can, it would be obvious.
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Still, you did the first step and I corrected it, now don't blame me
Like why else other than pity?
Either you live in a sad world, where all you can see is pity or you are that narrow-minded to see only one reason, or both.
And now trying to fabricate something, so your accusation isn't revealed as what it was, utter BS
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"Still, you did the first step and I corrected it, now don't blame me"
Not trying to blame you, but pointing out you basically played yourself, so trying to put the blame on me is weird, when remember who started all this, you because you couldn't be civil and you get angry and irate.
"Either you live in a sad world, where all you can see is pity or you are that narrow-minded to see only one reason, or both.
And now trying to fabricate something, so your accusation isn't revealed as what it was, utter BS"
How do I even unpack this, I feel like I need a decompiler for whatever you just wrote. Well to start up, we do live in a sad world. I don't see just pity or one reason or both. I looked overall at the situation and possibilities and deduced the most likely reason for what you did. Validation, so pity? What else is there, I asked right?
My accusation was already partly wrong, or partially right, as you were the one that corrected me, regardless it was warranted for your behavior which you started. I'm also not FUBAR or delusional nor do I have a weird agenda about SG, in fact I barely comment except when I see propaganda towards making the site more private. You yourself went ahead first with accusations and slander you have no idea to be factual or correct, I at least knew part of your story part of because you make it public, and you acknowledged it and filled in the blanks.
PS: I was going to make a joke about this becoming your therapy session and you arranging payment but I think mods wouldn't find that as funny as I do. I think Noxco's got it out for me too forget who he's friends with in these groups.
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Not maligning anything. Masafor is known to be a tin foil wearer about his autojoin theory and we've had multiple discussions about his beliefs on who are bots and his data and percentages which fluctuate over whatever numbers you can imagine and he's always failed to come through with a proper argument. Since it's his group where he controls the entry and exits you could enter give something and be kicked out for not meeting his standards before you ever win anything back to make up for it. If you wanna invite him to open that discussion about his beliefs again I welcome you, I'll refute all his arguments and data again but remember, this is why he doesn't want to talk to me, look at his previous threads, my discussions with him are there, his data didn't add up then, it wont add up now. He used to claim 90+ of the site users were bots. My label stands, hes untrustworthy and he will never be. Just because a lot of high level users joined his group based of course on masafors selective standards doesn't mean that's a proper group to join. I gave a proper alternative, that being Taleplay. Exponentially a much better group, especially for newer people to the site, which masafor would never want anyways. My label stands and it's not maligned without cause, these groups operate this way and they deserve to be called out for it.
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"Since it's his group where he controls the entry and exits you could enter give something and be kicked out for not meeting his standards before you ever win anything back to make up for it." your definition of 'predatory' is enforcing the standards of entry even after entry? Like that's not clear to begin with? Okay. It sounds like tinfoil is in your wardrobe as well.
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It's more linked to Masafor being unpredictably toxic. So you'd never know when you get screwed up. Now I don't see him screw up someone from the forum that's a level 10 that he personally invites and is friends with, but I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this happens on a regular to users who have no rep. That's why I wouldn't recommend his group to someone who's new and not very active on the forums, likely they wont even qualify as he looks down on those people.
Also if you enter, give something and get kicked out, that's predatory yes.
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No, predatory is when the intent is to lure people in only to kick them out.
People are only bumped from MGoF for toxic behavior, or for winning 'too much' without giving back, and both of those have talking-to's and grace periods for a person to reform.
"..but I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this happens on a regular to users who have no rep."
Oh! So totally groundless maligning.
What's a reason for someone to smear the name of an anti-bot crusader (retired)? I could craft an "I wouldn't be surprised if" out of that one myself.
You aren't worth more air, so I'm done.
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People are only bumped from MGoF for toxic behavior, or for winning 'too much' without giving back, and both of those have talking-to's and grace periods for a person to reform.
You're only partially right, there is no grace period, if you're only Cent over the -50$ (even, if it's caused by temporary price changes) and enter a GA by accident you get kicked (even, if you have GAs ending soon and are a long time member) by a wannabe police officer, who's making up additional rules and has no integrity. Not talking about how such a vibe is unworthy for a so called group of friends.
I really tried to give constructive criticism earlier, but all i got was a MSKOTOR silence, so the outcome was expected.
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He doesn't want to talk to you, because you're an idiot not having any data yourself, but doubting every data you're given and which people spent and still spend a lot of time gathering.
All you can do is sowing distrust and repeating your conjectured theories off your crooked mind
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No, that's not quite right. He doesn't want to talk to me because he knows I'm not an idiot, he knows I'll question and dissect his "data" or whatever, and he knows the data him and his people gathered is inconsistent. Masafor is the person who said he was okay with banning innocent users in the pursuit of getting some cheaters. That alone demonstrates how biased and useless his so called data he's afraid of revealing actually is. Not sure how he got you guys in a cult, but again, reveal the data, lets see it.
I don't sow distrust, I ask for the data so I can judge it, because he accuses innocent users. If I was a scientist, masafor's group would be the church and you'd want to burn me on a cross as a heretic for questioning your "god". Show me your god, if you yourself can't prove it, then it's likely not good enough to be usable data. If you yourself cannot stand behind your belief and argue for it, then it's not good enough and you have to rethink why is it not good enough. If you can't find a reason why it's not good enough, you're wrong. I'm telling you, you guys are in a cult and you don't even realize it, it's kinda funny and I enjoy engaging.
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"I can assure you that you are wrong this topic." was in response to you calling me a covid denier. Not even sure where that came from or what you are basing that off? Just pulled that off your ass to spread some misinformation?
If you need data regarding bots and against masafors data, just look at masafor's threads and find my replies. See the difference between his data and my data is that it's not possible for what masafor suggests to be happening and I've explained why in detail, every time he switched and mixed his story up to try and fit his narrative I've pointed out the inconsistencies.
If you have some data you'd be willing to share with us please do and I will analyze it right here and point out whether theres inconsistencies. Kinda like I did with masafor except he had no data he just had some numbers that one day were 95% one day they were 35% one day they were 15% one day they were 65% another day it was about how safe groups are etc.
Like one thing I remember is what prevents someone botting in masafor's group to be exact? All they have to do is get themselves in the group for instance, then they can enter for the giveaways they want, a bot is still a bot and will operate as designed. You think just because the user has to say "let me in your group" and they make 1 giveaway that there's no bots in there, but likely there's plenty of botters in masafors group right now and he will never find them out, because they use certain techniques, which I described would make it undetectable. Any programmer should be able to at least describe this to you.
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Not even sure where that came from or what you are basing that off?
If you have to ask that question you really have some cognitive impairment and neither can follow a conversation, nor taking the right conclusions to realize being off the track, but I'm starting to repeat myself
If you have some data you'd be willing to share with us please do and I will analyze it
I already told you it's sensless, it would be like showing scientific data to a flatearther or Covid denier
but likely there's plenty of botters in masafors group right now
Fast, grab your tin foil head or they will read your mind!
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If you have to ask that question you really have some cognitive impairment and neither can follow a conversation, nor taking the
right conclusions to realize being off the track, but I'm starting to repeat myself
? Again tho what does this have to do with covid and covid denial? I'm interested. For the sake of that one user or mod whos gonna read this garbage, would you be so kind to them how you deduce someone is a covid denier from whatever else happened in this thread? From your paramedic expertise of course. Not even close to neuroscience but I'm interested.
I think you tried to associate me with a certain group of people just cause you're upset at me but you didn't realize where you are standing yourself on that scale versus me. Like you're part of a cult sweetie, and you don't even know it.
So is this what I think, just some very weak attempt at an insult? It's just so off mark for it to even be an insult. It's like me saying you fart so much the European union could stop using Russia for gas and swap to you instead. Like who cares it's not even close to the topic. At least mine is funny.
I already told you it's sensless, it would be like showing scientific data to a flatearther or Covid denier
Lmao typical. I mean you're exactly like masafor, All talk no walk, you got 0 data. Bet he never had anything to show you or he just showed you the multiplication table and you mistook that for the data. Alright I got it, no data, just talk.
Fast, grab your tin foil head or they will read your mind!
Sorry but that's my joke, it's you guys who claim there's crazy amounts of bots and whatever and can't prove any of it. So the tin foil have been reserved to you and your party.
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me thinks they are using an auto joiner script as they have
7 years ago
giveaways joined 186,393
my profile sits at.
10 years ago
Giveaways Entered
and im almost always on this site about 2 times a day at least
i smell fuckery
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Ask cg how many times a day I come to SG. If your average is 2 times a day, my average is probably 10 times a day. (quick edit, I've had sg open in at least 5 tabs today for over 12 hours, this is a bit much for me tbh but I managed 4 of you guys here and provided therapy for 1 at no cost). Don't wanna say I got no life, but I mean I kinda don't got anything better to do. Then look at masafors account. Or is 30k difference what breaks it for you, considering he has his BL maxed out, and is super restrictive to his own group. How did he do it?
Also tf you got 191k joined 10 years ago? You're pointing fingers everywhere.
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It's not possible, and IMO, it would make giveaways unbalanced. Currently, every entry has the exact same odds within the scope of each giveaway. Which is both fair and ideal.
You currently have 225 wins on this site and have hosted 30 giveaways. I'd say you have already done quite well for yourself as is.
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I hate it when other sites do that and I'm thankful that SG doesn't support that, it basically means that you have to dump all your points into a single giveaway if you want any chance at winning it, while here you just enter once and every participant is just as likely to win, balanced by sheer simplicity.
For example I just skip the giveaways that allow multiple entries at indiegala, not worth bothering with those.
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If you increase your odds a little bit, then at the same time odds for another user will decrease. The chances of winning something in public giveaways are extremely low, and with this change, the chances for ordinary users would be zero. What's the point of joining giveaways for ordinary users then? To me, it sounds bad and kinda selfish.
Odds for everyone should be equal and not depend on external factors such as the user's level and his contribution or additional points in your case.
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Maybe number of maximum available points should be according to your level, the more your level is the more points you should have and vise versa
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There's a lot of misleading information here. Generally when there's an event going somewhere you're bound to have an increase of attendance for that event. If you can use an analogy for the steam sale for instance, when it first launched, it crashes the store for a bit because everyone is buying games at once. Those are not bots, they're users taking advantage of an event. We should be happy if people come here during holidays to participate in events, for SG the only event in particular being the holiday boxes, since there's nothing for easter or any other holday.
There's other inconsistencies, why specifically the holiday boxes, what prevented these bots from joining these AAA giveaways until now? Nothing really, it's just the holidays, there's vacations, time off school, etc. Are you accounting for these people?
Also, it makes no sense to create steam accounts and add $100 of value(even if somewhat reduced), to register them on sg, to have to use vpns, proxies and other methods to avoid detection, when you could be botting gold in a dying MMO like wow and still make more money per hour.
Not saying there's no bots or that no one joins and bots for that purpose but the numbers you are referencing wouldn't be reasonable with bots. There has to be a ratio to real/cheaters due to how the system is set up and what's profitable so for however many cheaters you'd have, you'd have a lot more real users. The cheaters would probably be able to enter faster(although that's irrelevant and likely not what they'd do for obvious reasons), but there wouldn't be as many as real signups and real users trying the site out. Basically you've fallen into masafor's theory of if it's a new user it's likely a bot. I for instance invited someone to this site, it took them forever to win one game and they stopped entering because likely they got bored, I never asked and their account is now gone unless they changed their username. Not a bot but someone who tried the site out, it wasn't for them and didn't come back.
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We should be happy if people come here during holidays to participate in events
If they're users who are going to actually participate in the community (and I don't mean necessarily making giveaways but you know... be a member of the community, participate in threads, not just be a ninja trying to win the jackpot), then sure, I have no problem with that, quite the opposite.
Also I didn't say anything about bots. I said multi-accounters, which is against rules for a reason.
There's other inconsistencies
lol ok Sherlock Holmes but I wasn't making an exposé. I was saying numbers paint a clear picture. I don't see any inconsistencies in that.
Nothing really, it's just the holidays, there's vacations, time off school, etc. Are you accounting for these people?
I'm not sure why you think I wasn't. I'm not saying the fact that there are a lot of entries in the holiday event means bad people invaded SG or something ...
Also, it makes no sense to create steam accounts and add $100 of value(even if somewhat reduced), to register them on sg
lol I am with you on that. It makes no sense. And yet some people are doing it. A lot of people. I'm guessing the fact that everything you say can be automated really easily makes it obvious for them. I wouldn't but that doesn't change the fact that they exist.
As for 100 bucks on Steam... there are dozens and dozens of games worth 100 to 200 bucks on Steam that are popping up every week in the store and they're worth pennies on the grey market so I don't think it's really a problem for anyone anymore.
when you could be botting gold in a dying MMO like wow and still make more money per hour.
There are also giveaway elsewhere, like Discord and Twitch, and they all require hours and hours of hard work all to get games that most of them won't even play. It makes no sense to me and yet...
Basically you've fallen into masafor's theory of if it's a new user it's likely a bot
I really never thought or said that. And again I said nothing about bots. Multi-accounters with or without bots would benefit from the gambling points system, that's all.
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"lol ok Sherlock Holmes but I wasn't making an exposé. I was saying numbers paint a clear picture. I don't see any inconsistencies in
Would you be able to show us some numbers? Recently everyone has numbers and data but no one is able to provide anything when asked for it. I could also do without the sherlock but we can speak like that if you want.
"I'm not sure why you think I wasn't. I'm not saying the fact that there are a lot of entries in the holiday event means bad people invaded
SG or something ..."
Since you have numbers, can you show us how this affects your numbers? What % are real people and what % are multi accounters? Even to your estimation and how you deduced that?
"lol I am with you on that. It makes no sense. And yet some people are doing it. A lot of people. I'm guessing the fact that everything you
say can be automated really easily makes it obvious for them. I wouldn't but that doesn't change the fact that they exist.
As for 100 bucks on Steam... there are dozens and dozens of games worth 100 to 200 bucks on Steam that are popping up every week
in the store and they're worth pennies on the grey market so I don't think it's really a problem for anyone anymore."
In the TOS it says
"What are the requirements for registering?
Users sign-in using their Steam account, and we require their account to be valued at $100.00 or greater. Games that have been
accessible through bundles, or games that were once available for free due to promotions or pricing errors are not included in this
calculation. We have this requirement in place to prevent users from registering multiple accounts."
I think it would still require too much investment on a multi accounters side to make this happen for too little return, when it's cheaper to bot in wow. Like what is their end goal here? To steal your game? They have some agenda against you? Why not bot in wow, sell the gold and buy whatever they want? Cause it's not profit, selling the account after wont generate enough money to make for what a bot would earn.
"There are also giveaway elsewhere, like Discord and Twitch, and they all require hours and hours of hard work all to get games that
most of them won't even play. It makes no sense to me and yet..."
If you're referring to the hit whatever channel, those are people afking(or bots if you wanna call afking botting) in a new window which are much simpler(0 experience) to set up, absolutely 0 investment to get into it. They have a guaranteed spend chance once they earn the points, after which they receive a key they can activate wherever they want. On SG to maintain membership they have to activate on that acc, and they can win a game every once what 250 - 1000 entries on average and if they are picky with their games like going for AAA titles for instance they might not even get one in years. It doesn't really add up. There might be some who do it, but there cannot be close to as many as some of these people claim there are. The number must be absolutely minimal.
"I really never thought or said that. And again I said nothing about bots. Multi-accounters with or without bots would benefit from the
gambling points system, that's all."
I'm curious as to how though, it would encourage people to be saving their points for the games they want the most, therefore reducing the % chance to win of very popular games. Secondly, those who are okay with lesser relevant games, would have an increase chance of winning games not as wanted, as they pass on the most wanted games. Of course, the top AAA games would become harder to get and lesser wanted games would become easier to get. But I don't see how they(multi accounters or botters) could impact this severely. Technically everyone would benefit from such a point system as people could centralize their efforts for the things they want the most. Again, I'm not particularly for this idea because the way it is right now is simple and it works. I'm just explaining my opinion that it seems more than unlikely to me that this could affect the groups that differently.
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this was a system SteamCompanion had in place when it was doing giveaways and you could choose to make a giveaway with 1 entry per person or multiple.
i would dump all my points into a giveaway ending at the latest and pull them out to put in stuff i wanted.
won a few amazing games from that site, most of what i win here is garbage
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Disrespectful to tell your gifters that the gifts they sent you are garbage although you asked for them. If you're not interested in playing lower tier games, indie games that are not mega hyped out or something, maybe do a bit of research. Like I avoid certain things too sometimes, but I'm not gonna call any of my wins garbage. Everything I won I wanted and I'm happy I have the chance to play them.
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your wins
Jigsaw Novel - Sexy Job Interview
Futanari Sex Adventures
Public Toilet Sex
a basic search tells me you have no play time on any of them or many other wins you have
ive played my almost every single win on steam gifts, very few i havnt touched yet
your welcome to check my full last 5+ pages of wins, they all have play times
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Reviewing is one option, you could even automate it and use chatgpt with x game name and spam your reviews. Pretty sure vahid did it manually tho, mad man, respect for being that desperate, but still despicable behavior. You could post reviews that bait for attention too, like "if this gets 100 upvotes I'll adopt a kitten" on cat games or some coming out of closet stuff on a lgbtq game, or I mean some ascii of some ass and boobs people love ass and boobs and who can blame them? Not exactly a game review, but it works. For reference you can buy a game, play less than 2 hours, review it, and refund it and it wont show as refunded. You can refund and review after, and then it will show as refunded.
Another option would be to post trash topics in the discussions forums. I'd say the most efficient is clown farming, in general you're targeting newer games and post some of the most braindead shit you can imagine. "Hey guys this game sucks cause sucks and sucks and you all suck". Gonna get you a bunch of clowns and the longer it is the more poems you gonna get.
There's also groups/forums where you can get free awards and trade trading cards/emotes/$/+rep/etc for awards/points/etc.
You can also spam screenshots/videos/artwork/guides/whatever other content on steam. I've seen a profile yesterday with 68 000 screenshots.
"Action has been taken on a report you submitted — 1 hour ago
Thanks for reporting a discussions post
A discussion post you reported has been reviewed and action has been taken. Thank you for helping to make the Steam Community a better place.
Please visit our Community Rules and Guidelines Article for more information on how we moderate Steam."
Look I just got a clowns post removed I didn't even have to try. I could've given him an award but that's what he wants, that or the service he's selling. But people not very smart so they do it.
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with 68 000 screenshots.
im 95% sure this is just another lie your spreading
steam caps out your screen shots at 20 gb OR a much lower number
for artwork its 5000 or 20 GBs
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Hmm I tried to look him up for you but I can't. But you can find plenty of profiles at around 25-26k and you have to consider these are 1080p screenshots. It's just about data, less resolution, more screenshots, but how many people are playing in 480p or 360p or psychos in 160? No one and steam ladder doesn't track max screenshots. If I find him again I'll update this, but for now we'll say cap is 26k again at 1080p.
I don't know about artwork, I just play cs and look to see whos cheating so it surprised me too, but didn't think it was remarkable since how many people nowadays like you do review spam for instance? I find that behavior common so I'm not surprised.
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Prove me wrong? Start playing your games like you say you do before you criticize others? Or is this gonna hurt your rep in your groups?
Next time you should have achievements on private, that makes it a lot harder to track your claims. Although then you'd just be a closet cheater, and I wouldn't let it pass till you made them public to prove it.
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Never said they weren't, I advised you on making them private because as it is you've only provided me data for calling you out on your bullshit. Was trying to help you out on trying to play the closet cheater next time, since you can't even do that properly.
V: Look at your acc, the data is public. You got hundreds of games as I specified, not just a few. Maybe thousands. You're just a bot.
Prosac: I'd let you have the last word but then you'd stay as dumb as you are right now and you'd think you were right.
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Because I don't afk my games just to run a timer on them to make a review like you do to run a point farm on steam. Not sure if you thought that wasn't obvious? I just don't crave the attention you do. Check how many games you have with plenty of hours and 0 achievements. You've what, played the main menu of archi? I too afk cards, and I do want to play all my wins eventually, but I'm also somewhat short on time until I get to retire, hopefully it's soon. I think you also have a life situation that gives you a bit more time not sure if I remember correctly. Some of us are blessed and cursed differently. Congrats.
Reference for your point farm, happy you were able to give some back from what you farmed.
PS: Interesting you mentioned only porn games. Are you very timid? Shy? You're probably late 30's, 40's. No need to be so reserved, relax. I mean you could've mentioned some really fun games from there that I've been meaning to play, but atm I'm grinding PL145 in STW so I'm estimating a few more months. You wouldn't know cause you play a game for 30 mins and review it for the sake of getting some points.
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If you look above, like in your situation, you see he's the one that attacked me first. Remember, I treat you as you treat me.
As for porn games I don't exactly understand your question, why do people play porn games, why do people travel, why do people watch tv shows, sometimes twice, why do people dance, have sex, use sex toys, etc. They're things to fill your time with. To deeper answer your question, if you look at my account, I actually don't really play porn games, honestly I don't remember the last time I did play one, it would be my least played steam genre but I'm still interested and think I can get some good laughs out of them, however he chose to focus on this cause it fit his narrative of trying to find something against me. He thought it would bother me. But I'm not a simpleton like your or him, I don't discriminate just for the sake of discriminating. That's what you, him and people like you guys do, why, because you got nothing else. You make a big thing out of porn games, but you accuse me of being a basement dweller with no gf. What are you, if this is what offends you and triggers your sensitivities, the boy living in the bubble? It's like someone would tell you they masturbate and you'd lose your mind like how can someone do such a thing, but then you'll go do it yourself. Do you watch porn prosac? Do you think someone you know watches porn? The girl you liked? A family member? The person you thought would never watch porn, do you think they watch porn? The answer is yes. Yes girls do poop. Relax, you're a past paramedic or something, no need to go into shock. You're so weak if you thought this was going to offend me.
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Listen mine is a funny turn around on your simple insult when you had nothing to say to losing the argument. If you can at least make me laugh I'll tell you. This is weak tho. Like you still gotta refute my arguments if you feel strong. Lets see it happen. At least an attempt.
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keep crying my dude, you got caught with your pants down.
ooooh no im farming steam awards to??? give them all back to people???
Awards Received
Total Received: 11,241 (2,338,000 Steam Points)
Awards Given
Total Given: 6,906 (2,140,800 Steam Points)
was greedy of me to use a few on myself, im sorry
i think i shall do more giveaways when i hit 6969
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I'm not offended that I own or play porn games. I ain't no bitch. Like I explained to prosac, people masturbate, they take shits, socialize, and do other things. If you think a porn game is that bad then this only strengthens my point regarding you playing those "trash" games as you call them, why do you? If it's something you're so against? Reality is your logic is flawed and it shows you had nothing else, but nice try. Like I asked prosac, do you think the people around you don't watch porn or masturbate? Will you stand here and tell others you don't masturbate? Go for it. You're both so weak.
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The idea is 50/50 for me.
Here's why:
-the good = allowing multiple entries in ACTUAL games that people wanted instead of spamming points randomly like two times per day.
-the bad = people would just dive in and spend more points in specific GAs, the odds of you winning would hardly change, it would be minimal. People would also find ways to exploit this, bots are an issue (which is why i usually avoid public GAs or when i do them i put 1 to 3 lvl requirement). This would have to be capped at 2x entries, otherwise people would bank points to then invest in specific GAs. This would also have to be capped weekly or monthly. Like giving each user a specific amount of attempts in a given time period, like once a day you are allowed to double entry (imho it should lock out if you do this, so there is no going back, or lock the GA if you remove the double entry, meaning you aren't allowed back in). This would have to only work in public GAs, any other type of GA it would create an unfair environment as it would allow exploiting (imagine entering a puzzle GA from the community discussions with 50 entries and 1 hour left to join, you entering at this point in time, with the double entry boon yet to be used while most of other entries are single entries, this is bad and it is why i suggest public stuff only).
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I'm still not sure how luck works here.
I personally think it will always depend on how much people joins. Even if there is a game I'm dying for, I would usually give up if it has more than 700 entries.
I think just having 1 chance to participate is fair enough.
Now, it is also true bots usually win the best stuff. Since I think they join the Giveaways no matter what, I wonder how they do to have that luck. Seems like my logic can't be applied to them?
Edit: P/S: I hate IG.
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No, but as I said, I think the most entries a Giveaway has, the less are your chances.
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How it is right now, is the fairest way. Everyone has the same chance. Changing any of that makes it unfair. So, no.
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extra points that you can use to improve your desired game
is this possible?
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